"French soldiers are being cooked or drowned in a big round vat built of stone, under which a fire is burning. Blücher (left) and Wellington (right) stand over the vat, holding long-handled perforated ladles with which they skim the surface of the water, fishing out the soldiers. Blücher (left), saying "Mon cher Welington je commence a écumer j'espere que vous me Seconderez," holds on his level ladle a hussar in large busby, braided tunic, and boots. Wellington holds up on his (tilted) ladle a man hanging head downwards. Beside the vat (right) is a rocky cone from a fissure in which the flames of Hell emerge; Cerberus, a monster with three serpentine necks and webbed wings, reaches from the opening towards Wellington's captive, and devours his legs with two of his great jaws. Wellington answers: "mon ami Blucher je sais pret a vous suivre mais surtout travaille fort cette nuit." Other soldiers struggle to get out or sink back hopelessly. An eagle (standard) projects from the water, on which float many tricolour cockades. Wellington's victim, who has a moustache, is not Napoleon, who is a subordinate figure, struggling to get out, and extending his arms towards Wellington."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Possibly a copy of a print by George Cruikshank entitled "The last tub-full"; see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.8222., After the Battle of Waterloo, so after June 1815., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819, and Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.
Subject (Topic):
Cerberus (Greek mythology), Cooking utensils, Generals, French, Military officers, Prussian, Soldiers, and Vats
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
[approximately 1833]
Call Number:
Folio 75 G750 833 Copy 2 (Oversize) Box 3
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"First panel: policeman holding out his hands towards a man's pocket; second panel: politicians, common citizens, King and Queen trying to find the best place in a stand."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Interview at Ramsgate
Titles from item., Initials of printmaker Charles Jameson Grant in lower right corner of first panel of design., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue., Design consists of two panels side by side, each individually titled., Wood engraving with letterpress text., Text below title of second panel: The above is a tolerable representation of the Tory rory, tag rag, ragamuffin, rubbish, and rabble ..., Imperfect; sheet trimmed with loss of series statement. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Numbered "111" in brown ink in lower left corner of first panel of design., Mounted on green paper backing; pasted on verso of mount are four small engraved portraits, each trimmed in half, the untrimmed statements of responsibility indicating that one was engraved by J. Rogers and two others were engraved after J. Kennerley and Sir J. Reynolds respectively., and No. 111.
Printed and published by G. Drake, 12, Houghton Street, Clare Market
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Léopold I, King of the Belgians, 1790-1865, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Adelaide, Queen, consort of William IV, King of Great Britain, 1792-1849, and Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
"William IV (left), with a huge broom inscribed 'Public Opinion', sweeps away his Ministers who rush to the right in ignominious haste. His broom is against Wellington's posterior; the others (left to right) are Bathurst, Goulburn, Peel, Ellenborough, and Aberdeen. Behind them is a seventh who may be Londonderry (not an ex-Minister). Wellington: 'Oh Bob that it should have come to this, where shall we hide -- where can we go? --curse Don-Key's fee fa-fum' [see BM Satires No. 16303, &c.]. The King: 'Now I shall have a clear House -- no more dictators! out with you all 29 against your own question. Off -- off'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Only besom of reform
Title from caption below image., Approximate month of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Brooms., and Numbered in ms. at top of sheet: 215.
Pubd. 1830 by S.W. Fores, 41 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3d Earl, 1762-1834, Goulburn, Henry, 1784-1856, Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Earl of, 1790-1871, Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of, 1784-1860, and Londonderry, Charles William Vane, Marquis of, 1778-1854
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
[approximately 1833]
Call Number:
Folio 75 G750 833 Copy 2 (Oversize) Box 2
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"First panel: Jack Russel leaving and delighted Devil, bishop and Duke of Wellington looking at him; second panel: the King, dressed like a women sailor climbing a rope ladder with the Queen pushing him with a spear."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Lord Jack Russell's retreat from South Devon
Titles from item., Initials of printmaker Charles Jameson Grant in lower left corner of first panel of design., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue., Design consists of two panels side by side, each individually titled., Wood engraving with letterpress text., Imperfect; sheet trimmed with loss of imprint and series statement. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Numbered "88" in brown ink in upper right corner of first panel of design., and No. 88.
Printed and published by G. Drake, 12, Houghton Street, Clare Market
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Russell, John Russell, Earl, 1792-1878, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, and Adelaide, Queen, consort of William IV, King of Great Britain, 1792-1849
Subject (Topic):
Politicians, Devil, Bishops, Cross dressing, Ladders, and Spears
A thin cat with the head of Charles Grey walks on top of a wall. In his mourn is a fish labeled "First Lord of the Treasury 6000". His long tail, curving around the design and ending at the bottom right, is covered in white patches that are labeled with the names of his relations, their positions, and the amount of their pay. A stick figure of Wellington, with sword raised, appears in the right corner above the end of the tail. Posted on the wall are two signs: "Commit no nuisance" and "Reform in Parliament meeting will be [illegible scrawl]."
