"Thomas Raikes sits on a divan between two courtesans, his head in profile to the right. On the right is a round table spread with a luxurious dessert, pine-apple, peaches, decanters, &c. The centre-piece is a figure of Mercury (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7592) poised on a globe and holding up a second globe, perhaps a lamp. A long bill hangs from the table . . . Dr to Mrs Wood--Bed--10-- Brandy 5--coffee 1--Eggs--Brandy 2--Oysters 1--Eggs--20, 0 Ham--10-- Coffee 11--Beds 5--Brandy 2--Bed 1-- to show that the establishment is a brothel run by Mrs. ('Mother') Wood (cf. British Museum Satires No. 13734). On the wall are two pairs of crossed rakes tied with ribbons, and pictures, with punning titles: Siege of Belle Lisle, Wood Deamon [cf. British Museum Satires No. 10796], Babes in ye Wood, The Rakes Progress, Burn em Wood, Deity of the Woods, Wood Pigeon Wood Cock."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
The commercial dandy and his sleeping partners
Title from caption below image., "Dr. E.D." pseudonym of George Cruikshank?, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Costume: male, female, 1821 -- Furniture: round table -- Divan -- Food: pineapple, fruit -- Decanters -- Lighting: candlestick -- Mythology: Mercury -- Rakes -- Mrs. "Mother" Wood, fl. 1821., Manuscript "256" in upper center of plate., and Watermark: J. Whatman.
Pubd. Novr. 1st, 1821 by G. Humprey [sic] 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Name):
Raikes, Thomas, 1777-1848
Subject (Topic):
Brothels, Courtesans, Dandies, British, and Prostitutes
Bannerman, Alexander, approximately 1730-, printmaker
Published / Created:
published as the act directs, Sepr. 1, 1771.
Call Number:
Quarto 724 771N
Collection Title:
Page 11. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on gullible youths and dishonest prostitutes. A bedroom in which a young countryman is seated at a table between two young women. His right leg is slung across the legs of the woman on the left; she wears a quilted petticoat and her neckline plunges to reveal a breast; she puts an arm around his shoulder and with the other picks his purse from pocket. His left arm is around the waist of the other woman, who gazes seductively at him and offers a punchbowl; playing cards lie on the table and the Queen of Hearts has fallen to the floor. On the back of the first woman's chair sits a parrot chewing a twist of lemon peel; the pimp and an old bawd stand behind the bed curtain watching the scene; a picture on the wall shows a sheep being fleeced; in front of the table, a dog chews the young man's copy of "The Journey to London"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Countryman in London
Title etched below image., Temporary local subject terms: Bullies -- Countrymen -- Pictures amplifying subject: couple fleecing a ram -- Procuresses -- Pickpocketing -- Pets -- Male dress: countryman -- Furniture: tripod table -- Dishes: punch bowl -- Books: A journey to London -- Bed with curtains -- Literature: allusion to The provok'd husband, or journey to London by Sir John Vanburgh (1664-1726) and Colley Cibber (1671-1757)., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; sheet 24.8 x 34.8 cm, folded to 24.8 x 25 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark; mounted to 32 x 26 cm., and Mounted on page 11 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for J. Smith, No. 35 Cheapside, & Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street
Subject (Topic):
Prostitutes, Pickpockets, Parrots, Dogs, Books, Beds, Gambling, Playing cards, and Chamber pots
Bannerman, Alexander, approximately 1730-, printmaker
Published / Created:
published as the act directs, Sepr. 1, 1771.
