Bound with:
Amends for ladies: a comedie. As it was acted at the Blacke-Fryers, both by the Princes seruants, and the Lady Elizabeths ; Faire quarrell: as it was acted before the King and diuers times publikely by the Prince his Highnes seruants ; Merry divel of Edmonton : as it hath beene sundry times acted, by His Maiesties seruants, at the Globe on the Banke-side ; Tricke to catch the old one : as it hath beene often in action, both at Paules, the Blacke Fryers, and before his Maiestie ; Woman kilde wwith kindnesse : as it hath beene often-times acted by the Queenes Maiest. seruants.
Alternative Title:
Palmer Collection of plays
Borrows from Marston's "Parasitaster." and Signatures: A-H4 (A1, recto signature-mark, verso blank; H4 blank).
Printed for Nathaniell Butter, and are to be solde at his Shop at the Pyde Bull at Saint Augustines Gate,