Manuscript on parchment (thick) of 1) Ps.-John Chrysostom, Opus imperfectum in Mathaeum (collection of sermons). 2) Hugo de Sancto Caro, De doctrina cordis. 3) Unidentified articuli fidei. 4) Martinus Strepus, Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum, concluding with "Ludovicus rex francie" in 1270
In Latin., Script: Written in good quality gothic bookhand., Red and blue divided initials, f. 1r (10-line) and f. 86v (9-line), with floral and linear motifs in parchment. Running titles, headings in red. Plain initials, 3- to 2-line, alternate red and blue. Red and blue 1-line initials alternate in table of contents. Majuscules stroked with yellow. Remains of notes for rubricator., and Binding: Twentieth century, U.S.A. Half-bound in red goatskin with gold-tooled title on spine ("Martinus Polonus/ Chronicon/ MS c. 1300") and marbled paper sides. By the same binder as Marston MS 152.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Martinus, Polonus, -1279.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), Manuscripts, Medieval, Papacy, History, Sermons, and Sermons, Latin
Manuscript on paper of Pseudo-Augustine, texts relating to the Pelagian controversy, and other texts
In Latin., Script: two hands, both writing a very small Humanistica hesitating between Semitextualis Currens and Cursiva Currens. A, the main scribe, copied ff. 1r-60v; B, an inexperienced hand, marked by the use of d with ascender curving to the right, i longa and round s in all positions, added the prayers on ff. 61r-63r., Headings in purplish red. Spaces for 1- or 2-line initials have been reserved throughout the codex, but these have not been executed, except in artt. 8-10, where they have been clumsily written in black ink in the left margin. At the opening of art. 1, 3-line half inset Humanistic dentelle initial on a square background in green and blue decorated with silver and gold penwork. It has floral extensions with gold balls in the upper and inner margin. In the lower margin of the same f. 1r, between three similar floral decorations, a circular medallion containing the coat of arms of the Ugolini family of Florence (parti per bend, or on azure, with two lions passant counter changed, surmounting)., The manuscript contains: 1) Ps.-Cyprianus Carthaginensis (Pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage or Pseudo-Augustine), De singularitate clericorum. 2) Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis (Pseudo-Augustine), De incarnatione Verbi ad Ianuarium. 3) Pseudo-Augustine, De essentia divinitatis. 4) Letter from the bishops assembled at the council of Carthage, A.D. 416, to pope Innocentius I. 5) Letter of pope Innocentius I to the bishops at the council of Carthage A.D. 416. 6) Letter from the bishops assembled at the council of Mileve A.D. 416 to pope Innocent I. 7) Innocentius I, letter to the bishops assembled at the council of Mileve A.D. 416. 8) Prayer to be said before the image of Corpus Christi. 9) Prayer to Jesus Christ. 10) Prayer to Jesus Christ ascribed to Thomas Aquinas., and Binding: original Italian reddish brown leather over pasteboard with a flap at the rear cover closing over the front cover with leather ties. Covers and flap are blind-tooled with frames and lozenges of quadruple fillets, decorated with small circular tools either single or in clusters, and a full border consisting of a scroll motif. At the top of the front cover, in black ink, Capitalis ca. 1500: “Aur. (?) Augustini opus”. Parchment flyleaves. On the front flyleaf verso a Table of Content written in red by hand A, recording artt. 1-7 only, under the title “Que in hoc libello inserte sunt”.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Pseudo-Augustinus. and Council of Carthage
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Pelagianism, Theology, and History
"A Portuguese soldier and a British soldier, facing each other, co-operatively seize Ferdinand VII, who is putting his left foot across a line dividing Spain (right) from Portugal. Each holds a musket without bayonet. The Englishman's right hand is on Ferdinand's shoulder; the Portuguese clutches one of the King's ass's ears. Ferdinand wears a crown, a long cloak, and a spiky ruff. A French officer on the extreme right makes off to the right, shocked and alarmed; he looks over his shoulder, exclaiming, Sacré dieu! le pauvre bete est attrappée."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., From British Museum online catalogue Curator's comments: The Frenchman is evidently the Marquis de Moustier, French Ambassador at Madrid, who appeared covertly to countenance Ferdinand's support of the Portuguese refugees, and was recalled in disgrace., and Original price "2/-" written in ink in lower right corner of sheet.
