"George III, in back view, seated at a writing-table, tries to fend off members of the new Ministry who beset him with conflicting plans and proposals. He exclaims "What, What, What! [his habitual phrase] all Wrong! all Wrong." On his right Fox is seated, but falls back dismayed, his chair collapsing; he holds 'Proposals for a General Peace', saying, "I am certain John Bull will like my plan better than any of them, sign mine." Next him is Ellenborough, in wig and gown, his left hand on the back of Fox's chair, which (perhaps) he is causing to fall; he proffers a 'Plan of a New Mode of Justice', and says: "The only specimen among them of a knowledge of the Subject, Sign this." (The inclusion of the Lord Chief Justice in the Cabinet was much objected to, on constitutional grounds, see 'Ann. Reg.', 1806, pp. 28-33, and BMSat 10563.) Moira, in regimentals, kneeling on a chair on the extreme right., leans forward, one hand on Ellenborough's shoulder, to present a 'Project for improveing of Ordinance'; he says: "By St Patrick now, if you was to put the whole of them together you would not be able to make a bit of sense out of them, this is the only one for John Bull." Windham, next Ellenborough, faces the King, presenting a paper inscribed 'War on the Continent', and saying, "I say nothing more or less than that they are all bad but this". Behind him Tierney stands, profferring a blank paper; he says: "Only look at mine & you'll be convinced its quite the thing." The others are on the King's l. Sheridan, a pendent to Fox, leans forward with his paper: 'Manager of the Finan[ces]'; he says: "Here sign this, this is the only good plan of management, all complete nonsense compared with this" [the hopeless confusion and debt in which the finances of Drury Lane were involved by Sheridan's management are satirized]. He wears, under his laced coat, the chequered waistcoat and breeches of Harlequin, see BMSat 9916. Behind him is Grenville, his partly obscured paper inscribed on the; he says: "This is the only well digested plan pro bona [sic] Publico, you may depend upon it." Petty's paper is blank; he says: "This petty effusion of Ideas you'll find full of weighty argument on every subject I assure you." Erskine (the arch-egotist, see BMSat 9246, &c), in wig and gown, and with the Purse of the Great Seal, leans forward with a blank paper to say: "This is the only learned plan among them, which I have arranged, I' I' I." Sidmouth stands on the extreme left., clutching, but not proffering, a paper; he flinches from we clamouring Ministers, saying, "If this is the Union of Parties, I'll be disunited.""--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Principles of democracy too prevalent
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Printseller's announcement following imprint: Folios of caricatures lent out for the evening., Sheet trimmed to edge of plate mark on two sides., and Watermark: Strasburg Lily.
Pubd. March, 1806 by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, and Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844
"George III (l.), just risen from the throne, kicks Grenville from the presence, holding him by the pigtail, and raising the sceptre to smite. Other members of the Ministry flee in confusion, their gestures showing that they also have been kicked. The Kings head, as a sign of respect, is hidden by a pillar in heavy shadow which supports the voluminous canopy over the throne, itself in full light. A large label floats from the King: " - what! - what! - bring in the Papists! - O you cunning Jesuits, you! - what you thought I was like little-Boney & would turn Turk, or any thing? - but if You have no Faith or Conscience - I have!! - ay, & a little Old Protestant Spunk too! - So Out with you all!! - out! - with all your Broad-bottom'd- Popish Plots!!! - Out with you - out! - out! - out!" Grenville wears peer's robes, which fly back, exposing his heavy posteriors (cf. BMSat 10530) to the King's toe. He drops a long scroll: 'Catholic Bill - for bringing the Papists into Power & supporting the Broad bottom Jesuits in their Places for securing the Papists in commanding of the Army & Navy & all the Public offices - .' This tears as it floats over the shoulder of Howick, the mover of the Bill. Grenville is propelled against the massive Ellenborough, who hurries forward with a savage backward glare. The spectacled Buckingham looks up at his brother in dismay. Temple, huge and globular, waddles off, feeling his damaged back. In front of him, Sheridan, as Harlequin (cf. BMSat 9916), slinks off stooping low. In the foreground Petty and Erskine lie on their backs, legs in the air, both in their gowns, Erskine having dropped the Purse of the Great Seal. Behind the nearer figures are (l. to r.): Windham, Moira with both arms raised, and Lauderdale, looking to the left.; next, Sidmouth in full flight, and on the extreme right. a head identified by Miss Banks as Fitzpatrick, but resembling Gillray's Adair. On the back of the throne within a wreath: 'G 3d/ R.' On its r., and on the extreme left., is a stool which supports a cushion on which rest a large 'Bible' and a crown. Behind the throne are the Royal Arms."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Emancipation of "all the talents, &c."
