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Resource Type:
Books, Journals & Pamphlets
In pencil on title page: 1735? / 1735., Stamp on verso: Imper. akad. nauk; with "Dublet" written in ms. over it, signed V. Srep[el?]., and Title page in red and black.
Subject (Topic):
Christian life --Lutheran authors, Christianity --Essence, genius, nature, Devotional literature, and Theology, Doctrinal --Germany
Manuscript on parchment (thick, poor quality; trimmed) of 1) Guillaume de Deguilleville, Le Pelerinage de vie humaine. 2) Guillaume de Deguilleville, three poems in Latin. 3) Poem added in a 15th-century hand, contrasting the life of a servant and a rich man. 4) Willem van Ruysbroeck, Itinerarium. 5) Summary of Aethicus Ister, Cosmographia III.31-39, on the land of Gog and Magog. 6) Jean Chapuis, Les sept articles de la fois; often attributed, as it is here, to Jean de Meun
In Latin and French., Script: Composed of two distinct parts. Written by multiple scribes in cursive, with or without loops., Part I (ff. 1r-92v): illustrated with 79 column miniatures; two others on ff. 83v and 85r have been cut out. The miniatures are simple pen drawings, tinted pink, red, tan, purple, and blue, in pen-ruled frames, tinted in yellow; on ff. 18r and 22r with ivy leaves on hair-line stems at corners and centers. On f. 16v an unframed drawing of the carpenter's pax. 2-line initials throughout, red or blue with black or red penwork. First letter of each verse stroked in yellow. Proper names in red., Part II (ff. 93r-129r, 129v-141v) has two distinct formats. Between ff. 93r and 135r (art. 5), two 2-line initials, red, with simple brown penwork. Some capitals stroked in red or yellow. Between ff. 135v and 141r (art. 6), three crude tinted drawings, red, green and brown, in initials, either divided red and brown with red flourishes and dots, or red, with a scroll and a fish incorporated. Three drawings cut out from ff. 135v, 136v and 137r. Space left for one drawing on f. 139r and for two on f. 140v. 2-line initials in red, some with red penwork., Folio 1r-v damaged, with loss of text and parts of miniatures., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Brown, mottled calf with a gold-tooled spine and a red label. Edges spattered red.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Guillaume, de Deguileville, active 14th century. and Franciscans
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Cosmography, Devotional literature, Devotional literature, French, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin poetry, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Theology
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single cursive gothic bookhand, of this popular Latin devotional work on the life of Christ. Long attributed to St. Bonaventure, the work is now considered to be by the fourteenth-century Franciscan Johannes de Caulibus. This version, copied in England, contains the three "Canticle chapters" often omitted in later copies
In Latin., Annotations: numerous corrections and additions in a contemporary or near-contemporary hand, apparently the records of a collation of this copy of the text against another version., Layout: laid out in double columns, ruled in plummet., Script: written in a single cursive gothic bookhand., Decoration: numerous two-line initials in blue and red., and Binding: modern brown calf over contemporary wooden boards (leaving original lacing paths visible).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ, Johannes, de Caulibus, 14th cent., and Franciscans.
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Devotional literature, Devotional literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment bifolium (thick) of Passion of St. Bartholomew (25 August). Text is continuous
In Latin., Script: Written in neat but somewhat uneven Beneventan script. Passages added in cramped text hands, (ca. 1250), in lower margins, f. 2r-v., Leaves trimmed with some loss of text along upper and outer margins; portions of f. 2v illegible due to paste and offset impressions of leather turn-ins and wooden boards., and Bifolium used as flyleaf and pastedown.
Manuscript, on paper, in English cursive bookhand, produced in England and dated June 27, 1586. Includes a commentary on the Ten Commandments
H. N. might be Henrick Niclaes (Henry Nicholas), the founder of the Family of Love. All of his works were signed H. N. and many were translated into English from Low German., In English., and Binding: contemporary parchment.
