Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1941. Members of class: Ruth Glueck Addison, Grace Behrents Anderson, Anne Oliver Bassage, Margaret Haseltine Berger, A. Marcella Brown, Natale Linton Brown, Marjorie Howe Buttolph, Emma Senty Capoot, Harriet Dana Carroll, Marguerite Winn Currie, Sara Harwood Debivort, Ethel Stomel Dominguez, Charlotte Mulchay Duncan, Carol Reynolds Dunham, Hertha Eisenmenger Flack Monroe, Mary Elizabeth Peoples Frey, Wanda R. Galantowicz, Carolyn Dupont Gibbons, Margaret M. Gibson, Martha Dudley Gilbert, Gertrude Murphy Gould, Ethel Hansen Grass, Phyllis Craig Graves, Ruth Cervin Greenqway, Katharine Severence Hart, Virginia Howe Hay, Elsie Russel Hodges, Elinor Ann Affinito Ingelido, Jean Aiken Jackson, Jeanne Kaplan, Caroline Keller, Bessie Morehouse Kellogg, Barbara M. Landauer, Doris Campbell Lynch, Katherine Buckley Nuckolls, Elizabeth Sloan O'Neill, Hope Pitou, Elizabeth Kurtz Puzak, Olwen Williams Roberts, Stephanie Rushmore Routh, Madeline Chavkin Schwaid, Mary Downing Sichel, Althea Isabel Davis Stadler, Helen Southon Taffel, Alice Ross Tidd, Florence Schorske Wald, Charlotte Corning Wright, Betty Ricklefs Zwicker.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing—Class of 1942. Members of class: Lucile Soule Arnon, Rhea Yalowich Bardin, Arne Bulkely Beltz, Frances B. Brezina, Phyllis Kenyon Brown, Carol Bowman Coven, Betty Jackson Criscuolo, Elizabeth Bavis Decker, Janet Lewis Dickson, June Smith Dotterweich, Marian Davis Dubrule, Rachel Bechdel Glike, Mildred Lingard Goddard, Betty Fehsenfeld Gray, Barbara Anderson Guptil, Doris Kean Hallwhich, Elizabeth VanHorn Hallwhich, Margaret Danforth Kaminsky, Marjorie Mortimer Kenney, Mary Beale Kengon, Delilah E. Kistler, Kathryn Schroth Koozer, Elizabeth Wright Maines, Elizabeth Harrington Martinsen, Kate Rogers McCarthy, Eula McEachern McDowell, Elizabeth Chambers Moore, Nina Purington Newhart, Natalie Packer Opdycke, Nancy Hooker Peters, Antoinette Smith Peterson, Delia Marshall Pitkin, Muriel Baillie Pluim, Elaine Morrison Porter, Margaret M. Probst, Claire Leonard Sandersen, Margaret Moss Schoenknecht, Lois Brown Stokes, Ruth Uhler Thomas, Janet S. Walker, LaVera Nakvinda Williams, Jean Goodrich Williamson, Aleena Eisnor Young, Olga Louis Zagraniski.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1944. Members of class: Elizbeth R. Albertson, Ann Robinson Aronson, Evelyn Stewart Barnes, Dorothy Birdzell, Anne Tilghman Boyce, Ann P. Bradley, Mary Lord Cassell, Frances Ford Cooke, Jean Holzworth Cornwell, Betty Ann Kosters Countryman, Shirley Stewart Dean, Lucille Grafton Denman, Margery Skinner Deschweinitz, Ruth M. Elliot, Selma Droznin Falloon, Helen Donareff Feldberg, Margaret M. Field, Eleuthera Miller Fraser, Jane Owen Hayden Frelick, Beatrice Lerner Gelbaum, Mary Hurlin Glen, Lois Weinstein Goodman, Margaret S. Gudzin, Mary Jamison Gustafson, Marcia Creecy Haberlin, Alice Hillman Heck, Eleanore Weame Holderman, Emily Wright Ilgen, Lois Gladager Irwin, Mary-Jean Sealey Janssen, Beatrice Wener Jensen, Rita Almas Johnson, Pauline J. Keefe, Mary Montague Kelly, Janet Caldwell Klos, Dorothy Weaver Krogslund, Pauline V. Kummer, Lola M. Laffay, Mildred VonDerSump Lawler, Clare Donahue Libby, Naida MacInnes, Alison Stokes MacLean, Roslynne Govendy Markley, Edith Kenefick McGeehan, Patricia Preisker McLanahan, Marion Hall Merante, Susette L. Meyer, Mary Heft Miles, Myrtle Hundstad Mortimer, Doris Connor Oremus, Saiosie Hibbard Pratt, Sally Hitchcock Pullman, Doris Menken Robertson, Barbara Gary Ross, Carolyn Clasen Rudd, Theresa Lynn Siegel, Janis Jund Smith, Elizabeth Sprague, Britta Jamse Stamy, Anne Gladding Stern, Jane Payson Stevens, Shirley Keeler Munson Stiles, Janice Maltby Thelen, Constance Bancroft Thomas, Gwendolyn Weymouth Wilhelmson, Marion Fritz Winchester, Maxine Askey Wolston, Kathleen Clare Yeaple.