Title etched below image., Text following title: Vide, the fate of [the] Catholic bill., and Mounted on leaf 40 of volume 6 of 12.
Pubd. March 23d, 1807, by H. Humphrey, St. Jamess [sic] Str
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Erskine, James Francis, 1743-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Windham, William, 1750-1810, and Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"George III (l.), just risen from the throne, kicks Grenville from the presence, holding him by the pigtail, and raising the sceptre to smite. Other members of the Ministry flee in confusion, their gestures showing that they also have been kicked. The Kings head, as a sign of respect, is hidden by a pillar in heavy shadow which supports the voluminous canopy over the throne, itself in full light. A large label floats from the King: " - what! - what! - bring in the Papists! - O you cunning Jesuits, you! - what you thought I was like little-Boney & would turn Turk, or any thing? - but if You have no Faith or Conscience - I have!! - ay, & a little Old Protestant Spunk too! - So Out with you all!! - out! - with all your Broad-bottom'd- Popish Plots!!! - Out with you - out! - out! - out!" Grenville wears peer's robes, which fly back, exposing his heavy posteriors (cf. BMSat 10530) to the King's toe. He drops a long scroll: 'Catholic Bill - for bringing the Papists into Power & supporting the Broad bottom Jesuits in their Places for securing the Papists in commanding of the Army & Navy & all the Public offices - .' This tears as it floats over the shoulder of Howick, the mover of the Bill. Grenville is propelled against the massive Ellenborough, who hurries forward with a savage backward glare. The spectacled Buckingham looks up at his brother in dismay. Temple, huge and globular, waddles off, feeling his damaged back. In front of him, Sheridan, as Harlequin (cf. BMSat 9916), slinks off stooping low. In the foreground Petty and Erskine lie on their backs, legs in the air, both in their gowns, Erskine having dropped the Purse of the Great Seal. Behind the nearer figures are (l. to r.): Windham, Moira with both arms raised, and Lauderdale, looking to the left.; next, Sidmouth in full flight, and on the extreme right. a head identified by Miss Banks as Fitzpatrick, but resembling Gillray's Adair. On the back of the throne within a wreath: 'G 3d/ R.' On its r., and on the extreme left., is a stool which supports a cushion on which rest a large 'Bible' and a crown. Behind the throne are the Royal Arms."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Emancipation of all the talents!
Title etched below image., Date based on publication date of the original print by Gillray, of which this is a reduced copy. Cf. No. 10709 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., Text following title: Vide the fate of [the] Catholic Bill., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Leaf 59 in volume 1.
Thomas Tegg?
