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1. Augustine, Bonaventure, Hymns
- Creator:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Published / Created:
- [between 1250 and 1300]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 1001
- Image Count:
- 321
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment of 1) Lactantius, Divinae institutiones; 2) Augustine, Enchiridion, with preceding table of contents; 3) Bonaventure, Lignum vitae, Breviloquium, and Hymn on the Cross; 4) hymns, and a few works regarding different saints
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: the manuscript proper (artt. 4-11), is copied by two hands very close to each other: A copied ff. 1r-151r (upper half), 151v-155r, and 156v in Gothica Semitextualis Libraria; B copied ff. 151r (lower half) and 155v-156r. Art. 1 is copied by a 15th century hand using deviant spellings. Art. 2 is in 16th century Humanistica Cursiva. Art. 3 (the endleaves) is in large Carolingian handwriting., Decoration: Red headings and stroking of majuscules; red line-fillers for verses; red or blue paragraph marks. The text copied by hand B as well as the additional artt. 1 and 2 are undecorated. Art. 3 (the endleaves) has red heading and red stroking., and Binding: contemporary, undecorated white leather (deerskin?) over wooden boards, sewn onto three split leather thongs. The remains of a leather strap are attached to the front board and closes over a pin (lost) in the center of the rear board.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. and Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.
- Subject (Topic):
- Christian literature, Latin, Fathers of the church, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Augustine, Bonaventure, Hymns
2. Collection of texts on St. Barbara
- Published / Created:
- [between 1470 and 1480]
- Call Number:
- Marston MS 287
- Image Count:
- 4
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (thick, but good quality) of a Collection of Texts on St. Barbara. With a miscellany of texts including patristic works, moralistic poems, and prophecies
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: Written in a regular heavy hybrida formata script with features of bastarda by a single scribe who placed small circular flourishes above the letter u., 10-line illuminated initial on f. 5r, blue and mauve with white designs and highlights on gold cusped ground, a blue and gold bar border extending into the left-hand margin and terminating in acanthus leaves in the lower margin; interior of initial in orange, blue and gold checkered pattern. Fine red and blue divided initials, 8- to 7-line, with parchment designs and extensive pale purple flourishes, for major texts. Smaller plain initials in red or blue with parchment designs. Headings and initial strokes in red. Some instructions to rubricator in outer margins., and Binding: ca. 1500, Belgium. Covered in brown calf with corner tongues over wooden boards, a central panel diapered with blind-tooled triple fillets. Center and corner fittings and title written in a careful gothic bookhand under a brass-framed window on the upper board: "liber gloriose uirginis et martyris christi barbare". Lower board cut in for the straps which are attached with metal plates. Hasps of a chain on the lower board. Rebacked.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Barbara, Saint.
- Subject (Topic):
- Christian martyrs, Christian poetry, Latin (Medieval and modern), Fathers of the church, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Prophecies
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Collection of texts on St. Barbara
3. Commentary on the Pentateuch
- Creator:
- Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, approximately 370-444
- Published / Created:
- 15th century
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 953
- Image Count:
- 262
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment of Cyril of Alexandria's Glaphyra in Genesim, Books I-IV (first part of Glaphyra in Pentateuchum).
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: copied by one hand writing Humanistica Textualis. Pale red headings, mostly not executed. Space for initials is provided, with guide letters, but initials are mostly not executed. On f. 1r a 6-line white vinestem initial with extensions in the upper and left margins; white vinestem decoration in the lower margin around a wreath, containing now a blank escutcheon. On ff. 37v (4 lines), 42r (6 lines) and 60r (4 lines) white vinestem initials of lower quality and in a different style., Cyril of Alexandria's Glaphyra in Genesim, Books I-IV (first part of Glaphyra in Pentateuchum). Latin translation ascribed to Iosephus. Due to the loss of two leaves a part of the text preceding the final sentences is missing. A few 17th century annotations., and Binding: 19th or 20th century: brown morocco, both covers gold-tooled with a floral stamp, four times crosswise applied in the center. Spine with three raised bands, to which the gold-tooled leather of the 17th century binding has been pasted, with the inscription: "CIRILI / ALEXAND / OPUS / MS". Marbled paper pastedowns.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, approximately 370-444.
