Some trialls and motions ap[u]d bancho regis termino hill[ary] Jan: 29th 166/7 [sic], [1677-1678]
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Manuscript on paper, in a single cursive hand, of notes on some cases heard in the Court of King?s Bench in 1677 and 1678. and Many of the notes concern the trials involving Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, including his suit for slander against Lord Digby, the habeas corpus issued for him, and his own trial in King?s Bench. The notes include summaries of the arguments made by Shaftesbury?s and Digby?s representatives and the debate concerning the """"prorogation"""" or """"adjournment"""" of Parliament.
Binding: contemporary sheep; impression of central boss on front panel. and Teaching resource: English Paleography Examples, 16th-18th century
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Politics and government --1660-1688 and Great Britain--Social conditions --17th century
Subject (Name):
Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 1635?-1698, Great Britain. Court of King’s Bench, Great Britain. Parliament, 1661-1678, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and Taylor, John, of Guilfoord, Essex
Subject (Topic):
Atheism, Blasphemy, Law, Libel and slander, Trials, and Whig Party (Great Britain)
Manuscript copy, made in the 18th century, sometime after 1723. "Un des quelques MS complets de l’ouvrage devenu celebre sous le titre de Testament du cure Meslier.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church --Controversial literature
Subject (Topic):
Atheism, Christianity --Controversial literature, and Religion --Controversial literature
Some trialls and motions ap[u]d bancho regis termino hill[ary] Jan: 29th 166/7 [sic], [1677-1678]
Image Count:
Manuscript on paper, in a single cursive hand, of notes on some cases heard in the Court of King?s Bench in 1677 and 1678. and Many of the notes concern the trials involving Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, including his suit for slander against Lord Digby, the habeas corpus issued for him, and his own trial in King?s Bench. The notes include summaries of the arguments made by Shaftesbury?s and Digby?s representatives and the debate concerning the """"prorogation"""" or """"adjournment"""" of Parliament.
Binding: contemporary sheep; impression of central boss on front panel. and Teaching resource: English Paleography Examples, 16th-18th century
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain --Politics and government --1660-1688 and Great Britain --Social conditions --17th century
Subject (Name):
Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 1635?-1698, Great Britain. Court of King’s Bench, Great Britain. Parliament, 1661-1678, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and Taylor, John, of Guilfoord, Essex
Subject (Topic):
Atheism, Blasphemy, Law, Libel and slander, Trials, and Whig Party (Great Britain)
Below imprint: (Price two shillings.)., Signatures: [A]⁴ B-M⁴ N² [$2 signed]., Not in ESTC., Possibly by John, Lord Hervey (1696-1743). Cf. Maioli, R. Eighteenth-Century studies, volume 54, number 2, winter 2021. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press., LWL 49 1608 33:5: Horace Walpole's marks., LWL 49 1608 33:5: Omitted from Horace Walpole's list of contents of this volume., and Mottled calf, with Horace Walpole's manuscript list of contents.