Unused pictorial lettersheet with four illustrations. The first image, "Starting," shows three miners and a pack mule happily leaving a log cabin. "Not even the colour" shows the three miners at the gold diggings, finding nothing. "The end of the mule" shows the miners trying to hold on to the mule's lead rope as he falls down a mountainside. The fourth image, "Returning," shows the miners in tattered clothing returning to the log cabin
"5"--Upper right corner.
Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Mines and mineral resources, Gold mines and mining, and Miners
Hand colored woodcut illustrating miners bringing gold dust into the C.A. Cook and Company bank in Denver, Colorado; interior view shows signs for C.A Cook & Company, Butterfield Overland Dispatch Company Express Office; miners, tellers, scales
BEIN BrSide4o Zc49 866da: On sheet 19.0 x 29.3 cm. and Title from caption below image.
Pictorial lettersheet with two lithograph views, the first depicts miners drinking and playing cards in a mining camp bar room, while the second view depicts miners at work with sluice called "Long Tom.'
Alternative Title:
Long Tom
BEIN WA Prints 407: Imperfect? Integral blank leaf wanting, although Baird makes no mention of this leaf., Caption title., Issued with integral blank leaf., Upper right corner: "10.", and "The artwork appears to be by J.D. Borthwick, a Scottish artist ..."--Sloan.
Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
California and California.
Subject (Topic):
Gold mines and mining, Frontier and pioneer life, Mining camps, and Miners
Unused pictorial letter sheet. Upper illustration entitled "Miners" shows Chinese doing daily chores and eating outside camp tents. Lower illustration entitled "Gamblers" shows Chinese gambling around a table. Miners is a mirror image of an 1857 lithograph by J.D. Borthwick entitled "Chinese camp in the mines."
Title from caption at top of images.
Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
California and San Francisco.
Subject (Topic):
Chinese, Mines and mineral resources, Gold mines and mining, Miners, Gold miners, and Gambling
A sheet showing 5 vignettes, 2 of which have captions. At upper left is an allegorical female figure of Agriculture; at upper right is an allegorical female figure representing the United States; at lower left is a clipper ship at sea in full sail with an American flag, with caption title "Challenze, Californier clipper," probably intended to be "Challenge, California clipper"; at lower right is a sidwheel steamship at sea with all sails raised, with caption title "Baltic, Liverpool steamer"; in the center, dividing the 2 sides of the sheet, is a long vertical image of miners working in a deep mine shaft, probably representing a California gold mine
Alternative Title:
Challenge, Californier clipper and Challenge, California clipper
Title from captions below 2 of sheet's 5 vignettes.
Postcard from a photograph by P.E. Larson depicts four dismounted men and four burros at a summit in the Funeral Mountains; looking out over Death Valley below
Title from caption in lower right of image., Imprint from recto, lower left., and Recto, lower left: No. 4129.
Palm Studio
Subject (Geographic):
Nevada, Goldfield, Funeral Mountains (Calif.), and Death Valley (Calif. and Nev.)
Two scenes of mining life. In the top scene, three miners, one of whom may be African-American, sit around a table in a cabin while a fourth miner weighs a small amount of gold. In the bottom scene, miners and their pack animals walk along a hilly trail and beside an enormous tree
Title from captions at bottom of each image. and "7"--Upper right corner.
Print depicts the Gold Dirt mining camp near Rollingsville in Gilpin County, Colorado; in foreground, left, two saddled horses; foreground center, two men standing near two others; middle ground, center, mill and other buildings; background, mountains and sky
Title from caption below image.
E. Sachse Co.
Subject (Geographic):
Colorado and Gilpin County (Colo.)
Subject (Name):
Rollins, John Q. A., 1816-1894. (John Quincy Adams), and Gold Dirt Mine
Subject (Topic):
Gold, Milling, Gilpin County, Gold mines and mining, and Gold discoveries
A sheet with 12 images of various elements of Gold Rush mining operations, each with title and letterpress explanation of the activity depicted. The image for "Rocking the cradle" includes a Chinese worker. On the sheet's right side is a column listing mining locations
Alternative Title:
Methods of mining
Title from caption at top of sheet., Some images are signed C. Nahl; some are signed T.C. Boyd., and "Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by Jas M. Hutchings, in the Clerk's Office of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California."
Published by J.M. Hutchings
Subject (Geographic):
California and California.
Subject (Topic):
Gold mines and mining, Mining engineering, Gold miners, Miners, Gold discoveries, and Chinese