"Les Ursulines de l'Institut de Thildonck dans la Mission du Bengale, Indes. Au marché. On mesure au moyen du coude." Men, women, and children are depicted in what appears to be a marketplace. There is a handwritten note on the back.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes. La Mission du Sacré-Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. Un sorcier bhil baptisé sur ses vieux jours." An elderly Bhil socerer who was baptized in his old age. Additional informationon the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France.
"Toilette matinale. Moulin à huile." In the top picture an elderly man is washing himself on the ground. In the bottom picture, an elderly man stands next to an oil mill. A few oxen and other men are in the background.
"Mission Salésienne De L'Assam - Indes Anglaises. Fakir indien. Femme de la tribu de Garo." A man of the Fakir tribe and a woman from the Garo tribe are pictured here. The woman has very large earrings and the man is wearing a necklace.
"Mission Salésienne De L'Assam - Indes Anglaises. 10. - Types de Banfaru Nagas." Three men sit on the ground and two sit on a short wall. They are all wearing decorative headgear and some are carrying sticks that are very decorated. They might be spears.
"Une grotte au Chotanagpore [Chotanagpur, Plateau." Many people gather in a field in front of a building made of rocks and surrounded by flags. It is an aerial view. Additional information reads "Mission Indienne des P.P. Jésuites." Also, donations are directed to Louvain, Belgium.
“239. ̶ Madagascar. ̶ Type betsimisaraka.” A smiling boy is shown wearing an interesting necklace. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Pour ‘l’Œuvre des Prêtres Malgaches’, 79, Avenue de Breteuil, Paris XVe. Ch. Post. 567-39 Paris”. Handwriting in French closely covers the back of the card.