BEIN USA160: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., Suit system: Liberty bells, British lions, American arms, British crowns., Each card contains a brief note on an American or British military or political leaders in the period of the American Revolution., and Composition of deck: 48 [1-12 in each suit.]
BEIN USA198: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title from wrapper., Suit system: Monitors, Merrimacks, Zouaves, drummer boys., Type: Historical., Composition of deck: 52 [A, K, Q, J, 10-2]., Issued in Wrapper, red, white, and blue: ARMY & NAVY / PLAYING CARDS / MANUFACTURED BY / A. DOUGHERTY, New York. / Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by / ANDREW DOUGHERTY, / In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for / the Southern District of New York., Aces: Ace of Monitors: TO COMMEMORATE / THE GREATEST EVENT IN NAVAL HISTORY. / THE SUBSTITUTION OF / IRON FOR WOOD. / A. DOUGHERTY / MANUFACTURER / 26 BEEKMAN ST. N.Y.; ace of Merrimacks: A. DOUGHERTY / MANUFACTURER / 26 BEEKMAN ST. N.Y., and CourtCards: Courts are caricatures.
BEIN USA152: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., and Each card bears the portrait of a Confederate military officer or statesman: Maj. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard, Gen. Braxton Bragg, Gen. Buckner, Jefferson Davis, Gen. John B. Floyd, Gen. R.S. Garnett, Brig. Gen. Hardee, Brig, Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson, Maj. Gen. A. S. Johnston, Gen. Joe E. Johnston, Gen. R. E. Lee, Maj.Gen. G. J. Pillow, Brig.Gen. L. Polk, Maj. Gen. Sterling Price, Com. Maury, Gen. Benj. McCullough, Gen. Parsons, Alexander H. Stephens, Judah P. Benjamin, Gen. M. L. Bonham, Gen. John C. Breckenridge, Gen. W.O.B. Branch, Gen. Frank Cheatham, Gen. R. D. Hanson, Gen. John B. Magruder, Gen. Humphrey Marshall, Col. John Morgan, Gen. Henningsen, Gen. Hindman, Comm. Hollins, Gen.Benj. Huger, Gen. Lovel Mansfield, Gen. Albert Pike, Gen. Rob. Toombs, Gen. Tilghman, Gen. A. P. Hill, Gen. Rains, Capt. R. Semmes, Maj.Gen. Simmons, Maj.Gen. Gus. A. Smith, Maj.Gen. Kirby Smith, Com. F. Buchanan, Gen. D. E. Twiggs, Gen. Van Dorn, Capt. Chatard, Gen. T. L. Clingman, Gen. Edw. Priue, Maj.Gen. Jeff. Thompson.
Humphreys, James Y., 1783?-1850, playing card maker
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BEIN USA204: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title from Ace of Spades., French suit system., Type: Historical., Composition of deck: 52 [A, K, Q, J, 10-2]., Aces: AS: [eagle] / E. PLURIBUS UNUM / [pip] / J.Y. HUMPHREYS., and CourtCards: KS: Andrew Jackson; QS: Athena; JS: King Phillip; KH: George Washington; QH: Venus; JH: Red Jacket; KD: John Quincy Adams; QD: Justice; JD: Gy-ant-wachia; KC: Thomas Jefferson; QC: Ceres; JC: Joseph Brant.