Leaf 4. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Two men face each other with pistols, their seconds stand behind them. The duellist on the left kneels on one knee, his right arm outstretched, his pistol in his left hand, the barrel pointing upwards as if to ward off his opponent's shot; his left elbow rests on his knee. His second stands with his arms folded. The other has just fired his pistol which is aimed directly at his antagonist. His second, with a pistol in his left hand, is shouting with his right arm raised. They are in open country; hills are indicated in the distance."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies, 1771 -- Male costume: Large buttons., and On leaf 4.
Title etched below image., Above image: Engraved for the Carlton House Magazine., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Plate signed on verso in contemporary hand: John Smith; window mounted to 23 x 29 cm.
Publish'd by W. & J. Stratfords, No. 112 Holborn Hill
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Daggers & swords, Dueling, Handguns, Lingerie, and Clothing & dress
"John Bull, fat and faint, lies back in an arm-chair with a deal table before him, left foot on cushion; he is in shirt and breeches. Round him are three doctors: Wellington (left), with the over-sleeve of a surgeon, holds a bayonet with which he is about to bleed the right arm over a bucket inscribed 'Pure British'. Peel (right), more insinuatingly, proffers a large bolus. Behind John's chair stands the King, saying, 'Patience Johnny'. Wellington, who wears blue frock-coat and white trousers, looks down at the patient through spectacles; he says: 'Come, Mr Bull, you are very plethoric--it is absolutely necessary that I phlebotomise you--you have a determination of blood to the head with strong symptoms of Choler!!!' Peel: 'Come, John, you must take this anodyne pill,--it will compose you "The ulcerous parts are only peel & skin I whilst deep corruption's mining all within" Pope' [sic]. On the table are a large pill-box inscribed 'Musket Balls', and a bottle labelled 'Black Dose Bitters' which stand on a paper: 'Prescription Taxation Decline of Trade National debt Want of Free Trade &c &c &c &c'. On the boarded floor is Wellington's syringe inscribed 'Injection of Injuries'. On the wall are a pair of pistols, 'Firing Irons', and a sabretache and bayonet inscribed respectively 'Pill Box' and 'Lancet'. J. B.'s dog (right) angrily befouls a chest inscribed 'Medecines Wise remedies Property Tax'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified as John Phillips in the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.9158., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Politics, British -- The Lancet.
Pub. March 8, 1830, by S. Gans, 15 Southampton St., Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830., Peel, Robert, 1788-1850., and Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Finance, Public, Property tax, Politicians, Physician and patient, Phlebotomy, Dogs, Costume, History, Hypodermic syringes, Pails, Bayonets, Handguns, and Urination
"Lady Charlotte Gordon and Col. Lennox leap over a broom which lies on the floor; she holds him by the left wrist and points towards a nuptial bed decorated with a coat of arms (that of the Duke of Gordon, freely sketched) and ducal coronet. The Duchess of Gordon (right) sits in profile to the left playing bagpipes and looking at the couple with a satisfied smile. Behind her chair is a bottle, inscribed 'Scotch Pint', and a wine-glass. Lennox wears regimentals and a hat, his right arm is held up as if dancing a Scots reel; a pair of pistols (an allusion to his duel with the Duke of York, see BMSat 7531, &c.) protrudes from his pocket. Lady Charlotte wears a large feathered hat. It is clear from her attitude and the expression of the Duchess that the bridegroom, though willing, has not taken the initiative."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to either Henry Wigstead or William Holland in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Publisher's advertisement below title: "In Holland's exhibition rooms may be seen the largest collection in Europe of humourous prints. Admitance [sic] One Shilling.", and Watermark: armorial shield with fleur-de-lis above and initials CS below.
Pubd. by W. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1764-1819, Richmond and Lennox, Charlotte, Duchess of, 1768-1842, and Gordon, Jane Maxwell Gordon, Duchess of, d. 1812
Subject (Topic):
Dueling, Bagpipes, Bed, Bedrooms, Brooms, Glassware, Handguns, Military uniforms, British, and Musical instruments
"A melancholy man wearing night-cap and slippers sits facing an empty grate (right), his feet on the fender, supporting his head on his hand. He is beset by demons, figments of the mind, who are mostly miniature human beings. One stands on the back of his neck holding up a noose which is attached to a projection from the solitary candle on the chimneypiece, which is burnt to the socket. Another, swinging himself from the chimneypiece, offers an open razor. One standing beside the grate commits suicide, a pistol to each ear, glaring at his victim. A little gnome crouches behind the bars of the grate, to which is attached a begging-box with the notice Pray Remember the Poor Debtors [cf. British Museums Satires No. 13287]. In the fireplace is a placard: Mr--Dr to T Coke Coal Mert To 5 Chalds Wallsend . . To Do Chalds Wallsend To 3 Ch . . . £73. On the arm of the chair stands a top-booted bailiff tapping his victim's shoulder and proffering a writ. On the floor a procession walks (left to right) towards the victim, headed by a fat and pompous parish beadle with a tall staff. He is followed by three pregnant women, cloaked and bonneted (cf. British Museums Satires No. 14613, 15495). A lean old-fashioned doctor with a skull-like face hurries up behind them. Last runs a ghoulish creature with a coffin strapped to his back, holding a hammer. A monster with fanged mouth (gout) extends claws towards the victim's feet. On the floor at his side is an open book: Ennui. On a table (left) a mannikin sits on the foot of a reversed wine-glass, gleefully holding up an empty bottle and his hat. Beside him are papers: Bill for Payment Lies due at no . . . Two books on a wall-bracket form a platform for a similar creature who is gleefully painting at one of two pictures on the wall. His brush is a firebrand, a conflagration is depicted. The other picture is of a shipwreck. The books are: Miseries of Human Life [cf. British Museums Satires No. 10815, &c] (Folio) Vol. 2222 and Bucanns [Buchan's] Domestic Medicine. A third picture above the victim's head is of himself assaulted by a screaming virago with a pair of bellows."