Woman with "Preternatural development of the left mamma."
Alternative Title:
Case No. 5583 and Kwan Meiurh
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Ninth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital in Canton for the quarterly term ending in December 31st, 1838. Chinese Repository, vol. 7. 1838-1839, p. 103-104: No. 5583, June 14th, Diseased breast, Kwan Meiurh from Kaouming, 45 years old, a silk embroiderer, had a preternatural development of the left mamma, which commenced two years ago. Six months before she came to the hospital she called a Chinese physician who applied to it a succession of plasters. Soon after the integument ulcerated and the gland protruded, she was much emaciated and the breast, one third as large as her head, came down as low as the umbilicus, when she stood up and laid upon her arm in the recumbent posture, presenting a large raw surface exuding blood and the natural secretion of the gland as it was irritated by the clothes. At various points were seen the lacteal ducts greatly enlarged. (...) The disease was strictly local. The patient justly remarked “The sooner it was removed the better” (...) on the 20th of June the breast was removed. In the morning before the operation the patient being asked if she feared it replied in the negative that “now if I turn to the right hand or to the left, incline forward or backward, I am in pain but in cutting off my breast is but a single pang.” The composed and confiding manner in which she came to the operation could not escape the notice of the gentlemen who were present. Apparently no child ever lay in the arms of its parent with more confidence of safety than this woman lay upon the operation table under the knife of a foreigner. In two and a half minutes the breast was extirpated; no artery required a ligature. The patient just moved her lips as a small remaining portion of the gland was dissected out; but regained the natural expression of her countenance before she was carried from the table. No fever followed (...). The third day the patient was walking from room to room, happy in her deliverance from so gloomy a prospect, and such suffering as the disease and the maltreatment it had received, occasioned. She is most rapidly recovering., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Woman with a thin, drawn face. Ulcerating tumor of the left breast
Alternative Title:
Case No. 50000 and Kwan Meiurh
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Fourth Report, Chinese Repository, vol. 5, 1836-1837, p. 329-331: No 2152: Amputation of the Shoulder-Joint. Absorption of the os humeri and enlargement of the arm. Po Ashing, aged 23, entered the hospital on the 3rd of November. Six years since, he fell from a house and broke the humerus of the left arm, half way from the elbow to the shoulder, the lower portion passing upwards and backwards. Union so far took place as to render the arm serviceable, till six months since, in a crowd, at a “sing song” it was again broken. From that time, according to the statement, the arm gradually became larger, till it had attained its present enormous size. Beside of being painful, the weight of it drew him quite one side; at several places it seemed ready to burst; the skin was bright and glistering, and the veins passing over it were numerous and much enlarged. There was no doubt of it containing fluid, and though no pulsation could be felt, apprehensions were entertained that the tumor might be of an aneurismal nature. November 14th, assisted by Messrs. Cox, Cullen, Jardine and Bonsall, I punctured the arm, supposing that it might possibly contain pus, and that the necessity of amputation might be avoided; yet prepared if disappointed in this, to remove the arm. On opening the abscess, a dark greenish fluid escaped, with considerable force but soon became darker and more bloody. Sixteen ounces were first discharged, but the character of the fluid was not decisive. In the hope that the fluid was from some small vein, divided by the incision, and that there was deep-seated pus, the lancet was reentered nearly its whole length, but the same discharge continued with a similar proportion of venous blood: thirty-two ounces in all were discharged, and the aperture closed. All were agreed that the only chance of life was in the removal of the arm; but the exhaustion of the patient and the absence of his father induced us to postpone the operation until the next day, unless subsequent symptoms forbade. At 3 o’clock PM it appeared that the tumor, which had been diminished by opening it, had attained more than its former size, and supposing that the vein, which had been opened was emptying itself into the tumor, and that there could be no safe delay, the operation would have been performed immediately but for the absence of the patient’s friends. The next morning (Nov. 15th) the circumference was still but thirty inches, the integument having reached its maximum of distension, it appeared that the fluid was insinuating itself beneath the integument about the shoulder joint, increasing the difficulty and hazard of the amputation. It proved, however, to be mere tumefaction. The father and friends of the patient had come, and given the