A coat of arms divided into fours by a large X-shaped band. In each divided portion is a star. At the helm is an oak branch with acorns. At the top of the plate is a motto which reads Reviresco.
Subject (Name):
Christie, Thomas B.
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, First state., Nature, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Star
A coat of arms divided into quarters; two are divided further by a large X-shaped band, each featuring a star in the divided portions. The remaining two are divided in half by a diagonal sash with feature, each with the heads and torsos of three spotted creatures. Above is an oak branch, leaved save for two sprigs. Below on a banner reads the motto Sic Viresco.
Subject (Name):
Christie, Thomas B.
Subject (Topic):
Animals, Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Nature, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Star