Published by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833 and Moustier, Clément Edouard, Marquis de, 1779-1830.
Subject (Topic):
History, Soldiers, British, Portuguese, Military officers, French, and Firearms
An anonymous treatise on the Arab conquest of North Africa under the leadership of ʻUqbah ibn ʻĀmir (died 678), a companion of the Prophet Muḥammad who became the governor of Egypt and died there. The present manuscript is the first book (al-sifr al-awwal) of the original work, dealing with the conquest from al-Mahdīyah to Sāṭīf (localities in North Africa). Copied by Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm of Banū Ṣāliḥ on Wednesday, 1 Shaʻbān, 1083 Hijrī (22 November, 1672). Place of copying not mentioned
Alternative Title:
Futūḥ Ifrīqīyah and فتوح إفريقية
In Arabic., Title from folio 1a., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm. Ṣallá Allāh ʻalá Sayyidinā Muḥammad wa-ālihi. Qiṣṣat futūḥ Ifrīqīyah. Bi-ʻawn Allāh wa-barakat Rasūl Allāh ṣallá Allāh ʻlayhi wa-sallam. Qāl fa-kharaja ilayhā ʻUqbah ibn ʻĀmir, raḍiya Allāh ʻanh, yakūnu amīr al-jaysh, wa-kharrajahu Mawlānā ʻUthmān ibn ʻAffān, raḍiya Allāh ʻanh, wa-huwa amīr al-Madīnah [madīnat] al-Nabī, ṣallá Allāh ʻlayhi wa-sallam, wa-yakūnu ʻAlī, raḍiya Allāh ʻanh, wazīrahu. Wa-lam yuqtal aḥad baʻda mawt al-Nabī, ṣallá Allāh ʻlayhi wa-sallam. Fa-kharaja bi-sittīn alf fāris min bilād al-ʻArab ...", Secundo folio: miʼat alf fāris., 14 x 18.5 cm; written surface: 11 x 14 cm; 17 lines per page., Binding: In modern brown cloth binding., In fair Maghribī script, in brown ink on white paper; headings, keywords and markings in red; the first ten leaves are in a different hand and seem to have replaced the original; catchwords. The leaves are affected by dampness, but the text is legible, some are repaired without loss of text., Text folio 1a-155b., On folios 1a an advice on generosity, written in light blue ink, bearing the name and signature of al-Sayyid al-Ṭūfī al-Mālikī, Mudīr ʻĀmm Maʻhad al-Futūḥ al-Malakī, starts with: "Kun karīman kay tanāla bi-qurbinā nūran wa-ʻilman ...", On folio 10b an invocation in a different hand., Colophon: "Wa-hādhā muqtaḍá al-sifr al-awwal min al-Mahdīyah wa-ilá Sāṭīf ... Wa-al-ḥamdu lillāh ʻalá al-tamām wa-al-ikmāl ʻalá yad ... Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm min Banī Ṣāliḥ ... Wa-kāana al-farāgh minhu ʻashīyah yawm al-Arbaʻ awwal shahr Shaʻbān ʻām thalāth wa-thamānīn wa-alf ...", and Translation of the colophon: "This is the end of the first book dealing with [the conquest] from al-Mahdīyah to Sāṭīf ... Praise be to God on completing its copying by ... Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhim of Banī Ṣāliḥ ... The copying was completed on Wednesday evening, the beginning of Shaʻbān, 1083 [22 November, 1672] ..."