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1945. Front row: Miss Pastore, Miss Gould, Mrs. Wolfinger-Snyder, Miss Coffey, Mrs. Dunn-Barrer, Miss Cody, Miss Hooper, Miss DeLuca, Miss Muhly, Miss Leach, Miss Sally, Miss Rudd, Mrs. Pierson-Cummings, Miss Weinberger, Mrs. Connell, Miss McQuade, Miss Berman, Miss Ochiai, Miss Hart. Second row: Miss Barth, Mrs. Kincov, Miss Llewellyn, Miss Dury, Miss Haughey, Miss Grim, Miss Brodrib, Miss Kiersted, Miss Dailey, Miss Grant, Miss Meyersburg, Miss Hunter, Miss Stouffer, Mrs. Lewis, Miss Parke, Miss Campbell, Miss Shiverick, Miss Davis, Mrs. Hahn-Wright. Third row: Miss Woodruff, Miss Forman, Miss Kinports, Miss Long, Miss Schultz, Miss Sollitt, Miss Tucker, Miss Savage, Miss Perry, Miss Matheke, Miss Michaels, Miss Cunningham, Miss Leonard, Miss Kuehner, Miss Lucas, Miss Anderson, Miss Pellett, Miss Nancy Rogers, Miss Weber.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1946. Members of class: Theona Leonard Andersen, Margaret Sullivan Arnett, Ellen Connelly Avila, Ruth Frank Baer, Sr. Elaine A. Baumann, Barbara Bemis Bloch, Phyllis Hardy Blodgett, Alene E. Bricken, Kathryn Mary Lynch Burdette, Mary Alexander Burns, Helene Livingston Byrns, Elsie Elenberger Calhou, Ann Illingworth Cauble, Carlottle Perkins Charbeneau, Muriel Crowly Clement, Anne Freeman Conkle, Harriet Arnold Craig, Virginia Pierson Cummings, Patricia Connors Curran, Juliet Crowder Dammann, Elizabeth Brockway Doe, Nora Stuart Donn, Barbara Eliis, Sally Hyde Fish, Mary Elizabeth French, Patricia Rogers Gagliardi, Suzanne Cailliet Gardon, Constance Gulden Goodman, Anita Amsel Greenwood, Eleanr Hoffman Grunberg, Eleanor Houck Haldane, Selma Badgley Hardeman, Mary Hagan-Bernard Harvey, Helen Bouck Hildebrandt, Thelka Reiniger House, Justine Woolett Kelliher, Mary E. Kopenhaer, Anne Gleysteen Kramer, Carolyn Butler Krementz, Mildred Woodworth Lafferty, Jean Smith Linder, Viaian Miles Mandell, Nancy Cavallaro Marder, Barbara E. Mathews, Clorinda Mardus McAteer, Catherine T. McClure, Iris Kelman McKenney, Dorothy Dick Miller, Erica Brown Miller, Marian G. Miller, Martha Miller Newton, Mary Alice O'Brien, Mildred Noland Peake, Naomi Wolf Perlman, Mary E. Quinlan, Bonnie I. Rankin, Sarah Hinshaw Rickerman, Mildred H. Rieman, Mary Malone Robinson, Anna Bono Rose, Sarah Rowley, Reva Rubin, Mary Root Saunders, Jean Thompson Saxon, Alice Sheehan Schmid, Charlotte Newsom Shedd, Gladys M. Soos, Margaret Markham Sparkman, Angela Carlucci Stempel, Barbara Evans Thayer, Pearl Ryshpan Walerstein, Rae Davis Walk, Rances Walters Wrzesinski.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1947. Top row: Priscilla Nelson, Signe Carlson, Eleanor Dudley, Mary Ellis, Barbara Waugh, Dorothy Schlick, Berenice Johnson, Phillipa Brady, Jane Stewart, Marjorie Page, Ollie Green. Fourth Row: M. J. Foster, Carolyn Bower Friou, Mary Duncan, Georgiana Hartdegan, Frances Agar, Evelyn Morland, Evelyn Holladay, Julia Dorious, Mabel Pelikow, Helen Atkins, Jewel Quimby. Third row: Rose Crisctitiello, Virginia Welch, Caroline Pullar, Sylvia Drake, Eileen Kohout Ehst, Shirley Parkhill, Hilda Shea, Jeanette Gies, Ann Kramer, Lois Young, Peal Turner Siegal, Ruth Russel, Clarice Hargiss. Second row: Janet Fitzsimmons, Barbara Kane, Katrina Quinn Eeschler, Phyllis Cross, Gellestrina DiMaggio, Elsie Noe, Irene Riley, Mary Bove, Louise Giles, Shirley Montgomery, Drusilla Poole, Elizabeth Tucker, Blanche Adams, Josephine Towler, Dorothy Dillard. First row: Margaret Meston, Linda Willard, Ann Smith, Lucy Booth, Emily Gould, Marjorie Schultz Gerth, Dean Bixler, Carol Potee Salmonson, Madeline McKenna, Thelma G. Lubitz, Constance Rudd Cole, Pyllis Burdett, Mary Jane Dews. Missing: D. Geiger, L. Hoffman, P. Olson.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.
Yale University School of Nursing, Class of 1947W. First row: Janet M Sanborn, Dorothy Burchette, Ruth K. Kaye, E. Virginia Stephenson, Dorothy Peavy. Second row: Ruth M. Welt, Nancy Duffie, Margaret M. Takacs, Barbara Brundage, Ruth Koons, Germaine Roshon. Third row: Lois Hoffman, Patricia Robinson, Evelyn Hamil, Mary L. Creech, Julia Shanton, Mary Benua. Fourth row: Edith Hash, Marian E. Smathers, Elizabeth B. Johnson, Rosemary Kuhn, Elisabeth Field.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Name):
Yale University. School of Medicine. and Yale University. School of Nursing.