Call Number:
Collection Title:
Page 11. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on gullible youths and dishonest prostitutes. A bedroom in which a young countryman is seated at a table between two young women. His right leg is slung across the legs of the woman on the left; she wears a quilted petticoat and her neckline plunges to reveal a breast; she puts an arm around his shoulder and with the other picks his purse from pocket. His left arm is around the waist of the other woman, who gazes seductively at him and offers a punchbowl; playing cards lie on the table and the Queen of Hearts has fallen to the floor. On the back of the first woman's chair sits a parrot chewing a twist of lemon peel; the pimp and an old bawd stand behind the bed curtain watching the scene; a picture on the wall shows a sheep being fleeced; in front of the table, a dog chews the young man's copy of "The Journey to London"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Countryman in London
Title etched below image. and Temporary local subject terms: Bullies -- Countrymen -- Pictures amplifying subject: couple fleecing a ram -- Procuresses -- Pickpocketing -- Pets -- Male dress: countryman -- Furniture: tripod table -- Dishes: punch bowl -- Books: A journey to London -- Bed with curtains -- Literature: allusion to The provok'd husband, or journey to London by Sir John Vanburgh (1664-1726) and Colley Cibber (1671-1757).
Printed for J. Smith, No. 35 Cheapside, & Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street
Subject (Topic):
Prostitutes, Pickpockets, Parrots, Dogs, Books, Beds, Gambling, Playing cards, and Chamber pots
"Plate to the 'Scourge', iv, before p. 349. An illustration to 'Elections in the Isle of Borneo', pp. 349-55, relating a dream in which the Prince chooses his Ministers and Household officers according to their proficiency in adultery. A sequel to British Museum Satires No. 11899. The Regent is enthroned under a canopy in the centre of a long platform backed by the pillars of Carlton House. Below is the cobbled street, with passers-by and spectators whose heads are just below the platform, so that the figures are arranged in two tiers. The Regent's throne is on a triple dais; he puts one arm round the waist of Lady Hertford who sits on his knee, holding at arms' length a brimming goblet. She puts her right arm round his neck, and also supports herself by placing a finger on the branching antlers of her husband, who stands in his chamberlain's robes, and holding his wand of office, beside the dais, at which he points with a complacent grin. He says: "My gracious Master is personelly acquainted with my merits, they live in his bosom, & he will reward me, according to my Deserts." Lady Hertford wears a spiky crown, and her vast spherical breasts are divided by a jewel in the form of the Prince's feathers with his motto 'Ich Dien.' The drapery over the throne is centred by the crowned skull of a stag, with wide antlers; in its nostrils is a ring from which a birch-rod hangs above the Prince's head. A grinning demon, standing on the antlers, straddles across the crown, holding up the drapery. On the left of the throne the Duke of York, in uniform with cavalry boots, his hand on his sword, stands swaggeringly. A woman clutches his arm and whispers in his ear; beside them is a basket containing three infants and inscribed 'Mother Careys Chickin' [see British Museum Satires No. 11050]. He says: "I was turned out of the Office I now solicit because I was too fond of a married Woman [Mrs. Clarke, see British Museum Satires No. 11216, &c.] & could not live without commiting Adultery I claim therefore to be once more elevated to the Office of Commander in Cheif." Behind Lord Hertford (and a pendant to Mrs. Carey) stands an elderly posturing peer, wearing a star, his hands deprecatingly extended. He says: "As for business I never had a Headfor't but I have laid the Country under a Massy load of Obligations in other respects Adultery is my Motto so give me ******ship of the H-." Next (right) is a group of three: the Duke of Cumberland in outlandish Death's Head Hussar uniform holding a sabre with a notched blade and seemingly dripping blood, though not so coloured. He stands between two young women; one, holding his arm, brandishes a razor over her head, the other holds a paper called 'Nugent'. The Duke says: "Considering my Exploits you cannot do less than make me a Field Marshal." On the extreme right is the Duke of Clarence in admiral's uniform with trousers, pointing to a broken chamber-pot ('Jordan') decorated with a crown and containing seven children, two in uniform. Mrs. Jordan takes him affectionately by the arm. He points downwards, saying, "I have lived in Adultery with an actress 25 years & have a pretty Number of illegetimate Children. I hope you