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Erskine, James Francis, 1743-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Windham, William, 1750-1810, and Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839
"George III stands on a low rectangular platform placed upon a boarded floor and is approached from all sides by applicants for office. He is in back view, but turns his head in profile to the left, to inspect a group through his spy-glass, saying: Well Gentlemen,--I have taken a peep at you all: but I am afraid that you won't do--for some of you are too Heavy & Broad-Bottom'd for Service; & the rest seem to have no Bottom at all.--So Gentlemen, I think I shall he content with my Old Servants. In the front row (left), bowing low, are three Grenvilles, the Broad-Bottoms par excellence (see No. 10530): Grenville, holding a gold-laced coachman's hat and long whip, says: Does your Honor want a steady Broad-Bottom'd Coachman to drive you; in bowing he has split his tight breeches. His nephew Temple is next him, then the spectacled Buckingham who says: We'll do any Thing; his son (Temple) adds and in any Way! [cf. No. 10721]. Close behind is the emaciated Sidmouth, hat in hand and holding out a bottle labelled Cathartic; he says: Pray your Honor remember Doctor Slop! your Old Apothecary, who Physick'd the French! [see No. 9849]. Next him and nearer the spectator stands Whitbread, dressed as a porter, and mopping his head. His porter's knot is on the ground, inscribed: Saml Froth his Knot--Carries any Weight in any Weather. He supports against his knees a huge rectangular pile of Motions to be brought in the House of Commons. These are inscribed: Motion against Royal Family [cf. No. 11234]; Motion against the Ministry; against the War; against y Judges; against the Church; against Magna Charta; Motion against. He says: If his Honor wants an Honest Porter, I'm his Man! Behind him and on the extreme left Lord Henry Petty capers to a dancing-master's kit which he plays with his fingers; he asks: Does his Honor want a Fidler to play a Jig [see No, 10589]. Behind Petty and Whitbread are two men dressed as chairmen with straps across the shoulder: one is Grattan; the other (?) Ponsonby, asks: Does his Honor want a pair of Irish Chairmen to carry his Honor clean through the Mud? Behind these and in the doorway (left) is a group of three: Cobbett, holding up his hat and a sheaf of Cobbett Political Register, says: Does his Honor want a Patriotic Reformer? Burdett asks: Does his Honor want a Partner in Business!--ask him Townsend. Townsend, the Bow Street officer, holding up his constable's staff, faces the group, saying sternly: Out with you & be damn'd; from the back of his head a label floats towards the Grenvilles: Take care of your Pockets--Gentlemen Broad bottoms. Horne Tooke says: I'm not Bill Soanes [see No. 10708]. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Old English gentleman pestered by servants wanting places
Title etched at bottom of image., Mounted to 32 x 46 cm., and Figures identified by ms. notes in a modern hand.
Pubd. May 16th, 1809, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Grattan, Henry, 1746-1820, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Whitbread, Samuel, 1764-1815, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Cobbett, William, 1763-1835, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Tooke, John Horne, 1736-1812, Perceval, Spencer, 1762-1812, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Canning, George, 1770-1827, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822, Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, 1770-1828, Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, and St. Vincent, John Jervis, Viscount, 1735-1823
"George III stands on a low rectangular platform placed upon a boarded floor and is approached from all sides by applicants for office. He is in back view, but turns his head in profile to the left, to inspect a group through his spy-glass, saying: Well Gentlemen,--I have taken a peep at you all: but I am afraid that you won't do--for some of you are too Heavy & Broad-Bottom'd for Service; & the rest seem to have no Bottom at all.--So Gentlemen, I think I shall he content with my Old Servants. In the front row (left), bowing low, are three Grenvilles, the Broad-Bottoms par excellence (see No. 10530): Grenville, holding a gold-laced coachman's hat and long whip, says: Does your Honor want a steady Broad-Bottom'd Coachman to drive you; in bowing he has split his tight breeches. His nephew Temple is next him, then the spectacled Buckingham who says: We'll do any Thing; his son (Temple) adds and in any Way! [cf. No. 10721]. Close behind is the emaciated Sidmouth, hat in hand and holding out a bottle labelled Cathartic; he says: Pray your Honor remember Doctor Slop! your Old Apothecary, who Physick'd the French! [see No. 9849]. Next him and nearer the spectator stands Whitbread, dressed as a porter, and mopping his head. His porter's knot is on the ground, inscribed: Saml Froth his Knot--Carries any Weight in any Weather. He supports against his knees a huge rectangular pile of Motions to be brought in the House of Commons. These are inscribed: Motion against Royal Family [cf. No. 11234]; Motion against the Ministry; against the War; against y Judges; against the Church; against Magna Charta; Motion against. He says: If his Honor wants an Honest Porter, I'm his Man! Behind him and on the extreme left Lord Henry Petty capers to a dancing-master's kit which he plays with his fingers; he asks: Does his Honor want a Fidler to play a Jig [see No, 10589]. Behind Petty and Whitbread are two men dressed as chairmen with straps across the shoulder: one is Grattan; the other (?) Ponsonby, asks: Does his Honor want a pair of Irish Chairmen to carry his Honor clean through the Mud? Behind these and in the doorway (left) is a group of three: Cobbett, holding up his hat and a sheaf of Cobbett Political Register, says: Does his Honor want a Patriotic Reformer? Burdett asks: Does his Honor want a Partner in Business!--ask him Townsend. Townsend, the Bow Street officer, holding up his constable's staff, faces the group, saying sternly: Out with you & be damn'd; from the back of his head a label floats towards the Grenvilles: Take care of your Pockets--Gentlemen Broad bottoms. Horne Tooke says: I'm not Bill Soanes [see No. 10708]. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Old English gentleman pestered by servants wanting places
Title etched at bottom of image., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 25.9 x 36.5 cm, on sheet 29.8 x 40.7 cm., Watermark, partially trimmed: 1810 J. Whatman., and Mounted on leaf 64 of volume 6 of 12.