Scale of perfection. English, Scala perfectionis, Here begynneth the table of the thyrde booke of water hylton named Vita mixta or scala perfeccionis, Here begynneth the table of the thyrde booke of walter hylton named Vita mixta or scala perfeccionis, Here begynnen the chapytours of this present volume of waltere Hylton, namyd in laten Scala perfecc[i]onis englysshed the ladder of perfecc[i]on, and Cap[itu]la prime partis, Here begynnen the chapytours of this present volume of waltere Hylton, namyd in laten Scala perfecc[i]onis englysshed the ladder of perfecc[i]on
An English translation., Commissioned by Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby., With a title-page woodcut containing a nearly illegible xylographic prayer., Text, a2r, begins: Cap[itu]la prime partis, Here begynnen the chapytours of this present volume of waltere Hylton, namyd in laten Scala perfecc[i]onis englysshed the ladder of perfecc[i]on ., Envoi and colophon, leaf following s4, read: .. and wynkyn de worde this hath sett in prynt in willyam Caxtons hows .. Finit felicit[er] liber intitulatus Scala perfeccionis inpressus a[n]no salutis· M.cccc.lxxxxiiii., Signatures: a⁴ b-q⁸ r⁶ s⁴ chi¹; A⁸ B⁶., "Here begynneth the table of the thyrde booke of water [sic] hylton named Vita mixta or scala perfeccionis", caption title, A1r. This book is lacking in most copies; its presence may constitute a later state., BAC: British Art Center copy bound in 18th c. blind-tooled russia, with gilt edges, by L. Staggemeier, with his ticket. The leaf of "Lenvoye", usually found after s4, is bound at the end following B6. The woodcut (Hodnett 463) on the title page has been torn and repaired with a bookplate bearing the royal Stuart arms., BAC: British Art Center copy presented to Mary Roos by Lady Margaret Beaufort and Elizabeth of York. Inscribed, on a4v: I pray you pray for me, Elysabeth ye Quene; Mastres rosse y truste yn your prayers, the whyche y pray you y may be partener, of Margaret R. the kynges modyr. Also inscribed by Mary Roos (as "Mary Denys" and "Dame Capll") in several places throughout the book., BAC: British Art Center copy has the bookplate of the Chatsworth Library. Cipher of Narcissus Luttrell is stamped on the title page with the 1693 and on a4v. Also owned previously by Edward Wynne and the Duke of Devonshire (Chatsworth)., BEIN Zi +9694: Fol. 1-4, 131-133, 135-149 (Imperfect: part 3, present only in some copies), wanting., BEIN Zi +9694: Provenance: bookplate on inside cover: From the Library of Gerald P. Mander Tettenhall Wood Staffordshire. Gift of Louis M. Rabinowitz., and BEIN Zi +9694: Binding: vellum over pasteboard. Gold-tooled spine title: Scala perfectionis / Winchester 1494.
Printed by Wynkyn de Worde
Subject (Topic):
Spiritual life, Devotional literature, Perfection, Religious aspects, and Catholic Church
Manuscript on paper (usually thin and white; watermarks vary) of texts on the faith of the Orthodox Church, specifically as it compares to Protestant doctrine. Includes prayers, sermons, commentaries, creeds, poems and glossaries
In Greek. and Script: Composed of 22 parts, written by different hands, mostly in Greek minuscule. The individual parts were perhaps collected and organized by Constantine Raphael Byzantinus, 18th century, whose notes are scattered throughout.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Dositheos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 1641-1707. and Orthodoxos Ekklēsia tēs Hellados.
Subject (Topic):
Creeds, Devotional literature, Greek poetry, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons, Greek
Manuscript on paper, in a single Italic hand, of several hundred brief religious meditations divided into four "centuries" of 100 meditations each; the first and last centuries are incomplete. Topics include the God's love, doing good works, and hypostatical union. The author writes, "Light is not more Beautifull, and Healing in the Sun, then the Beams of his Gospel Shining in our chambers. We were before Like Dragons inhabiting the Parched Places of the Desart wildernes: now streams and Rivers flow upon the Top of evry Hill," and he describes human fallibility thus: "Man is in this Glorious world Environed with Delights and Spiritual Exaltations, Ineffable Joys and celestial Treasures. But is in the midst of all a filthy peece of Insensat Dirt, a careless Stupid & Repining Devil." The manuscript also includes several meditations in verse and a longer treatise on the soul.
Accompanied by newspaper article by James Osborn attributing the manuscript to Thomas Traherne., Binding: full sheep., and Scans include backlit images of pp. 226, 244, 246 to reveal watermarks.
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain--Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Traherne, Thomas, d. 1674
Subject (Topic):
Devotional literature, English literature--17th century, English poetry--17th century, Meditations, Meditations (Religious), and Religious poetry, English
Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274. Spurious and doubtful works
Call Number:
Osborn fa46
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The manuscript contains a Middle English version of the Pseudo-Bonaventuran Stimulus amoris (The Prickynge of Love), attributed in the MS to Walter Hilton, as well as the anonymous work The Chastising of God's Children (also attributed to Hilton in the MS). Written on parchment in Anglicana formata script in the South-East Midlands region during the first half of the fifteenth century
In Middle English and Latin., Colophon on f. 74v: "Thus endith the tretis yclepid the pricke of love the wheche was made of a hye clerke & a devout doctor of divinite yclepid Boneaventure of the ordre of freris menoris, & after ward he was a cardinal of Rome & yclepid dominus Albanensus, and sithin the same tretis was translat out of latyn in to englyshe by the travaile & diligence of a religious persone maister Walter Hilton chanoun & governor of the house of Thurgarton.", Incipit on f. 75r: "Here bigynnyth the kalender of this book now folwing the wheche book was made of a discrete & a reverent clerke & a chanoun ycleipd maister Walter Hilton governour of the hous of Thurgarton biside Newerk in the diosise of Yoorke and he sente the same book unto a religious woman lyvyng solitarie clepying the same book chastising of goddis childrin.", Inscription on f. 53r: Henry Richardson., Inscription on f. 136v: Thomas Shorte., Binding: Modern quarter binding on wooden boards., and Schøyen MS 1701.