will make me an Admiral of the Fleets." On the extreme left McMahon, dwarfish and ugly, stoops over the edge of the platform, pouring coins from a bag marked 'P P' [reversed letters], for Privy Purse (or Pimp), into the apron of a hideous bawd who grins up at him. He says: "Let her be forty at least, plump & Sprightly." Next stands Lord Yarmouth, wearing a star, his hands in his pockets, scowling at a young woman who puts her hands on his shoulders; he says: "Confound my Wishers if Venus alias Fanny Anny [Fagniani] may not go to Juno----I'm Vice all over. Let me con tinue so." Next is a tall man wearing a long driving-coat with a star and a small rakish top-hat (? Lord Melbourne); one leg terminates in a cloven hoof. He stands between two disreputable women of the lowest St. Giles type, ragged and hideous, an arm across the shoulders of each; both offer him drink, one takes him by the chin. A third and younger woman sits on the ground at his feet, drinking from a bottle. He says: "As for me my Name is sufficient, I am known as the Paragon of Debauchery and I only claim to be the-s [Regent's] Confidential Friend." On the ground (left to right) are the bawd receiving money from McMahon, a ragged dustman with the curved shin-bones then known as 'cheese-cutters', a result of rickets; George Hanger, with his bludgeon under his arm (cf. British Museum Satires No. 8889, &c.), saying, "Hang her She's quite Drunk"; Augustus Barry, grotesquely thin and very rakish, with long coat, standing with widely splayed-out feet. These three stare up at the throne, Barry looking through an eye-glass. A ragged, sub-human creature picks Barry's pocket, taking a paper: 'A Sermon to be Preached at Cripple gate by Revd Honble A Newgate'. A blind beggar (? a sailor) walks with a stick, and a dog on a string, holding out his tattered hat. A Quaker-like figure stares up at the platform where the legs of the seated prostitute hang over its edge, as does a beggar boy with badly twisted legs. Next, a fashionably dressed man and woman shake hands, bending to stare into each other's face. He takes her left hand. His dress resembles that of the dandy of a few years later: shock of hair, exaggerated neck-cloth, hussar-pattern trousers, and long tail-coat. The centre figure in this lower row is John Bull looking up angrily over his shoulder at the prostitute, and pushing away to the right three young girls; he says to them: "Get away get away, if you go near the Platform you'll be ruined." His bull-dog looks pugnaciously up at the platform. A tall emaciated cavalry soldier speaks to a woman in a poke-bonnet, while a little ragged boy clasps the long horse-tail which hangs from his helmet. On the extreme right is Sheridan in (ragged) Harlequin's dress (cf. British Museum Satires No. 9916), moribund or drunk, supported between two top-booted bailiffs; one holds a writ and says "Poor fellow his Magic wand is broken." On the ground lies his wooden sword in two pieces, one inscribed 'M', the other 'P'; at his feet is a paper: 'Princely Promises'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Election in the island of Borneo
Title etched below image., Plate from: The Scourge, or, Monthly expositor of imposture and folly. London: W. Jones, v. 4 (October 1812), page 349., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Window mounted to 36 x 51 cm., and Mounted opposite page 318 (leaf numbered '143' in pencil) in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Published November 1st, 1812, by W.N. Jones, No. 5 Newgate Street
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Hertford, Francis Ingram Seymour, Marquis of, 1743-1822, Hertford, Isabella Anne Ingram-Seymour-Conway, Marchioness of, 1760-1834, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover, 1771-1851, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Jordan, Dorothy, 1761-1816, McMahon, John, approximately 1754-1817, Hertford, Francis Charles Seymour-Conway, Marquess of, 1777-1842, Melbourne, Peniston Lamb, Viscount, 1745-1828, Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Barry, Augustus, Honble., 1773-1818, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, and Carlton House (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Harlequin (Fictitious character), John Bull (Symbolic character), Dustmen, Thrones, Canopies, Columns, Adultery, Antlers, Cobblestone streets, Demons, Military uniforms, Baskets, Infants, Daggers & swords, Poor persons, Pickpockets, Beggars, Staffs (Sticks), Prostitutes, Soldiers, and British
In four columns with the title and two woodcuts above the first two; the columns are separated by rules., Verse begins: "You London dames, that love to range", Imprint below the third and fourth columns., Date from ESTC., Mounted on leaf 23. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 1.