Pubd. May 16th, 1809, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Grattan, Henry, 1746-1820, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Whitbread, Samuel, 1764-1815, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Cobbett, William, 1763-1835, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Tooke, John Horne, 1736-1812, Perceval, Spencer, 1762-1812, Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Canning, George, 1770-1827, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822, Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, 1770-1828, Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, and St. Vincent, John Jervis, Viscount, 1735-1823
"The Duke of Norfolk walks (right to left) in round-shouldered dejection immediately before two Grenadiers, one, Pitt, beating a drum, the other (? Windham) playing a fife. On his back is a placard: 'Washington \ 2000 Men \ make the \ Application. \ Champion of \ Liberty. \ Sovereign \ Majesty. \ People & &.' In front of him Dundas marches stiffly, holding a pike; he wears tartan with a plaid and feathered hat, with advocate's wig and bands. In the background (left) are two spectators: Fox, full-face, his handkerchief to his eye, and Sheridan, turning towards him with a monitory forefinger. From a window on the extreme right looks the King, a telescope to his eye, saying: "Drum away, Billy!! I wish they were all drummd out!!""--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Military uniforms: Grenadiers' uniform -- Spying glasses -- Drummers -- Signs: placards.
Pubd. by W. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Str
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
"A burlesqued illustration of the quotation from 'Paradise Lost' etched below the design ... In the upper left corner of the design, and in the background, an aged St. Peter holds open a small arched door, putting one of his three massive keys into the lock. The irradiated doorway is 'Popish Supremacy'; through it is seen a table, also irradiated, spread with loaves, fishes (cf. BMSat 10697), and wine. A golden staircase receding in perspective ascends in a curve to the door from the summit of the globe, on which 'Ireland' (the more conspicuous) and 'England' are marked. A procession of petitioners winds up the globe from the lower margin of the design; its leaders have begun to ascend the stairs but have been struck by three mighty blasts of wind. These issue from the mouths of Pitt, Hawkesbury (just below), and Sidmouth (considerably lower) Their profile heads emerge from dark clouds on the extreme left. The blasts have overthrown the leading petitioners: Grenville, in bishop's robes, staggers back with outstretched arms, his crozier and mitre fall, and the Catholic Petition blows from his hands, tattered by the wind, in a stream of 'popish' objects which slants upwards across the design. Immediately behind him, full face, the spectacled Buckingham staggers backward. He is dressed as a monk. In front of the two brothers Moira has fallen on his back on the third stair, kicking wildly, his upright l. leg expressing his characteristic stiff rigidity. He wears a surplice over regimentals and spurred boots, and his sword has broken. He has dropped the halter of the Irish bull on which sits Fox, dressed as a cardinal, the central figure of the design. The bull, snorting flames, rears violently, throwing Fox back into a horizontal position. Round its neck is a tricolour ribbon inscribed 'Order of St Patrick', from which hangs a medal with a profile of 'Buonaparte'; on its head is a bunch of shamrock. Fox is a Papal Legate; he is about to fall, and drops his triple cross to which is attached a tattered tricolour banner, inscribed 'Catholic Emancipa[tion']. His cardinal's hat flies off; from his left hand blows a document with many seals: 'Hierarchical Powers of ye Legate-Cardinal Volpone'. Mrs. Fitzherbert, a Mother Abbess, has fallen headlong from the stairs on to the globe. Her r. hand is on Ireland, resting on an open book: ' . . by the Brighton Abbess System of Education for the benefit of Protestant Children'; her left wrist is on England. Her crozier rests on the globe. Her robes, rent by the fall, display bare posteriors and fat, kicking legs, suggesting the connotation of 'abbess' and bawd, see BMSat 5184, &c. Moira has flung his left arm across her. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Four stanzas of verse below image, two on either side of title: "And now St. Peter at heav'n's wicket seems ..., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark on upper and lower edges.
