Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing: Sts. Cosmas and Damian (27 September); Archangel Michael (29 September); St. Dionysius (9 October); and St. Gall (16 October).
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: The offices of Archangel Michael and of St. Gall begin with 2-line initials in red and blue; the insider of the letters is decorated with an animal on a red and green ground surrounded by red and blue penwork and white dots; the outside of the letters is surrounded by red and blue penwork; 2-line initials of antiphons and responses alternate red and blue; the 2-line initial of the verse is in brown highlighted with red; the left margins of both versos are decorated with red and blue designs, which are topped by an animal head in red on fol. 1v; musical notation is in black on a 5-line staff in black; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing the Common of the Apostles
In Latin., Script: written in rounded gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: The 4-line initial at the beginning of the office is blue and red with blue and red flourishes; 2-line initials at the beginning of responses alternate blue and red; 2-line initials at the beginning of verses are brown with brown and yellow flourishes; 1-line initials within verses are in brown and are highlighted with red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text; musical notation is on a four-line staff.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing unidentified chants and Holy Saturday, lauds
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: the 4-line initial "U" is in blue and red; some of the sketched flourishes outside of the letter have been traced in red and filled with green; inside the letter a floral pattern has been sketched and partially completed; the 2-line initial "O" is red with sketched flourishes only partially completed and filled with green; rubrics in red in the same script as the text; quadrata notation is in black on a 4-line staff in red; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing Feria V throughout the year
In Latin., Script: written in a formal, rounded Italian gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: the 6-line initial "M" at the beginning of the Psalm is in gold, on a square ground of blue decorated with white filigree; the inside of the initial depicts a good-quality image of David kneeling against a mauve background and looking up to the hand of god; 1-line initials at the beginning of Psalm verses and antiphons alternate in red and blue uncials; rubrics written in red capitals; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; musical notation is in black on 4-line staves in red.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing Saturday throughout the year
In Latin., Script: written in a formal, rounded Italian gothic script (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: the 7-line initial "D" at the beginning of the Psalm is in light tan and gold on a square ground in blue with white filigree; the inside of the initial contains a miniature that is badly rubbed, depicting Christ holding a book on a mauve ground; the first line of the Psalm is written in 1-line white capitals on a rectangular red ground; guide letters for the artist are in the margin in red; 1-line initials are black capitals highlighted with red; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text; musical notation is in black on 4-line staves in red.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing St. Cecilia (22 November).
In Latin., Script: written in a formal gothic bookhand (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: musical notation in black on a five-line staff in red; on the recto there is a 2-line initial "C" in red and blue on a rectangular ground of red and blue penwork; the 2-line initial "E" on the verso and the 1-line initials are black; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text, but in a smaller module; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing Saturday throughout the year, matins
In Latin., Script: written in a formal gothic bookhand (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: on the recto there is a 4-line initial "C", in red and blue on a ground outlined in purple and decorated with purple foliage on red cross-hatching; 1-line initials at the beginning of the hymn and the psalm are red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus and the comma; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary, possibly from Lambach. Contains circumcision (1 January) from second nocturn of matins through second vespers; antiphons for the Benedictus and Magnificat for Sundays I, II, III and IV after Epiphany; Saturday throughout the year, vespers to the first nocturn of matins
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule., Decoration: 2-line initials in red capitals, set apart from the text; rubrics written in red minuscule; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; neumed differentiae (evovae) provided in the outer margins for antiphons with full text; punctuated with punctus placed on base line., and Other leaves from the same antiphonary are preserved in the bindings of Lambach, Stiftsbibliothek, Cml XVI (2 leaves) and Cml LXXIII (the Lambach Rituale, 1 leaf).
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary, containing Antiphons for the week of Septuagesima; Sexagesima, first vespers to second vespers; Quinquagesima, from vespers to the first nocturn of matins
In Latin, Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 2-line initial "Q" on f. 1v in red; 1-line initials in brown capitals with uncial M and an enlarged minuscule e; rubrics written in red minuscule, with occasional use of uncial M; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; punctuated with punctus placed on the base line; cross-shaped "+" mark in brown ink on f. 1r.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing the Assumption of Mary (15 August).
In Latin., Script: written in early Gothic script., and Decoration: initials of the first antiphons of lauds and of second vespers are 1-line red capitals; other 1-line initials are in brown rustic capitals; those for the antiphons and responses of matins are dotted or traced in red; rubrics are written in red rustic capitals; the name "maria" is sometimes written with uncial "M" and mostly with capital "R"; punctuated with the punctus; chants and marginal tonary letters have neumes in the St. Gall style.