A coat of arms divided into fours, with varying object found within. Above, to the left, is the head of a stag; to the right, is a dog flanked by laurel branches; and above this is a bat with a very large wingspan. Beneath the shield is the motto Fide et Opera.
Subject (Name):
Bogg, Edmund B.
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Animals, Birds, Crown, Heraldic bookplates, Physicians, and Shield
A coat of arms featuring three weasel-like creatures and a string of diamond shaped objects. A knight's helmet is at the helm, surrounded by mantling. Above is a bull standing before a leafy tree.
Subject (Name):
Bosnell, Edward
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Animals, Apothecaries, Armorial bookplates, Nature, Shield, and Shields
A coat of arms with a lion in the upper left-hand corner, three sword-like weapons, and seven stars dispersed throughout. At the helm is a right-handed fist brandishing a fourth weapon. Mantling surrounds the shield.
Subject (Name):
Chute, Edward
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Apothecaries, Armorial bookplates, Hand, Shield, Shields, and Sword
A shoreline scene with a large shell in the forefront, with trees and water in the background. Two columns make up the vertical sides of the border, each with a scallop shell in the middle. In each corner of the border there is a different coat of arms, save for the lower right-hand corner, which shows a shield that reads "South Australia". Above the scene, in the upper horizontal border, is the motto Omnia Deus Dat.
Subject (Name):
Bednall, Tompson
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Heraldic bookplates, Nature, Physicians, Rivers, Shells, Shield, and Shields
Two separate crests, one with a large flower; the other with a pair of antlers. Between this, on top, is a piece of armor adorned with a pair of antlers. Flowers and mantling make up the background, and this image rests on top of a mantle with two additional coats of arms, a skull, additional battle gear, flowers, and a caduceus that divides the mantle and comes between the upper two crests.
A large skeleton stands to the right of a coat of arms, divided into portions and featuring three scallop shells, two crosses, and a griffin. Above is a lion with a sword, supported by a mast-like structure. At the base of this structure is a sword. Beneath the shield is the motto Virtute et Vigilantia.
Subject (Name):
Buddicom, R. A.
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Lions, Physicians, Shield, Shields, Skeleton, and Sword
A coat of arms divided in half by a large diagonal band. In each half are two owls. At the Helm, surrounded by mantling, is the helmet of a knight. On top of the helmet a fifth owl with a circular design beneath its right foot. Beneath the crest, and above the title text, is the motto Le Caton Fidèle.
Subject (Name):
Caton, Richard
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Helmet, Shields, and Surgeons
A coat of arms divided into various portions, with additional objects within. There is a knight's helmet at the helm, and mantling about. Above this is an eagle, and further above is the motto Fide et Spe.
Subject (Name):
Borthwick, George Augustus
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Physicians, Shield, and Shields
A coat of arms divided into six portions. There is a lot of imagery throughout, including a castle turret, lions, scallop shells, crescents, fleurs-de-lis, open palms, and ermine spots. Above the shield, rising from the center of a crown, is a right-handed hand and forearm, clothed, and grasping a baton. Beneath the crest is the motto Luceat Teneat Floreat.
A coat of arms divided into quarters with two lions and several smaller images throughout. Above is a larger lion with a battle axe. Beneath the crest is the motto Post Terebras Lucem.
Subject (Name):
Bright, George Charles
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Armorial bookplates, Lions, Physicians, Physicists, and Shield