A shield on which are three left hands, facing palm up. Above the shield are two images—to the left, a swan; to the right, a tower with a battlement. Beneath the shield is the motto Mature.
A coat of arms divided in half by a large diagonal band. In each half are two owls. At the Helm, surrounded by mantling, is the helmet of a knight. On top of the helmet a fifth owl with a circular design beneath its right foot. Beneath the crest, and above the title text, is the motto Le Caton Fidèle.
Subject (Name):
Caton, Richard
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Helmet, Shields, and Surgeons
Statue of a man in a robe standing on a pedestal and surrounded by various other human figures. At his feet are kneeling children. A rooster is between the children at bottom center. At the top is a banner with the phrase Non est Vivere sed Valere, Vita.
Subject (Name):
Radbill, Samuel X., 1901-1987
Subject (Topic):
Birds, Bookplate collectors, Children, Medical colleges, Medical libraries, and Pediatricians
Palfrey, E. G. R. School of Medicine Tulane University of Louisiana
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Bookplate Collection
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Prints & Photographs
Two leafy trees flanking the title name of the bookplate. On the outer sides of the trees are two shields—one containing a caduceus; the other a rooster on a pedestal. At center is a pelican feeding three fledglings in a nest.
Subject (Name):
School of Medicine Tulane University
Subject (Topic):
Birds, Medical colleges, Nature, Shield, and Snakess
A coat of arms containing a eagle at center, three rings, and a double star above. At the top is an eagle holding another ring. Below is the motto Semper Virtute Constans.
In an oval frame, a young woman with long hair and pearls around her neck, feeds a bird from a straw as she leans over a shelf. Beside her is a basket with other little birds and on the right a potted blooming plant
Title from item., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark.
A coat of arms divided into two, with three ravens above a blank field. At the helm are two arms clad in armor and each brandishing a sword--one has pierced a heart-shaped organ; the other, a boar's head. Beneath the image is the motto Amor Vel Gloria.
Subject (Name):
Corban, Francis
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Physicians, Shield, Shields, and Sword
A coat of arms divided into strips with a two-headed eagle at the helm. Flowers surround the shield, and a motto surrounding the entire image reads Altius Ibunt Qui Ad Summa Nitantur.
Subject (Name):
Brodbelt, Francis Rigby
Subject (Topic):
Armorial bookplates, Birds, Physicians, and Shield
A coat of arms initially divided into two vertical halves. The left half is further divided by an engrailed-edged chevron with a cinquefoil in the upper angle. Above the chevron are two storks; below, just one. The right-handed half is further divided by a fess, with two doves above and one below. At the crest, above a wreath of flowers and a torse, is the head and neck of a unicorn, featuring five lozenges. The image is mostly surrounded by a bound bundle of flowers and leaves.
Subject (Name):
Horn, Frederick
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Physicians, Shield, and Shields