Pubd. May 17th, 1805, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, 1770-1828, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Grattan, Henry, 1746-1820, Holland, Henry Richard Vassall, Baron, 1773-1840, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825, Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, and George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
"A burlesqued illustration of the quotation from 'Paradise Lost' etched below the design ... In the upper left corner of the design, and in the background, an aged St. Peter holds open a small arched door, putting one of his three massive keys into the lock. The irradiated doorway is 'Popish Supremacy'; through it is seen a table, also irradiated, spread with loaves, fishes (cf. BMSat 10697), and wine. A golden staircase receding in perspective ascends in a curve to the door from the summit of the globe, on which 'Ireland' (the more conspicuous) and 'England' are marked. A procession of petitioners winds up the globe from the lower margin of the design; its leaders have begun to ascend the stairs but have been struck by three mighty blasts of wind. These issue from the mouths of Pitt, Hawkesbury (just below), and Sidmouth (considerably lower) Their profile heads emerge from dark clouds on the extreme left. The blasts have overthrown the leading petitioners: Grenville, in bishop's robes, staggers back with outstretched arms, his crozier and mitre fall, and the Catholic Petition blows from his hands, tattered by the wind, in a stream of 'popish' objects which slants upwards across the design. Immediately behind him, full face, the spectacled Buckingham staggers backward. He is dressed as a monk. In front of the two brothers Moira has fallen on his back on the third stair, kicking wildly, his upright l. leg expressing his characteristic stiff rigidity. He wears a surplice over regimentals and spurred boots, and his sword has broken. He has dropped the halter of the Irish bull on which sits Fox, dressed as a cardinal, the central figure of the design. The bull, snorting flames, rears violently, throwing Fox back into a horizontal position. Round its neck is a tricolour ribbon inscribed 'Order of St Patrick', from which hangs a medal with a profile of 'Buonaparte'; on its head is a bunch of shamrock. Fox is a Papal Legate; he is about to fall, and drops his triple cross to which is attached a tattered tricolour banner, inscribed 'Catholic Emancipa[tion']. His cardinal's hat flies off; from his left hand blows a document with many seals: 'Hierarchical Powers of ye Legate-Cardinal Volpone'. Mrs. Fitzherbert, a Mother Abbess, has fallen headlong from the stairs on to the globe. Her r. hand is on Ireland, resting on an open book: ' . . by the Brighton Abbess System of Education for the benefit of Protestant Children'; her left wrist is on England. Her crozier rests on the globe. Her robes, rent by the fall, display bare posteriors and fat, kicking legs, suggesting the connotation of 'abbess' and bawd, see BMSat 5184, &c. Moira has flung his left arm across her. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Four stanzas of verse below image, two on either side of title: "And now St. Peter at heav'n's wicket seems ..., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on upper and lower edges., 1 print : etching with aquatint on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 38.5 x 46.3 cm, on sheet 42.5 x 52.3 cm., and Mounted on leaf 6 of volume 6 of 12.
Pubd. May 17th, 1805, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of, 1770-1828, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Grattan, Henry, 1746-1820, Holland, Henry Richard Vassall, Baron, 1773-1840, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825, Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, and George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820
"George III, in profile to the right., has risen from the throne to receive the new Ministry whom he inspects through his glass (as in BMSat 10019). The head and halberd of a beefeater appear behind the throne. All bend low; Fox, the foremost, makes the lowest and most obsequious bow. His court suit, with flowered waistcoat, and coat with too much gold lace, is worn with his old buff breeches. Grenville, beside him, makes a gesture of introduction. Crowded behind these two are the others: Windham with his hand on his heart, Sheridan looking eager but apprehensive, Moira and Sidmouth more impassive; Erskine, in Chancellor's wig and gown, smiles with complacent egotism (cf. BMSat 9246, &c); on the extreme right. is (?) Lord Henry Petty. The King says: "Gentlemen I am very happy to see you here, in such Talents my People must have the most Implicit Confidence, & well as myself - Hum, don't like the Mixture. - " The new Ministers say simultaneously (dotted lines rising from each head to the inscription): 'We assure your M-----of our most confirmed Integrity, & are determined to make the - the the most of our places."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Strangers at court and Promising scene
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Printseller's announcement following imprint: Folios of caracatures [sic] lent out for the evening., Descriptive phrase following title: A promising scene., and Mounted to 30 x 39 cm.
