Title etched below image., Tentatively attributed to G.M. Woodward in unverified card catalog record., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Companion print to: A woman and her husband!!, Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Couples -- Female dress: Parasols -- Hand-muff., Mounted to 38 x 30 cm., and Mounted on verso of Lot 19. Part of the Townland of Coolcarta East. The estate of Mrs. Eliza Felicia West, situate in the County of Galway. Ordnance sheet 100, 101 made by order of the Commissioners for the Sale of Incumbered Estates in Ireland, by Hodges & Smith, 104 Grafton Street, Dublin [n.d.].
A man looks up in horror at the image of a demon, smoking a pipe and holding a lantern, sitting astride his sleeping wife beside him in their truckle bed. A horse looks on, his head poking through the casement window. Beside their bed is a candle, chamber pot, and a chair on which he has thrown his coat. Probably deriving (remotely) from Fuseli's 'Nightmare'.
Alternative Title:
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark at top and bottom., and Matted to 41 x 55 cm.
Pub. by W. Holland, October 26, 1794, No. 50 Oxford Steet [sic]
Four scenes in one plate, each with a separate title, each showing a marital or courtship scenes with monkeys and cats and pictures on the walls that amplify the domestic scene
Title from caption below image., Text following imprint: Folios of caricatures lent for evening., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on two sides., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pub. Nov. 26, 1810 by S. W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Cats, Couples, Courtship, Fighting, Spouses, Draperies, Fireplaces, Interiors, and Monkeys
"A pretty young woman sits on the knee of a military officer. They are unaware of the entry (left) of the furious husband, stick in hand. He is ugly and elderly and says: "My Wife, as sure as I am a Haberdasher."--British Museum online catalogue and A pretty young woman sits on the knee of a military officer as they embrace, both unaware that her furious, red-faced husband has just entered the room through the door on the left. He clutches a large stick and exclaims, "My wife, as sure as I am a haberdasher."
A pretty young woman sits on the knee of a military officer as they embrace, both unaware that her furious, red-faced husband has just entered the room through the door on the left. He clutches a large stick and exclaims, "My wife, as sure as I am a haberdasher."
Title from item., Earlier state, with imprint, of no. 9623 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Earlier edition of print described by Joseph Grego in Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, p. 15., and Watermark: Russell & Co.
Pubd. Octr. 1st, 1799, by R. Akerman, No. 101 Strand
"The Duke (left) and Duchess of St. Albans stand facing each other; the little Duke staggering under an ornamental basket which supports a side of bacon, inscribed Best Wiltshire. The Duchess holds on her shoulder a cutter in which are seated six oarsmen with oars held erect, and a helmsman. The Duke is dressed as Grand Falconer (see British Museum Satires No. 15596) and wears a hood with bells indicating both a fool's cap and the hood and bells of falconry. Two speeches float from his head: [1] "In love connubial, formed to live and last, This gift records a blissful twelvemonth past We claim, then boldly claim the flitch Dunmow First of the blest, who keep the marriag Vow". [2] I thought the flitch to small a present on this auspicious day so I have brought the Gammon with it Love. The Duchess answers: Thanks for your Bacon Duke well have you Saved it - and in return accept of this small Testimony of my affection. She wears Court dress, coronet, and feathers. The boatmen wear yellow and green liveries, and on the prow is a falcon's head; the back of the seat in the stern is decorated with a falcon perched on a melon resting on a heap of sovereigns. In the foreground are spectators: on the left the Dukes of Cumberland (wearing his hat) and Sussex stand together with Prince Leopold behind them; on the right is Sir Francis Burdett (son-in-law of Coutts), very thin, surprised, and displeased. In the background are other spectators, their heads concealed by the boat, and on the right a group of singers, some in Tyrolean costume, with (?) Braham and Miss Stephens; they sing: a boat a boat."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Scene in the honeymoon and Conjugal felicity
Title etched below image., Print signed using William Heath's device: character of Paul Pry, a man with an umbrella., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Imprint continues: ... where political and other caricatuers are dialy [sic] pub. the largest assortment of any house in town., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket ...
Subject (Name):
St. Albans, William Beauclerk, Duke of, 1801-1849, St. Albans, Harriot Mellon, Duchess of, 1777?-1837, Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover, 1771-1851, Augustus Frederick, Prince, Duke of Sussex, 1773-1843, Léopold I, King of the Belgians, 1790-1865, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Braham, John, 1774-1856, and Stephens, Catherine, 1794-1882
Subject (Topic):
Marriage, Spouses, Baskets, Bacon, Boats, Rowers, and Spectators
"'Cits' (i.e. citizens) ride (left to right) (types of vulgar horsemanship, cf. BMSats 7233, 7242) in a cloud of dust, following a crowded stage-coach inscribed 'To the Races'. A rough two-wheeled cart, crammed with a family party, is drawn by a cantering pony. A signpost points 'To the Race Ground'. A suburban setting is given by the country box and 'grounds' of a 'cit', with a notice-board: 'Spring Blunderbusss on a new Construction - Planted in Various Paths of my Domain & whosown Trample Down or pull up the Shrubs in this Garden shall be Prosecuted - Deputy Dump'. In front of the house the owner (?) and his wife look over the paling at the race-goers. The house is a square box, whose small scale is indicated by the size of a pot-plant on the flat roof; on this are also figures of Neptune, Harlequin, and Mercury. Adjacent (left) is a shed inscribed 'Mr Dumps Stables', with a pretentious cupola."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image.
Pub. Feby. 1, 1794, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
London (England),
Subject (Topic):
City council members, Dogs, Ducks, Stagecoaches, Signs (Notices), and Spouses
Title in top margin., Date derived from French Republican calendar date., At lower right: Ex.it du courrier des Spectacles du 2 pr.d An 9., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Chez Martinet, libraire, rue du coq St. Honoré
Subject (Topic):
Cuckolds, Smallpox, Vaccination, Horns (Anatomy), Physicians, Spouses, Cows, Monkeys, and Games
An angry wife confronts her astonished husband with a letter from his paramour in which she suggests a rendezvous in the garden after the wife has gone to bed
Title etched below image., Series title and number etched above image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Earlier edition of print described by Joseph Grego in Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 14., and Watermark: Strasburg bend with date 1798 below.
Pubd. Octr. 1, 1799, by R. Akerman, No. 101 Strand
An angry wife confronts her astonished husband with a letter from his paramour in which she suggests a rendezvous in the garden after the wife has gone to bed
Title from item., Earlier state published by Akerman on October 1, 1799., Publication date from Grego., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 37 x 29 cm.