A coat of arms divided into quarters. The first and fourth quarter each feature, against a gules field, the head of a horse flanked by trefoils, with a star above, and a fleur-de-lis below. The second and third quarters feature an indented gules chief with three scallop shells upon it; beneath, against an ermine fretty, is a mitre at the center. At the helm, atop a torse and gorged by a crown is the head and neck of a griffin, who holds a rose in its beak. Beneath the shield, upon a banner, is the motto Nolo Servile Capistrum.
Subject (Name):
Marsh, Henry
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Cross, Crown, Fleur-de-lis, Hand, Nature, Physicians, Shells, Shield, Shields, and Star