Title in lower margin center., Place of publication derived from printmaker's place of residence., Date of publication derived from printmaker's date of death., Above image at left: Pinakothek., Dou's painting dated 1652., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Mountebanks.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Child care, Country life, Medicine shows, Patent medicines, Spectators, Children, Mothers, Dogs, Hunters, and Wheelbarrows
Feckert, Gustav Heinrich Gottlob, 1820-1899, printmaker
Published / Created:
[not after 1899]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Publisher information supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
L. Baumann & Co.
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Rural, Country life, Farmers, Medicines, Umbrellas, Dogs, and Taverns (Inns).
Title from item., Date and place of publication from item., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
auf Hosten und im Verlag ben Johann Baptist Wallishausser, F. F. priv. Buchhändler
Subject (Topic):
Country life, Stores & shops, Children, Laborers, Horses, and Carriages & coaches
Image upper left: A satirical view a shooting party with the man center holding out his wig to a group of three men with a dog who hold guns and look amused at his dismay. To the left two other huntres and their dog look on also amused, Image upper right: A woman in a bonnet and apron walks into a cottage holding a pitcher. One man (center) looks at her with surprise and horror. Another man sits at a table (left) and smiles at the scene. On the table are two cups and a pipe; behind the table, a tall clock. On the wall, a sporting calendar, Image lower left, Plate 1: A satirical view of a squire's housekeeper wearing the newest fashion. She is shown full-length from the back with her gown bunched up over her blue quilted petticoat, splashed with mud, and short enough to show thick legs. The gown is decorated with a large sunflower, tight waist, and elbow-sleeves with ruffles. Her bonnet over her cap complete the contrast with contemporary, fashionable dress. See British Museum catalogue, and Image lower right, Plate 2: A woman stands under a tree talking to a yokel in a smock. She wears a red cloak and high pattens
Title from caption below image., Four images on one plate, each separately titled or captioned. Series title and numbering etched above lower two image., Artist, printmaker, and imprint from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Imperfect, with loss of plates 3 and 4. Numbered in ms. '176'. Sheet trimmed to: 21.2 x 16.5 cm.
Image upper left: A satirical view a shooting party with the man center holding out his wig to a group of three men with a dog who hold guns and look amused at his dismay. To the left two other huntres and their dog look on also amused, Image upper right: A woman in a bonnet and apron walks into a cottage holding a pitcher. One man (center) looks at her with surprise and horror. Another man sits at a table (left) and smiles at the scene. On the table are two cups and a pipe; behind the table, a tall clock. On the wall, a sporting calendar, Image lower left, Plate 1: A satirical view of a squire's housekeeper wearing the newest fashion. She is shown full-length from the back with her gown bunched up over her blue quilted petticoat, splashed with mud, and short enough to show thick legs. The gown is decorated with a large sunflower, tight waist, and elbow-sleeves with ruffles. Her bonnet over her cap complete the contrast with contemporary, fashionable dress. See British Museum catalogue, and Image lower right, Plate 2: A woman stands under a tree talking to a yokel in a smock. She wears a red cloak and high pattens
Title from caption below image., Four images on one plate, each separately titled or captioned. Series title and numbering etched above lower two image., Artist, printmaker, and imprint from British Museum catalogue., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
"Two yokels stand outside a rustic inn, with a sign of fighting cocks; peasants are dancing. The verses relate comic incidents of low life in London: quarrelling, drinking, and fightng. They end: 'Then God bless our noble King George, May his reign be ever so long, And grant, as the Parliament's met, That nothing whatever goes wrong'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Knibs' Pound
Title from broadside printed on the same sheet., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Other prints in the Laurie & Whittle Drolls series were executed by either Isaac Cruikshank or Richard Newton., Broadside portion contains three columns of verse constituting the lyrics of a whimsical ballad., and Plate numbered '441' in upper left corner.
Publish'd Septr. 22, 1806, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Topic):
Country life, Dance, Peasants, Taverns (Inns), Whips, Carts & wagons, and Pipes (Smoking)
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Artist's name in plate lower right., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Hand injuries.
Imp. Ch. Chardon aine, Paris
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Rural, Wounds and injuries, Boys, Bandages, Physicians, Country life, and Families
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., Place of publication from item., After title: Transcription pour Piano; par Edouard Dorn; Entd Stat Hall; West End Branch Fouberts Place Regent Street; Offenbach, Joh. Andre; Brighton Branch Palace Place; Solo Pr. 3/-; Duet Pr. 4/-., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Mountebanks; Clysters.
Augener & Co. 86 Newgate Street
Subject (Name):
Donizetti, Gaetano, 1797-1848. and Offenbach, Johann André.
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Spectators, Quacks & quackery, Carts & wagons, Mules, Country life, and Medicine shows
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication derived from publisher's known place of business., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
chez Gihaut frères, Editeurs and Lith. de Villain
Subject (Topic):
Convalescence, Sick persons, Family members, Country life, Dogs, and Spinning apparatus