- Subject (Topic):
- Fathers of the church and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Commentary on the Pentateuch
4. De caelesti hierarchia, etc
- Creator:
- Dionysius, the Areopagite, Saint, active 1st century
- Published / Created:
- [between 1600 and 1610]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 260
- Image Count:
- 14
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on paper (variety of watermarks) of Part I: Dionysius the Areopagite, De caelesti hierarchia with the Paraphrasis of George Pachymeres. Part II: Dionysius the Areopagite, De divinis nominibus I.1-II.9, with Paraphrasis of George Pachymeres. Part III: Nicetas of Serres, Commentarius in Gregorii Nazianzeni orationes. Part IV: Theophanes Cerameus, Homiliae (text of 13 sermons). Part V: Andrew of Crete, Encomium in Martyres X. Part VI: Nicephorus Blemmydes, De anima. Part VII: Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De compositione verborum, extract (ch. 14-15).
- Description:
- In Greek., Script: The codex is composed of several small manuscripts and booklets, each copied by a different scribe but all written in similar styles of minuscule, that were originally bound together in the 17th century shortly after being copied., Part I: Carefully executed woven headpieces in black and red on ff. 1r and 7r; beginning of each portion of the text marked by large initial in red, accompanied by flowers outlined in red and filled with pale yellow. Rubrics stop on f. 22v. Part II: Crude headpiece (in imitation of that on f. 7r?) occurs on f. 100r. Large painted initials, in red, with vine-leaf appendages, mark sections of the text. Part III: Delicate floral headpiece on f. 138r: each flower is outlined in red and painted with pale grey and red washes; details added in black. More modest headpiece in similar style, but painted with yellow, occurs on f. 148v; intricate initials in same colors on ff. 138v and 148v. Part IV: Simple woven headpieces, in red, on ff. 266r and 269r. Initials with floral motifs accompany rubricated titles for each sermon; decoration is incomplete (stops on f. 320r). Part V: One initial, in black, occurs at the beginning of the text (f. 330r). Part VII: Small decorative initial and heading, in red, at the beginning of the work., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Rigid vellum, rebacked.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Dionysius, the Areopagite, Saint, active 1st century.
- Subject (Topic):
- Christian martyrs, Cosmology, Ancient, Fathers of the church, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Scholia, Sermons, and Theology
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De caelesti hierarchia, etc
5. De civitate Dei
- Creator:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Published / Created:
- [between 1400 and 1410]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 215
- Container / Volume:
- Vol. 1
- Image Count:
- 5
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of Augustine, De civitate Dei, translated into French by Raoul de Presles. Composed of 4 volumes, originally bound as 2.
- Description:
- In French., Script: Written in an informal batarde by one scribe who also added proper names in the margins., The miniatures are dry and unoriginal copies of rather average quality. One large 2-column miniature of the Two Cities at the beginning of Bk. 1 (f. 5r) in a thin gold frame; on 3 sides a bar-border with pink, orange, and blue plant scrolls on a gold ground, surrounded by a full border of dense ivy in pink, red, orange, blue, and gold, with white highlights; interspersed with gold balls with hairsprays. Before the Prologue and all the remaining books, miniatures, 19- to 18-line (vols. 1-2) or 16- to 15-line (vols. 3-4), in thin frames, pink and blue, with white highlights, set within a gold band, with 3/4 bar borders in red, blue, and gold, highlighted in white, and a full ivy border, as described above (no orange)., Beneath each miniature there is a large initial, 7- to 5-line, blue or pink with scrolls and geometric forms in white highlighting, on blue or pink grounds respectively, set within thin gold frames, or blue and/or pink on a gold ground; both types filled with red and/or blue ivy scrolls with white highlights (in one case, v. 4, f. 74r, there is also a dragon terminal). Initials, 3- to 2-line, at the head of each chapter, gold edged in black, on pink and blue grounds with white highlights. Paragraph marks and book numbers, top center of each folio, recto and verso (which in v. 4, ff. 152r-54r read XXII instead of XXI) in the same manner. Ribbon line-fillers (in v. 3-4 only) red and blue, with gold dots or lozenges and white highlights, edged in black. Chapter headings and numeration in red (orange occasionally)., There are some stains, abrasions, and irregularities in the parchment throughout; none obscure text or miniatures., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Marbled and gilt edges. Blue goatskin heavily gold-tooled. Bound for Count Justin MacCarthy-Reagh. Spines mislabelled: II labelled IV, III labelled II, IV labelled III, I labelled correctly.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
- Subject (Topic):
- Fathers of the church, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De civitate Dei
6. De civitate Dei
- Creator:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Published / Created:
- [between 1400 and 1410]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 215
- Container / Volume:
- Vol. 3
- Image Count:
- 6
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of Augustine, De civitate Dei, translated into French by Raoul de Presles. Composed of 4 volumes, originally bound as 2.