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Reissue, with new imprint statement. For an earlier state published 10 January 1823 by G. Humphrey, see no. 14598 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10., Plate from: Cruikshankiana. London : Published by Thomas M'Lean, 26, Haymarket, [1835]., Temporary local subject terms: Miseries of human life -- Artists -- Pictures amplify subject -- Misery -- Hanging rope., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Depression -- Devils & Demons., 1 print : etching, hand-colored ; sheet 22.0 x 26.5 cm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
"A melancholy man wearing night-cap and slippers sits facing an empty grate (right), his feet on the fender, supporting his head on his hand. He is beset by demons, figments of the mind, who are mostly miniature human beings. One stands on the back of his neck holding up a noose which is attached to a projection from the solitary candle on the chimneypiece, which is burnt to the socket. Another, swinging himself from the chimneypiece, offers an open razor. One standing beside the grate commits suicide, a pistol to each ear, glaring at his victim. A little gnome crouches behind the bars of the grate, to which is attached a begging-box with the notice Pray Remember the Poor Debtors [cf. British Museums Satires No. 13287]. In the fireplace is a placard: Mr--Dr to T Coke Coal Mert To 5 Chalds Wallsend . . To Do Chalds Wallsend To 3 Ch . . . £73. On the arm of the chair stands a top-booted bailiff tapping his victim's shoulder and proffering a writ. On the floor a procession walks (left to right) towards the victim, headed by a fat and pompous parish beadle with a tall staff. He is followed by three pregnant women, cloaked and bonneted (cf. British Museums Satires No. 14613, 15495). A lean old-fashioned doctor with a skull-like face hurries up behind them. Last runs a ghoulish creature with a coffin strapped to his back, holding a hammer. A monster with fanged mouth (gout) extends claws towards the victim's feet. On the floor at his side is an open book: Ennui. On a table (left) a mannikin sits on the foot of a reversed wine-glass, gleefully holding up an empty bottle and his hat. Beside him are papers: Bill for Payment Lies due at no . . . Two books on a wall-bracket form a platform for a similar creature who is gleefully painting at one of two pictures on the wall. His brush is a firebrand, a conflagration is depicted. The other picture is of a shipwreck. The books are: Miseries of Human Life [cf. British Museums Satires No. 10815, &c] (Folio) Vol. 2222 and Bucanns [Buchan's] Domestic Medicine. A third picture above the victim's head is of himself assaulted by a screaming virago with a pair of bellows."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Reissue, with new imprint statement. For an earlier state published 10 January 1823 by G. Humphrey, see no. 14598 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10., Plate from: Cruikshankiana. London : Published by Thomas M'Lean, 26, Haymarket, [1835]., Temporary local subject terms: Miseries of human life -- Artists -- Pictures amplify subject -- Misery -- Hanging rope., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Depression -- Devils & Demons.
A scene in a coffee-house. Two men, one in a queue wig and with a pistol, another in club wig and with a sword, are fighting a duel while three frightened customers are trying to leave and another one cowers behind a settee next to a low table with coffee service on it. Behind another settee, a barmaid holds up her hands in horror. The gentleman with the pistol uses it to parry the sword thrusts of his opponent whose forehead is bleeding. A cat with an arched back and a dog barks look at the scene from the left. The room is decorated with a large mirro and shelves with wine glases, china bowls, and pitchers
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
"The patient sits in an armchair in profile to the left, in the centre of a well-furnished room. He wears dressing-gown and nightcap, his arms are folded and he stares fixedly, assailed by ghostly visions which float before his eyes, emerging from smoke-like shadows: a skeleton, Death, poised just above him, raises his arrow to smite. A corpse-like half length figure offers him a pistol and a halter. A spectre with webbed wings holds out a cup. Two staring and decapitated heads glare from the shadows which fill the room. A hand raises a sword; a man with a knife is about to be stung by a serpent. A naked body (half length) falls head downwards. Above these spectres is a man (left) driving a hearse (right to left) at full gallop and looking round at the Hypochondriac. Behind the patient a good-looking woman speaks confidentially to a doctor who meditatively sucks his cane. He is dressed in an old-fashioned manner, wearing a tie-wig. A table covered with medicines stands behind the patient, who seems unconscious of the other two. A money-chest beside him suggests that he is miserly. Two landscapes hang on the wall."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title etched below image., Reissue, with new imprint statement, of a print published in 1788 by T. Rowlandson. Cf. No. 7449 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Companion print to: Ague & fever., Nine lines of verse etched below image, on either side of title: The mind distemper'd - say, what potent charm, Can Fancy's spectre - brooding rage disarm? ..., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Demons & Devils -- Skeleton as death., and 1 print : etching and aquatint, hand-colored ; sheet 41.2 x 56.9 cm.
Pubd. Novr. 5, 1792, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Death (Personification), Hypochondria, Depression, Mental, Suicide, Skeletons, Hearses, Demons, Daggers & swords, Handguns, Physicians, Staffs (Sticks), and Medicines