Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing the Assumption of Mary (15 August).
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of Caroline minuscule, with a smaller script for the chants and a larger one for the lessons., and Decoration: 2- and 3-line initials at the beginning of lessons are in red square capitals; 1-line initials at the beginning of chants are in brown rustic capitals dotted or highlighted with red; rubrics are written in red rustic capitals except for the homily rubric which is partially in minuscule; punctuated with the punctus; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; the name "maria" has been supplied twice on the recto by a later hand.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing excerpts from Augustine's De sermone domini in monte, a lesson from Matthew 7, and an undetermined office for St. Apollinaris
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of Caroline minuscule, with a larger script for the lessons and hymn and a smaller script for the antiphons and responses., and Decoration: on fol. 1v there are decorated initials "I" (7-line) and "F" (8-line), outlined in orange and colored with green and yellow ; 1- and 2-line initials are orange uncials; 1-line initials within the hymn are a mixture of orange uncials and rustic capitals; rubrics are written in orange minuscule; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus; accents and diacritical marks over double "i" by later hands.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing Ascension, from vespers to the first nocturn of matins with lessons from Leo Magnus' Tractatus septem et nonaginta
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: written in two sizes, a smaller module for the chants and a larger one for the lessons; 2-line initials are in red square capitals; 1-line initials in brown square capitals; rubrics written in red minuscule; punctuated with punctus in chants and the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus versus within the lessons; accents in same ink as the text; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing: Epiphany (6 January) with lessons from Bede and Paul the Deacon's Homilary; Purification of Mary (2 February) with lessons from Pseudo-Augustine, Sermon 370
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of Caroline minuscule with a smaller script for chants and a larger script for lessons., and Decoration: 1-line initials at beginning of lessons and of lauds are in orange square capitals or uncials; other 1-line initials are in brown rustic capitals with enlarged minuscule "e" are occasionally highlighted in orange; initials of responses ornamented with orange dots; rubrics written in orange capitals; punctuated with punctus in chants and punctus, punctus versus, and punctus interrogativus in lessons; antiphons and responses contain interlinear neumes in St. Gall style.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735., Pseudo-Augustine., and Catholic Church
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing services for a variety of dates including: Fourth Sunday of Advent; Feria IV before Christmas; Feria V before Christmas; John the Evangelist (27 December); Holy Innocents (28 December); Sunday after Christmas; Epiphany; St. Sebastian (20 January); St. Agnes (21 January); Exaltation of the Cross (14 September); St. Matthew (21 September); St. Maurice (22 September); St. Michael (29 September); St. Dionysius (9 October).
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule; written in two sizes, smaller for chants, larger size for lessons; script similar to the style of Otloh of St. Emmeram., and Decoration: 2-line initials at the beginning of offices and lessons are in red square capitals; 1-line initials at beginning of chants are in brown square capitals with occasional use of uncial M and round E or an enlarged minuscule "m"; rubrics written in red rustic capitals; rubric letters for chants frequently written in left margin; liturgical directions written in brown rustic capitals touched with red; punctuated with punctus for the end of chants, and punctus, punctus versus, and punctus interrogativus for the lessons; chants have interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Othlo, Monk of St. Emmeram, approximately 1010-approximately 1070. and Catholic Church
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing among others: Christmas (25 December); St. Stephen (26 December).
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 2- to 4-line initials in red; 1-line initials at the beginning of responses are in thick brown ink, sometimes highlighted in red; smaller 1-line initials at the beginnings of antiphons, psalms, and verses are in brown, highlighted in red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus; chants have interlinear neumes; another hand has added interlinear hufnagel neumes over several lessons.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing Sts. Peter and Paul (29 June).
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of late Carolina/early Gothic script., and Decoration: two 3-line initials are in red uncials; 1-line initials are in brown rustic capitals occasionally highlighted with red; rubrics are written in red capitals; punctuated with punctus for chants, and the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus for the lessons; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; accents in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing among others: Invention of St. Stephen (3 August); Sts. Sixtus, Felicissimus, and Agapitus (6 August); St. Afra (9 August); St. Laurence (10 August); St. Tiburtius (11 August).
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 2- to 4- line initials at the beginning of the feasts and lessons are writte in red square capitals; 1-line initials at beginning of lessons written in red square capitals; 1-line initials for other chants are in brown rustic capitals and frequently traced or dotted in red; 1-line initials of lessons are in brown rustic capitals; rubrics written in red minuscule; punctuated with the punctus for chants, and the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus for the lessons; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; neumed differentiae and tonary letters for antiphons are in the outer margins.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a noted breviary containing in part: Epiphany (6 January); Octave of Epiphany; Sunday I after Epiphany; and Sunday I per annum
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of early gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: 1- to 3-line initials at the beginning of lessons and prayers are in red square capitals; the responsorial liturgy on fol. 4v begins with a 2-line round "D" in red; initials at the beginning of the Benedictus and Magnificat antiphons are 1-line red capitals; other 1-line initials are in a mixture of brown uncials or rustic capitals with initials of responses dotted in red; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus for the chants, and the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus interrogativus for the lessons; interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.