Alternative Title:
Tommy Grey with the tail of his order!!!
Title from caption etched below image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pub. Feb. 15, 1831, by T. McLean, 26 Haymarke [sic]
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, and Great Britain. Parliament
Subject (Topic):
Nepotism, Reform, History, Politics and government, and Cats
Fourth page of a monthly magazine that consisted of four pages; included on this page are five individually-titled images, "MADRID, - A FALSE ALARM (British Museum Satires No. 17269): Ferdinand VII lies on his back in bed, his crown and a huge pot of 'Holy Water' beside him. He calls 'Quick! fetch the Holy Petticoat I once embroidered. St. Peter will sure admit me in that disguise'. Behind his bed-curtains a procession hurries forward, headed by a friar holding two huge candles. An acolyte swinging a censer walks before a bishop in his robes who holds up an embroidered petticoat hanging from a cross. Behind is another bishop. (Ferdinand VII's death was expected and had been reported. He recovered and died on 29 Sept. 1833. For the petticoat, reputedly embroidered for the Virgin during his internment at Valençay, see British Museum satires no. 12508, &c.)."--British Museum online catalogue, "DIETING IN GERMANY. (British Museum satires no. 17270) 'Liberty' is represented by the flames coming from big candle-ends placed on the ground; Francis I and Nicholas (out of place in the German Diet) are putting huge extinguishers over them. Five of the candles are 'Franckfort, Hesse-Cassel, Brandenburg, Hanover, Baden'. The Tsar: 'Extinguish it in one place it blazes in another'. He is back to back with the senile Francis who puts his extinguisher over 'Brandenburg', saying, 'Why the extinguisher itself appears to be igniting'. (See British Museum satires no. 17212, &c. Revolutionary movements in Europe, cf. No. 16535, had in fact been suppressed or had subsided. For the extinguisher cf. Nos. 12588, 14145.)."--British Museum online catalogue, "DUTCHMEN BLOCKING UP THE NAVIGATION OF THE SCHELDT. (British Museum satires no. 17271) A row of fat Dutchmen sit on the water, buoyed up by bulky and inflated breeches. All are smoking long pipes; one says 'Yau Mynheer'. Behind them are small ships. Two frogs watch from a bank in the foreground. (The obstinacy of the King of Holland in claiming control over the navigation of the Scheldt, including the right of preventing ships from passing to or from the high seas, was a main obstacle in the settlement of the Dutch-Belgian question. Camb. Hist, of Br. Foreign Policy, ii. 146 ff. See British Museum satires no. 17295, &c. Van Stolk, no. 7170. )."--British Museum online catalogue, "PORTUGAL (British Museum satires no. 17272) An ugly infant, Queen Maria (left), and a crowned ape, Miguel, face each other across a chasm. On the plain below and between them scattered forces are fighting. The child, who has dropped her coral and bells, holds out her arms, screaming 'Ah you've got my crown! I will have my crown'. The ape, who presses a foot on human bones, grimaces savagely. Below each protagonist is a supporter. A man waving a cocked hat shouts 'Fight for your illustrious Queen'. A monk holds up both arms, shouting 'Fight for your August King!!' Below the title: '"Oh its a mighty pretty Quarrel" (Sir Lucius O'Trigger)' [Sheridan, The Rivals]. (For the civil war in Portugal see British Museum satires no. 17179, &c.)."--British Museum online catalogue, and "PERFECTS AND IMPERFECTS, OR DREADFUL TIMES. (British Museum satires no. 17273) 'The Times' newspaper is represented by a man whose body from neck to hips is covered by a sheet of 'The Times'; across the columns of the paper are the words: 'Horrible! \ Dreadful!! \ Frightful!! \ Mare's Nest \ discovered near \ Hammersmith'. The square head, with fierce angular features and a pen stuck in it, is seemingly an ink-pot. The limbs are those of a vigorous man, who lunges fiercely with outstretched arms, holding a huge ink-ball in each hand. With one he knocks backward and blackens the face of an elderly man dressed like the Duke of Cumberland who watches from the left. 'The Times': 'I should not have known how to make any thing of the Duke's apology; because a short-sighted man might ride nearer than he intended, and seeing people so much more frightened than hurt, might possibly smile:--But you I have at my mercy. Where's the mustachoes Sir? Where's the mustachoes?--There, Sir-- there, have you any mind for another dose'. Cumberland, stooping aggressively, exclaims: 'Oh! you officious blockhead, you will get freely belaboured for your pains'. A young lady, who watches mincingly from the right, cries, 'Oh! I am quite positive as to the mustachoes!!'."--British Museum online catalogue
Titles from text below images., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., and Publisher from publisher's statement "London, Published by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket" on first page of magazine; date of publication from series numbering "Vol. 3rd, Octr. 1, 1832" on first page of magazine. See British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.12322.
