SH Contents H217 no. 1 Framed, shelved in LFS Bin 33
Image Count:
Portrait of Margaret Smith, wife of Sr. Charles Bingham ...
Alternative Title:
Margaret Smith, wife of Sir Charles Bingham, an excellent paintress
Title from Horace Walpole's note on verso: Margaret Smith, wife of Sr. Charles Bingham, an excellent paintress, by Hamilton 1774., Also with a poem on verso in Walpole's hand: Without a rival long on painting's throne, Urbino's modest artist sat alone. At last a British fair's unerring eyes, in five short moons contests the glorious prize, Raphael by genuis nurs'd by labour gain'd it, Bingham but saw perfection, and attain'd it. H.W.", Hugh Douglas Hamilton, English portrait and subject painter, 1739-1808., and No. 20 in the Catalogue of Framed Pictures in the Lewis Walpole Library.
Profile portrait depicting the young traveller Henry Bunbury wearing an academic gown and mortar board. This drawing was used as the basis for Thomas Patch’s conversation piece of the interior of his Florentine studio painted in 1770 and now in the collection of the Lewis Walpole Library, Farmington
Alternative Title:
Mr. Bunbury, 1769
Title and date inscribed by the artist (?) in lower right., Unsigned; attributed to Thomas Patch., Inscribed below the title in a different hand: Drawn by Gezze at Florence., and From the same sheet as another drawing of "Valentino, Servitore di Piazza, 1769", now separated.
A portrait of the artist Henry William Bunbury shown in profile looking to the right, a sketchbook in his lap and a pencil in his right hand. He is wearing a hat with a broad brim and is seated in an arm chair
Alternative Title:
Artist Henry William Bunbury while sketching
Title written in brown ink in lower left, possibly in the artist's hand., Unsigned; attributed to Thomas Rowlandson., Date from auction lot description., and Small "p." written in lower right corner.
Drawing of Francis Place (1647-1728), English draughtsman, printmaker and potter
Title from inscription in ink in Horace Walpole's hand[?] on mount: Mr. Francis Place of York., Sheet with image mounted on separate sheet with pencil border around sheet with image., Signed in pencil, lower right: G.V., Drawing that was later used as a basis for an engraving of Place in: Catalogue of engravers ... / digested by Mr. Horace Walpole from the mss. of Mr. George Vertue. Strawberry-Hill : Printed in the year MDCCLXIII [1763], opp. p. 87., and George Vertue, English artist, 1684-1756.
A portrait of Hogarth in profile, looking right, with a pencil in his right hand poised above an open book in his left hand. He wears a cocked hat on his head. Adapted from his self-portrait in "The Gate of Calais."
Title from engraved text above image. and Date based on similar print published by R. Sayer. See no. 3066 in the Catalogue of political and personal satires preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, v. 3.
A portrait of Hogarth in profile, looking right, with a pencil in his right hand poised above an open book in his left hand. He wears a cocked hat on his head. Adapted from his self-portrait in "The Gate of Calais."
Title from engraved text in frame encicling the portrait., Numbered '12' above image., Cf. No. 3066 in the Catalogue of political and personal satires preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, v. 3., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand centered above this print and one to left: See Mr. Nichols's book, 3d. edt., p. 297., and On page 147 in volume 2.
Publish'd according to act of Parliament by r. Sayer opposite Fetter Lane
Drawing of Jan Siberechts (ca. 1627-1703), Flemish born landscape painter who settled in England in the early 1670s and established a reputation for his portraits of country houses
Alternative Title:
Mr. John Sybrecht landscape painter
Title from inscription in ink below image., Signed in ink, lower right: G.V., Inscription in ink, lower right: ob. 1763 Ata 73. in possess. Mr. Van Ost., Inscription in ink, lower left: N. Langillire pinx., Engraving by T. Chambars in Anecdotes of painting identifies artist as: N. Largiliere pinx., Drawing that was used as a basis for an engraving of Sybrecht in: Anecdotes of painting in England / by Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry-Hill : Printed in the year MDCCLXIII, [1763], v. 3, opp. p. 102., and George Vertue, English artist, 1684-1756.
McArdell, James, approximately 1729-1765, printmaker
Published / Created:
[approximately 1755?]
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Portrait of John Pine (engraved and herald) seen half-length to left in rectangular frame, eyes to front, wearing cap, earring and fur-trimmed coat, hands folded on the knob of his cane, to left
Title etched beneath image., Printmaker from Catalogue of engraved British portraits., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: See Mr. Nichols's book, 3d. edit. p. 434., and On page 126 in volume 2.
Printed for Geo. Pulley at Rembrandt's Head, the corner of Bride Court, Fleet Street
McArdell, James, approximately 1729-1765, printmaker
Published / Created:
[approximately 1755]
Call Number:
Kinnaird 44K(d) Box 210
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Portrait of John Pine (engraved and herald) seen half-length to left in oval frame, eyes to front, wearing cap, earring and fur-trimmed coat
Title etched beneath image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Price 2s"--Following imprint., and After the original now in the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, Canada.
Sold at the Golden Head, the corner of Southampton Strt. Convt Garden