- Description:
- In French., Script: Written in an informal batarde by one scribe who also added proper names in the margins., The miniatures are dry and unoriginal copies of rather average quality. One large 2-column miniature of the Two Cities at the beginning of Bk. 1 (f. 5r) in a thin gold frame; on 3 sides a bar-border with pink, orange, and blue plant scrolls on a gold ground, surrounded by a full border of dense ivy in pink, red, orange, blue, and gold, with white highlights; interspersed with gold balls with hairsprays. Before the Prologue and all the remaining books, miniatures, 19- to 18-line (vols. 1-2) or 16- to 15-line (vols. 3-4), in thin frames, pink and blue, with white highlights, set within a gold band, with 3/4 bar borders in red, blue, and gold, highlighted in white, and a full ivy border, as described above (no orange)., Beneath each miniature there is a large initial, 7- to 5-line, blue or pink with scrolls and geometric forms in white highlighting, on blue or pink grounds respectively, set within thin gold frames, or blue and/or pink on a gold ground; both types filled with red and/or blue ivy scrolls with white highlights (in one case, v. 4, f. 74r, there is also a dragon terminal). Initials, 3- to 2-line, at the head of each chapter, gold edged in black, on pink and blue grounds with white highlights. Paragraph marks and book numbers, top center of each folio, recto and verso (which in v. 4, ff. 152r-54r read XXII instead of XXI) in the same manner. Ribbon line-fillers (in v. 3-4 only) red and blue, with gold dots or lozenges and white highlights, edged in black. Chapter headings and numeration in red (orange occasionally)., There are some stains, abrasions, and irregularities in the parchment throughout; none obscure text or miniatures., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Marbled and gilt edges. Blue goatskin heavily gold-tooled. Bound for Count Justin MacCarthy-Reagh. Spines mislabelled: II labelled IV, III labelled II, IV labelled III, I labelled correctly.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
- Subject (Topic):
- Fathers of the church, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De civitate Dei
7. De civitate Dei
- Creator:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Published / Created:
- [between 1400 and 1410]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 215
- Container / Volume:
- Vol. 4
- Image Count:
- 6
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of Augustine, De civitate Dei, translated into French by Raoul de Presles. Composed of 4 volumes, originally bound as 2.
