"George IV stands directed slightly to the left, his head turned to the right. His right hand rests on a tasselled cane; in his left hand is a long narrow book inscribed 'Rates'. He wears a top-hat, with double-breasted tail-coat, knee-breeches, and gloves. From his pocket hangs a handkerchief (cf. No. 15746) on which, enclosed in an oval inscribed 'The Man Wot Drives Sovreign', is a free copy of No. 15731. Above his head: 'Dont talk to me of Radicals haven't I done evr'y thing in my power to promote the good of the Parish--ever since I've been in office--eh?' Below the title: '"And ratolorum [sic] too; and a gentleman born--who writes himself armigero, in any bill, warrant, quittance or obligato [sic]--Shakspeare--' ['Merry Wives', 1. i]."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Series title etched above image., Paul Pry is the pseudonym of William Heath., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, but see volume 10, nos. 15800-15803 for other prints in this series.
Pub. June 12th 1829 by T. McLean 26 Haymarket sole publisher of P. Prys caricatures - none are original without T. McLeans name
Title from item., Temporary local subject terms: Taxes: hair powder tax -- Debts: Prince of Wales's debts -- Allusion to Mrs. Fitzherbert -- Allusion to Mrs. Robinson -- Allusion to Mrs. Crouch -- Tankards -- Barbers' shops., and Mounted to 35 x 39 cm.
Pub. May 6, alias Hair Powder Day, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly, corner Sackville St.
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons and John Bull (Symbolic character)
"A broadside satirising the Jacobite Alderman William Benn, who was involved in a drunken fight with another alderman at a London City feast because the former had proposed to the health of the Young Pretender; with an etching showing in the foreground Benn on the ground, holding in his right hand a bottle, his wig is pulled off by a dog, on the right another alderman, attacking Benn with a raised bottle, in the background a group of people looking on; with engraved title and inscriptions, and with letterpress title and verses in three columns, and with two vertical and one horizontal segment of type ornament."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Wars broke out in the city
Caption title., Broadside illustrated with an etching at top of sheet (plate mark 20.3 x 33.1 cm)., First line: Draw near, ye sober citizens., and Temporary local subject terms: Animals: dog wearing a collar "Charls's [sic] Breed" and chains -- Drunken battle with wine bottles -- Bottles: wine bottles used as weapons -- Hospitals of Bethlem and Bridewell -- Gold chains -- City of London feast -- Ass's ears on William Benn -- Envelope -- Aldermen.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
James, Prince of Wales, 1688-1766. and Benn, William, 1702-1755
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons, Jacobites, Dogs, and Wigs
Titles from images., Imprint from title page accompanying prints., Plate from: A book of caricaturas : on 59 copper-plates, with [the] principles of designing in that droll & pleasing manner, with sundry ancient & modern examples & several well known caricaturas / by M. Darly. Cornhill [England] : Printed for R. Wilkinson, No. 58 in Cornhill, [176-?]., Plate numbered: "3"., With: Mouths / MDarly invt. et sculp. 176 according to act. Numbered: '4'., Reissue., and Not bound; in box labeled "Darly 1763".
Titles from images., Imprint from title page accompanying prints., Plate from: A book of caricaturas : on 59 copper-plates, with [the] principles of designing in that droll & pleasing manner, with sundry ancient & modern examples & several well known caricaturas / by M. Darly. Cornhill [England] : Printed for R. Wilkinson, No. 58 in Cornhill, [176-?]., Plate numbered: "7"., With: External circular carrics / My. Darly 1762. Numbered: '8'., Reissue., and Not bound; in box labeled "Darly 1763".