Printed and sold at the Printing-Office in Bow-Church-Yard, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain, England, London, and London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Broadsides, Prostitution, Apprentices, Women, Moral and ethical aspects, Social conditions, Men, Sex, Prostitutes, Abused children, and Social life and customs
Title from item., Twenty-four lines of song verse in three columns below title: When I was at home, as the lark I was gay ..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Knapsacks -- Apple-women -- Ballad-sellers -- Ballads.
Published 20th Novr. 1794, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Title from item., Twenty-four lines of song verse in three columns below title: When I was at home, as the lark I was gay ..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Knapsacks -- Apple-women -- Ballad-sellers -- Ballads., 1 print on wove paper : mezzotint ; sheet 31 x 26 cm., and Sheet trimmed below title resulting in loss of the song verse and imprint.
Published 20th Novr. 1794, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
A group made up mostly of woman gather round the coffin of the harlot in the center of the room. The young boy, the harlot's son, sits beside it on the floor. Many of the women are weeping, but others are engaged in flurtations with the undertaker and the clergyman
Alternative Title:
Harlot's progress. Plate 6
Title from caption above image., Printer's statement from Plate I of the series., No. 6 of a series of 6 pirated copies of Hogarth's engravings of "A harlot's progress". Imprint varies from the Bowles copy described as no. 2036, Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v.3., Engraved below image, three columns, six lines each, beginning: The sisterhood of Drury Lane, Are met to form the funeral train ..., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Written in contemporary hand below text: Margery. For further information, consult library staff.
Printed for Iohn Bowles at Mercer's Hall in Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), England, and London.
Subject (Name):
Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
Subject (Topic):
Social life and customs, Funeral rites & ceremonies, and Prostitutes
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Sep. 30, 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 764 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 52. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In an underground drinking den Tom Idle, with a pistol at his foot and another in his pocket, shows his stolen goods to his one-eyed accomplice unaware that behind him his companion (the prostitute) from the garret bedroom (Plate 7) is betraying him to the magistrate and constables. A serving woman with a patch where her nose should be approaches the two thieves with a large tankard in her hands. To their right, the body of a man is being pushed through a trapdoor. In the far right a soldier with his back to the viewer embraces a woman. In the background there is a brawl while two other men sit by the fireside, one of whom is smoking a pipe before a roaring fire, the other asleep under a rope (noose?). The right of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the left frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice betrayed by his whore and taken in a night cellar with his accomplice
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 9"--Below frame., Ninth plate in the series of twelve: "Industry and idleness"., Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: "Proverbs Chap:VI. Ve: 26. The Adulteress will hunt for the precious life.", 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 26.2 x 34.7 cm, on sheet 29.5 x 43.5 cm., Mounted on leaf 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 52 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Sep. 30, 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 52. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In an underground drinking den Tom Idle, with a pistol at his foot and another in his pocket, shows his stolen goods to his one-eyed accomplice unaware that behind him his companion (the prostitute) from the garret bedroom (Plate 7) is betraying him to the magistrate and constables. A serving woman with a patch where her nose should be approaches the two thieves with a large tankard in her hands. To their right, the body of a man is being pushed through a trapdoor. In the far right a soldier with his back to the viewer embraces a woman. In the background there is a brawl while two other men sit by the fireside, one of whom is smoking a pipe before a roaring fire, the other asleep under a rope (noose?). The right of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the left frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice betrayed by his whore and taken in a night cellar with his accomplice
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 9"--Below frame., Ninth plate in the series of twelve: "Industry and idleness"., Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: "Proverbs Chap:VI. Ve: 26. The Adulteress will hunt for the precious life.", and On page 139 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed within plate mark to: 26.3 x 34.4 cm.