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1. Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār fī al-ṣalāh ʻalá al-Nabī al-mukhtār : manuscript / Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī.
- Creator:
- Jazūlī, Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān, -1465.
جزولي، محمد بن سليمان، -1465 - Published / Created:
- 1793 or 1794.
- Call Number:
- Arabic MSS suppl. 616
- Image Count:
- 3
- Resource Type:
- Archives or Manuscripts
- Abstract:
- A well-known collection of prayers and devotions to the Prophet Muḥammad, by Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī, a Moroccan Muslim scholar and well-known Sufi of the Shadhilīyah Sufi order, of Berber decent, who had many devotees called "Jazūlīyah" after his own name. Copied in 1208 Hijrī (1793 or 1794) by the calligrapher Muṣṭafá al-Ḥalīmī, a student of the well-known Ottoman calligrapher Muṣṭafá al-Kūtāhī (died 1787). Place of copying not mentioned.
- Alternative Title:
- Dalāʼil al-khayrāt, Kitāb Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār fī al-ṣalāh ʻalá al-Nabī al-mukhtār, دلائل الخيرات, دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الأنوار في الصلاة على النبي المختار : مخطوطة / محمد بن سليمان الجزولي., and كتاب دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الأنوار في الصلاة على النبي المختار
- Description:
- 11 x 17 cm; written surface: 5.5 x 11; 13 lines per page., Binding: In dark brown leather binding with central medallion and gilt decorations., Colophon: "Katabahu aḍʻaf al-ḍaʻīf, khādim al-dīn al-ʻarīf, Muṣṭafá al-Ḥalīmī, min talāmīdh Muṣṭafá al-Kūtāhī, ghafara Allāh dhunūbahumā wa-satara ʻuyūbahumā, wa-li-man naẓara ilayhi. Āmīn. Fī sanat thamān wa-miʼatayn wa-alf.", In elegant naskh script, in black ink, on white paper; keywords and markings in red; text completely vocalized; pages are ruled in several lines of gold, black, red, and blue throughout; all sentences are separated with rosettes in gold and other colors; the opening two pages are highly illuminated in gold, brown, blue, and other colors; head and tail pieces illuminated in gold, blue, red, and other colors on folios 8b, 13b, 14a, 15b, 16a, 24a, 31b, 35b, 39b, 44a, 48a, 53a, 53v, 56b, 57b, 62a, 65b, 75a, and 81a; the different names of the Prophet are written in an intricate design of medallions in gold and other colors (folios 8b-13a); folios 14b and 15a contain two full-page miniatures, one of them representing the Kaʻbah in Mecca, the other representing the tomb of the Prophet Muḥammad in the Medina Mosque; few marginal notes in tiny but very legible script., Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. Wa-ṣallá Allāh ʻalá Sayyidinā Muḥammad wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi wa-sallam. al-Ḥamdu lillāh alladhī hadānā lil-īmān wa-al-Islām, wa-al-ṣalāh ʻalá Muḥammad nabīyihi alladhī istanqadhanā min ʻibādat al-awthān wa-al-aṣnām wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-aṣḥābihi al-nujabāʼ al-bararah al-kirām ...", On folio 2a: "... wa-sammaytuhu bi-Kitāb Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār fī dhikr al-ṣalāh ʻalá al-Nabī al-mukhtār.", Romanization supplied by cataloger., Secundo folio: hādhā al-kitāb dhikr al-ṣalāh., Title from folio 2a., Translation of the colophon: "Copied by the weakest of the weak, servant of the leading religion, Muṣṭafá al-Ḥalīmī, a student of Muṣṭafá al-Kūtāhī, may God forgive the sins of both of them and cover their shortcomings, may He also forgive those who look into it [the manuscript]. Amen. In the year one thousand two hundred and eight.", البداية: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم. الحمد لله الذي هدانا للإيمان والإسلام، والصلاة على محمد نبيه الذي استنقذنا من عبادة الأوثان والأصنام وعلى آله وأصحابه النجباء البررة الكرام ...", الخاتمة: "كتبه أضعف الضعيف، خادم الدين العريف، مصطفى الحليمي، من تلاميذ مصطفى الكوتاهي، غفر الله ذنوبهما وستر عيوبهما، ولمن نظر إليه. آمين. في سنة ثمان ومائتين وألف.', بداية الورقة الثانية: هذا الكتاب ذكر الصلوة., and على وجه الورقة 2: "... وسميته بكتاب دلائل الخيرات وشوارق الأنوار في ذكر الصلاة على النبي المختار."
- Subject (Name):
- Jazūlī, Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān,---1465., Muḥammad,--Prophet,---632--Prayers and devotions--Early works to 1800., and جزولي، محمد بن سليمان،---1465
- Subject (Topic):
- Arabic manuscripts., Islam--Prayers and devotions--Early works to 1800., Prayer--Islam--Early works to 1800., and Shādhilīyah--Early works to 1800.
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Dalāʼil al-khayrāt wa-shawāriq al-anwār fī al-ṣalāh ʻalá al-Nabī al-mukhtār : manuscript / Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-Jazūlī.