T. Mclean
Subject (Geographic):
Antwerp (Belgium) and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853, Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833, William I, King of the Netherlands, 1772-1843, Anglesey, Henry William Paget, Marquis of, 1768-1854, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Spencer, John Charles Spencer, Earl, 1782-1845, Russell, John Russell, Earl, 1792-1878, Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, 1796-1855, Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of, 1785-1851, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Maltby, Edward, 1770-1859, Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of, 1799-1869, Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854, Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868, Karl II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1804-1873, Knight, Charles, 1791-1873, Quentin, George Augustus, 1760-1851., and Georg V, King of Hannover, 1819-1878
Subject (Topic):
Siege, 1832, Catholics, Public opinion, Monkeys, and Arcimboldesque figures
Political satire on the British military action in Spain during the Peninsular War: Lieutenant-General Arthur Wellesley expresses surprise to an overweight soldier, sweating after fleeing from the French, that is was able to re-join the rest of the army
Title etched below image., Probably etched by William Heath. See British Museum satire 11361 for similarity of style., Lettered with imprint and series statement in additon to speech balloons., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Partial watermark: [illegible].
Pubd. Septr., 1810 by Thos. Tegg 111 Cheapside
Subject (Name):
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
Subject (Topic):
Peninsular War, 1807-1814, Obesity, Soldiers, and British
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Political satire on the British military action in Spain during the Peninsular War: Lieutenant-General Arthur Wellesley expresses surprise to an overweight soldier, sweating after fleeing from the French, that is was able to re-join the rest of the army
Title etched below image., Probably etched by William Heath. See British Museum satire 11361 for similarity of style., Lettered with the series statement and speech balloons., Later state; imprint has been burnished from plate., Publication information based on imprint on earlier state: Pubd. Septr. 1810 by Thos. Tegg, 111 Cheapside. Cf. British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1948,0214.765., Plate also in: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v.1., Watermark: 1817., and Leaf 33 in volume 1.
Thomas Tegg
Subject (Name):
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
Subject (Topic):
Peninsular War, 1807-1814, Obesity, Soldiers, and British
"Two designs, side by side, each with a second title in the upper border: [1] 'Scene, in the Island of Jersey.' Wellington, in uniform, sits on a sofa beside Lady Jersey, addressing her, hand on heart: 'And will your Ladyship ever remain cruel, & insensible to emotions which You alone can excite?' She holds a cross attached to a rosary, and looks at him over her shoulder, aloof, but coyly persuasive: 'Oh you flatterer! Every body knows your devotion to Woods & Forests: therefor don't talk to me of Love, false man! my heart bleeds only for my persecuted friends of the true Church in Ireland. You are the only man in Christendom who is able to emancipate them. Grant me this favor, dearest! most illustrious hero and then perhaps--I could - - - -'. She wears a large hat of puffed-out silk over short ringlets; her dress has huge gigot sleeves. [2] 'Scene in the Duchy of Lancaster.' Mrs. Arbuthnot, pretty, décolletée, and jewelled, sits on a sofa with her back to the door, her right hand on her heart. Wellington, cloaked, booted, and spurred, stands in the doorway. She: 'Was that his knock? or is the false man a Jesuit in Love too?--Oh no although he spends his mornings in her boudoir--he loves her not--she cannot touch his cold heart--she too cares not for him but to serve her politics--& for that she assails his vanit--his weak side, on which I first attacked him--yes! his vanity! his passions!--these are the points for me to work at!--heart he has none.' The 'PP' of the signature points to an inscription in the upper margin: 'I'm sorry to intrude, but some dirty Rogue--has lately been copying my Caricatuers--robbing us of our Ideas & Just profit--may I ask of my Friends not to purchase unless they see the Publisher T McLeans name at the Bottom all others are Copies--P Pry.' (Cf. BM Satires No. 15933.)"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below images., Print signed using William Heath's device: A man with an umbrella., Approximate date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Design consists of two images side by side, each individually titled., Text above image entitled Morning: Scene in the island of Jersey., Text above image entitled Nigth [sic]: Scene in the Duchy of Lancaster., The man with an umbrella in the signature points to an inscription in the upper margin: I'm sorry to intrude, but some dirty rogue has lately been copying my caricatuers, robbing us of our ideas & just profit. May I ask of my friends not to purchase unless they see the publisher T. McLeans name at the bottom, all others are copies. P. Pry., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three edges., and Numbered in ms. at top of sheet: 234.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket-caricatuers daily pub
Subject (Name):
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Arbuthnot, Harriet, 1793-1834, and Jersey, Sarah Sophia, Countess.
Subject (Topic):
Candlesticks, Lighting, Military uniforms, and British