agreement liable to fatal terminations; and the patient had recovered very much from his previous exhaustion., At 11 A.M. the gentlemen present the preceding day were ready and everything was prepared for the amputation. The patient was seated supported around the waist by a sheet; the tourniquet was applied, also the subclavian artery secured by an assistant; a single flap was formed as recommended by Liston, the extent of the disease not admitting the use of the catlin as practiced by Cooper. With a large scalpel two incisions were made, commencing on either side of the acromion process and meeting of the origin of the deltoid muscle, which was immediately dissected up: the capsular ligament divided, the head of the humerus turned out of the socket, and another stroke of the knife upwards, dissevered the arm from the body. The time did not exceed a minute, from the application of the scalpel till the arm was laid upon the floor; the patient was then upon a bed, and the pressure upon the artery removed. An excellent flap was formed, and dressings were applied as usual. Afterwards the patient threw up the brandy and water and pother medicines. The best representation of the arm after the amputation, so far as shape is concerned, is that of a large ham of bacon. It weighed about 16 catties, equal to 21 pounds. Opening the arm at the place where it was punctured the preceding day, a dark coffee-colored fluid gushed put. (...) Opening other cavities, there was a similar discharge and a quantity of matter resembling putrid crassamentum, of a light purplish color, or like the disorganized lungs of persons who have died of pulmonary consumption. (...)The bone was entirely absorbed, except an inch of each extremity. (...) At the head of the humerus it appeared, till we discovered the absorption of the whole bone, as if nature had formed a new joint. (...) The muscles were much diseased (...) From the elbow downward, the muscles were perfect. The forearm was oedematous, and considerable adipose substance, was found under the integument. All who were present pronounced the case the most remarkable they had ever seen. The patient is the first Chinese, so far as I know, who has ever voluntarily submitted to the amputation of a limb. At 5 o’clock the patient, having awoke from sleep, asked what he might eat. Congee was given. The expression of his countenance was good; he spoke with a natural voice, complained of cold, though his body was of good temperature, the skin feeling natural, with a gentle perspiration upon the forehead. (...) He occasionally started in his sleep, and when awake spoke of his arm as it were still on. (...) On the 21st, the dressings were changed again, and the remaining sutures slipped, and the wound had the most healthy appearance. Patient walks his room, his general health is good, and his strength is fast restoring. His gratitude and that of his father seem deep and sincere., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Case Study from Peter Parker's Journal, Nov. 1836. "At 11 a.m. the patient was seated in a chair supported around the waist by a sheet. The time did not exceed a minute from the application of the scalpel till the arm was laid on the floor. The best representation of the arm after amputation, so far as its shape is concerned, is that of a large ham of bacon. It weighed 16 catties, equal to 21 1/8 pounds. All who were present pronounced the case the most remarkable they had ever seen. The patient is the first Chinese, so far as I know, who ever voluntarily submitted to the amputation of a limb. The patient made a good recovery.", and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Man in profile. Ulcerating tumor of the right cheek and right salivary gland
Alternative Title:
Case No. 1675 and Leang Ashing
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Fourth Report, Chinese Repository, vol. 5, 1836-1837, p 325-327: No 1675 Sarcomatous tumor. Leang Ashing, aged 27, an artificial flower maker, came to the hospital August 5th, had an enormous tumor on the right side of his face extending from near a line with the zigomatic process superiorly (...) It was 18 1/2 inches in circumference. It had been growing for more than ten years, by the application of cautery (the moxa is commonly used) it had been converted into a loathsome ulcer at its apex. Though deep-seated it appeared practicable to remove it. The patient’s constitution had not then suffered much, and there seemed no objections to delaying the operation till cool weather should return. At the expiration of more than two months the man came back and to my great surprise the healthy countenance had given place to the sallow and cadaverous of one fast verging to the grave. The tumor had become exceedingly fetid, and so decayed internally so as to admit a probe in three or four inches in different directions. After the system had been braced up for a short time by a course of tonic treatment, the patient was apprized of his situation, the certainty of a speedy death if left alone, the possible unfortunate termination of extirpated, and the encouraging prospect that that he might live for years if he submitted to the operation. (...) Himself and a brother gave a