- Description:
- In French., Script: Written in an informal batarde by one scribe who also added proper names in the margins., The miniatures are dry and unoriginal copies of rather average quality. One large 2-column miniature of the Two Cities at the beginning of Bk. 1 (f. 5r) in a thin gold frame; on 3 sides a bar-border with pink, orange, and blue plant scrolls on a gold ground, surrounded by a full border of dense ivy in pink, red, orange, blue, and gold, with white highlights; interspersed with gold balls with hairsprays. Before the Prologue and all the remaining books, miniatures, 19- to 18-line (vols. 1-2) or 16- to 15-line (vols. 3-4), in thin frames, pink and blue, with white highlights, set within a gold band, with 3/4 bar borders in red, blue, and gold, highlighted in white, and a full ivy border, as described above (no orange)., Beneath each miniature there is a large initial, 7- to 5-line, blue or pink with scrolls and geometric forms in white highlighting, on blue or pink grounds respectively, set within thin gold frames, or blue and/or pink on a gold ground; both types filled with red and/or blue ivy scrolls with white highlights (in one case, v. 4, f. 74r, there is also a dragon terminal). Initials, 3- to 2-line, at the head of each chapter, gold edged in black, on pink and blue grounds with white highlights. Paragraph marks and book numbers, top center of each folio, recto and verso (which in v. 4, ff. 152r-54r read XXII instead of XXI) in the same manner. Ribbon line-fillers (in v. 3-4 only) red and blue, with gold dots or lozenges and white highlights, edged in black. Chapter headings and numeration in red (orange occasionally)., There are some stains, abrasions, and irregularities in the parchment throughout; none obscure text or miniatures., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Marbled and gilt edges. Blue goatskin heavily gold-tooled. Bound for Count Justin MacCarthy-Reagh. Spines mislabelled: II labelled IV, III labelled II, IV labelled III, I labelled correctly.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
- Subject (Topic):
- Fathers of the church, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De civitate Dei
8. De civitate Dei
- Creator:
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430
- Published / Created:
- [between 1400 and 1410]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 215
- Container / Volume:
- Vol. 2
- Image Count:
- 6
- Resource Type:
- text
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of Augustine, De civitate Dei, translated into French by Raoul de Presles. Composed of 4 volumes, originally bound as 2.
- Description:
- In French., Script: Written in an informal batarde by one scribe who also added proper names in the margins., The miniatures are dry and unoriginal copies of rather average quality. One large 2-column miniature of the Two Cities at the beginning of Bk. 1 (f. 5r) in a thin gold frame; on 3 sides a bar-border with pink, orange, and blue plant scrolls on a gold ground, surrounded by a full border of dense ivy in pink, red, orange, blue, and gold, with white highlights; interspersed with gold balls with hairsprays. Before the Prologue and all the remaining books, miniatures, 19- to 18-line (vols. 1-2) or 16- to 15-line (vols. 3-4), in thin frames, pink and blue, with white highlights, set within a gold band, with 3/4 bar borders in red, blue, and gold, highlighted in white, and a full ivy border, as described above (no orange)., Beneath each miniature there is a large initial, 7- to 5-line, blue or pink with scrolls and geometric forms in white highlighting, on blue or pink grounds respectively, set within thin gold frames, or blue and/or pink on a gold ground; both types filled with red and/or blue ivy scrolls with white highlights (in one case, v. 4, f. 74r, there is also a dragon terminal). Initials, 3- to 2-line, at the head of each chapter, gold edged in black, on pink and blue grounds with white highlights. Paragraph marks and book numbers, top center of each folio, recto and verso (which in v. 4, ff. 152r-54r read XXII instead of XXI) in the same manner. Ribbon line-fillers (in v. 3-4 only) red and blue, with gold dots or lozenges and white highlights, edged in black. Chapter headings and numeration in red (orange occasionally)., There are some stains, abrasions, and irregularities in the parchment throughout; none obscure text or miniatures., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Marbled and gilt edges. Blue goatskin heavily gold-tooled. Bound for Count Justin MacCarthy-Reagh. Spines mislabelled: II labelled IV, III labelled II, IV labelled III, I labelled correctly.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.
- Subject (Topic):
- Fathers of the church, French literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De civitate Dei
9. De corpore christi, etc
- Creator:
- Eusebius Gallicanus
- Published / Created:
- [between 1150 and 1200]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 181
- Image Count:
- 66
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (thick, furry) of an anonymous catena of Eucharistic proof texts
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: Written by several scribes, perhaps at different times, in early gothic bookhand., Plain initials in red or green (spaces left for others), followed by rustic capitals. Heading, in red, on f. 1r. Simple schematic drawings to explicate the text of art. 20 (ff. 21r, 22r)., Some loss of text due to trimming on f. 23v., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Brown goatskin, blind- and gold-tooled.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Eusebius Gallicanus.
- Subject (Topic):
- Catenae, Fathers of the church, Lord's Supper, Manuscripts, Medieval, Sermons, and Theology, Doctrinal
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > De corpore christi, etc