Manuscript leaf, on paper, of an American gentleman's Ottoman travel permit, a mürūr tez̲keresi (مرور تذكره سی;Travel permit or internal passport), issued in Gümüşhane province of the Ottoman Empire. Document was issued for an American gentleman, named Berges[?] (برکیس), his wife, his translator, and his servant, who had traveled from Istanbul to Gümüşhane and wished to continue their travels to Erzurum in H. 1 Safar 1251/29 May 1835
In Ottoman Turkish., Title devised by cataloger., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Layout: Single columns of 9 diagonal lines., Script: Dīwānī., The document signed in H. 1 Safar 1251/29 May 1835., The American nobleman in question may be identified as Horatio Southgate (d. 1894) who documented his journey to Gümüşhane, which he undertook with a similar travel permit from the Ottoman Sultan. Compare: Southgate, H. Narrative of a Tour Through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia and Mesopotamia, p. 146., and Later hand annotations on top right of the document: Buyruldu (بيورلدي), a passport from a pasha.
BEIN 1995 2: In case 18 cm. Inscription "Yale College Library from Professor E.E. Salisbury"., Head piece., Turkish almanac for the year A.H. 1256 [i.e. A.D. 1840/41], and No more published.