As the result of the Convention of Cintra, French general Junot is shown vomiting, with great effort, a large booty of gold coins, candlesticks, church plate, watches, and other valuables while a Portuguese kneeling in front of him attempts to catch as many items as possible into an already-disgorged silver basin. To Junot's right stands John Bull in sailor's clothes and ill-fitting wig. He is holding the general's head in order to help him rid himself of his plunder. Three French officers on the left watch the above scene with dismay and anger
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Mounted to 28 x 39 cm.
Pubd. October 17, 1808 by R. Ackermann, N 101 Strand
Subject (Name):
Junot, Jean Andoche, duc d'Abrantès, 1771-1813.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Convention of Cintra, Military officers, French, Military uniforms, Vomiting, and War destruction & pillage