Pubd. Feby. 10th, 1806 by S.W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, and Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826
"A reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Fox to various groups of the Opposition, [With one or two exceptions the identifications are those of Miss Banks; the characterization is excellent, and most are unmistakeable.] in which the arrangement has political and social significance. Three Grenvilles bow to the host and hostess; the Marquis of Buckingham, wearing his ribbon, holding hat and gold-headed cane and showing a gouty leg and foot, bends low. Next is Lord Grenville, clasping his hat to his breast, more ingratiating but less obsequious than his brother. Next is the stout Lord Temple, awkwardly imitating his uncle's gesture. Fox, wearing a sword, returns Buckingham's bow, his hand on his heart; on his right. stands the fat Mrs. Fox, curtseying, and ogling Grenville. She holds a fan on which is a profile portrait of 'Napoleone Ist'; from her pocket projects a flask of 'French Brandy', indicative of her antecedents (cf. BMSats 7370, 10589) as well as her sympathies, cf. BMSat 9892). On the extreme right. is the Prince of Wales, in back view, the greater part of his figure cut off by the margin, but unmistakable. From his pocket projects a paper: 'Henry IV. Sc. I [sic] Pr of W -l know you all, & shall . . . while.' A short fat man gazes up at him admiringly, obsequiously amused; he is identified by Miss Banks as 'Mr [i.e. General] Fitzpatrick', but resembles M. A. Taylor. Beside him is a dog, his collar inscribed 'Tommy Tattle' [? Thomas Tyrwhitt]. Mrs. Fitzherbert sits, in semi-state, in the corner of a sofa, holding a fan on which are the Prince's feathers and 'Ich Dien'; she is about to take a ticket, 'Coalition Masquerade', proffered with ingratiating vivacity by Lord Carlisle. Next Carlisle behind the sofa stands the Duke of Clarence, facing the Prince, and cruelly caricatured. Mrs. Jordan takes his right. arm, but is reading Jobson & Nell [characters in 'The Devil to pay] with the Farce of Equality' [see BMSat 7908, &c.]. Behind the pair are Col. McMahon, sly and furtive, and a large man, resembling the Duke of York. [Identified by Miss Banks as 'Mr. Tyrwitt', but Tommy Tyrwhitt was noted for his small size. ] Behind Mrs. Fitzherbert, Erskine, in wig and gown, delightedly holds up a large paper (the words partly obscured): 'Arraignments for the new Broad-Bottom'd Administration [cf. BMSat 10530], Citn Volpone [see BMSat 9892] . . . Lord Pogy [Grenville] . . . Madame Volpone .. . Cit . . . Ego [Erskine, see BMSat 9246], Lord High [Chancellor], Greyhound [Grey], H . . . Tooke . . ., Tierney' [imaginatively legible]. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Grand cooperative meeting at St. Ann's Hill
Title etched below image., Text following title: Respectfully dedicated to the admirers of a "Broad-Bottom'd administration.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on leaf 74 of volume 5 of 12.
Publish'd June 18th, 1804, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Fox, Elizabeth, 1750-1842, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1748-1825, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Jordan, Dorothy, 1761-1816, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826, Devonshire, Elizabeth Cavendish, Duchess of, 1758-1824, Spencer, George John Spencer, Earl, 1758-1834, Bessborough, Henrietta Frances Spencer Ponsonby, Countess of, 1761-1821, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1766-1839, Walpole, George, 1761-1830, Jones, Thomas Tyrwhitt, Sir, 1765-1811, Adair, Robert, Sir, 1763-1855, Derby, Elizabeth Farren Stanley, Countess of, 1759 or 62-1829, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Nicholls, John, 1745?-1832, Buckinghamshire, Albinia Hobart, Countess of, 1738-1816, Gordon, Jane Maxwell Gordon, Duchess of, d. 1812, Cholmondeley, George James Cholmondeley, Marquess of, 1749-1827, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Tooke, John Horne, 1736-1812, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Salisbury, James Cecil, Marquess of, 1748-1823, Cecil, Mary Amelia, Marchioness of Salisbury, 1750-1835., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, and Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821