A young dandy carrying walking stick and sword and with huge buttons on his coat, walks towards the left of the print, a long horn sprouting from his forehead and a diminutive woman emerging from his left shoulder. Behind him, arm in arm with a woman, a smiling man points to the first. All three are dressed in the fashion of the mid to late 1770s, the woman with a cork bustle and tall hairdo under her hat
Alternative Title:
Alas! Poor Benedick
Title from item. and Conjectured date from card catalog.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Cuckolds, Couples, Dandies, British, and Clothing & dress
"The interior of a fruiterer's shop. Behind a counter sits a man (left) with long goat's horns and a goat's beard. He holds up his hand with an expression of dismay at a man who shows him a bust portrait of himself with horns and beard. The man, who wears a cockaded hat, is laughing. His arm is held by a man who stands behind him smiling and pointing a cane at the horned man, or 'Minogoat'. The latter's hand rests upon the counter on a sheaf of newspapers: 'Gazeter', 'London Spy', 'Morning Her[ald]', 'London Chronicle', 'London Gaz[ette]', A dwarfish newsboy stands in front of the counter blowing his horn, and offering him the 'Morning Post'. The boy is very bandy-legged; his cap is decorated with a leek, suggesting that it is St. David's day. On the ground (right) is a basket containing pottles of fruit which a goat is befouling. In what appears to be an inner room or recess (right) a table is laid with dishes of fruit, glasses, and an urn; four people are seated at it: a man and woman laughing and talking together in an absorbed way; a man who points out this couple to a companion. Wilkes (unmistakable from his squint) stands behind holding out his hat. Fruit hangs in the panes of the shop window which is immediately behind the Minogoat, who appears to be a Welsh shop-keeper. On the upper and lower margins of the print ten lines of verse are engraved".--British Museum online catalogue
Title and publication date from British Museum catalogue., Imperfect; trimmed to design line with loss of verse and title., Attributed to Austin in the British Museum catalogue., and Dated in ms. on verso 1756.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Wilkes, John, 1725-1797
Subject (Topic):
Cuckolds, Fruit, Newspapers, Goats, and Stores & shops
"A stout man, seated (right) with stag's horns growing from his forehead, turns away from a lawyer in wig and gown who approaches him from the left."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Value of a P...y-C........r's matrimonial honor and Value of a Privy-Councillor's matrimonial honor
Title from item. and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Publ. as the act dir. by H. Humphrey New Bond St. No. 18
Caption title above first two columns., Date of publication from ESTC., Verse - "All you that delight in a frolicksome song.", In four columns with the title and two woodcuts above the first two; the third and fourth columns each contain a woodcut; the columns are not separated by rules., Mounted on leaf 54. Copy trimmed., and Bound in three-quarters red morocco leather with marbled boards, with spine title stamped in gold: Old English ballads, woodcuts, vol. 2.
Printed and sold at the printing office in Stonecutter-street, Fleet Market
Subject (Name):
Hervey, John Hervey, Baron, 1696-1743.
Subject (Topic):
Sailors, Adultery, Cuckolds, Ballads, English, Husband and wife, and Women