writing, certifying that they requested the removal of the tumor, and if successful should rejoice but if otherwise it was tcen che ming, “the will of heaven”, or fate, no blame should be incurred upon the operator. On the 8th of November the tumor was extirpated. (...) During the incisions through the integuments and the dissecting out of the tumor he did not move a muscle, change a feature of his countenance, or draw one long breath, so that apprehensions were even entertained that he was insensible; but if spoken to he answered deliberately and correctly. Subsequently he informed me that he was sensible of all that was done, but putting his arms across each other, he said “I determined not to move.”, In passing the sutures near the ear he started involuntarily a few times. On raising him up to change his bloody clothes, he began to faint and was threatened with spasms, but soon recovered as he was laid down (...) Patient complained of a swelling on the side of the neck, and I found that some blood had settled beneath the plastisma myoides and on pressure that there was emphysema. Applied a spirit lotion over the part. Patient comfortable (...) Its lips had united in several places by the first intention. (...) Now 7th found considerable fetor like that of the tumor, and a thin unhealthy discharge. The coagulated blood thrown off was very black. (...) more vitality in the parts, free discharge of pus of a more healthy character (!), less fetor. (...) On the tenth from the operation, the discharge had ceased and the whole was healed. There is partial paralysis of the buccinators muscle, and of the under eyelid and the lips are drawn a little askew. General health is much improved. He seems properly to appreciate the favor he received, and is very ready to tell to others what has been done for him., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Man with growth on the right side of his chin. Similar to Portrait No. 9.
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Face, Cancer, and Sick persons
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Seventh report, Chinese Repository vol. 6. 1836-1837, p. 436-437: No. 3488. Cartilaginous tumor. Woo Pun, aged 41, a shoemaker of Pwanyü, have been afflicted with a large unshapen tumor upon the left side of his neck. It hung pendulous from the submaxilliary, extending backward over the external jugular vein and carotid artery, forwards to the opposite side of the trachea and downwards to the breast. For the last ten years its growth was rapid, and from its magnitude it had become very cumbersome. It was as large as the man’s head, and so hard as not to yield to the pressure of the thumb. Centrally it was diseased and having perforated by an escharotics of an Chinese practitioner, it emitted a most offensive discharge. The aperture was half an inch in diameter and as regular as if formed by a drill. The patient kept it closed with a stopple, every morning evacuating some ounces of offensive fluid. His constitution had begun to suffer. On the 19th June, assisted by Messrs Cox, Cullen and Jardine, the tumor was removed in about five minutes. Several veins of considerable size were divided. (...) The tumor was two feet in circumference and weighed 7 lbs. The patient scarce uttered a groan. In twenty minutes he was comfortable in bed. (...) At 1 o’clock A.M. a servant called; and when I arrived at the hospital, the poor man was apparently gasping his last. He was very bloody and evidently made a desperate struggle without success to loosen the bandage. The neck was instantly freed of the roller. His pulse was just perceptible, his extremities were already cold; he foamed at the nose, and breathed stertorously, as in apoplexy. His mouth was immediately freed of phlegm, and his nose of blood; stimulants were applied, and also administered internally, and bottles of warm water put to his feet. (...) Probably the brother [his brother?] fell asleep and awoke only by the almost dying struggle of the patient. Two or three minutes delay in coming to his relief might have been too late! (...) In one month he was perfectly recovered. He has repeatedly visited the hospital. His constitution was wonderfully recovered and from the inroads of the disease and he again enjoys excellent health, and evinced unbound gratitude. He sees to regard the favor received, as conferring on him full liberty to introduce and all his diseased friends. This is very uniformly the case with such as have received any special benefit., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Eighth report, Chinese Repository, Vol. 7, 1838-1839, p. 99: “No 5075, Yin Youwei, aged 30, a farmer of Nanhae, had a tumor three inches diameter, beneath his right ear, in an inflamed state, very painful, and fast tending to suppuration. This was also removed on the 25th April in six minutes. The adhesion was rather firm to the integument above, and to the angle of the jaw. The submaxillary gland was exposed to view. In fifteen days the patient was discharged quite well.”, and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Man seated. Large growth on the left side of his back
Alternative Title:
Case No. 3438
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons