Followed by two letters by Silvester, patriarch of Antioch to an English merchant, 1733 (leaf 12 recto) and 1732 (leaf 13 recto), and an edict of the synod (majmaʻ) of Constantinople against Euthymius Ṣayfī, bishop of Tyre and Sidon, 1718 (leaf 18 verso). and Polemical correspondence with an English merchant named Sherman (?), in 1734.
Fair 18th century naskhī, in red and black., For the author see Graf, Geschichte der christlichen arabischen Literatur, III, 134., Islamic binding, in black., No. 4 of 5 titles bound together., On Euthymius Ṣayfī see Graf, III, 179., and Purchased from the Wellcome-Kraus collection in 1949.
Subject (Name):
Euthymius Ṣayfī,--Bishop of Tyre and Sidon, Sherman, and Silvester, Patriarch of Antioch, d. 1766
Būṣīrī, Sharaf al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Saʻīd, 1213?-1296?
Published / Created:
A.H. 1295 (A.D. 1878)
Call Number:
Arabic MSS 431
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Archives or Manuscripts
Copied in A.H. 1295 (A.D. 1878)., Short poem in praise of the Prophet., and The attribution to al-Būṣīrī is probably fictitious; the meter (basīṭ) is the same as in al-Būṣīrī's Qaṣīdat al-burdah.
Copied in the form of a primer of calligraphy; calligraphic hand., Islamic binding, in maroon., and Purchased from the Wellcome-Kraus collection in 1949.
Subject (Topic):
Arabic language and literature--Poetry, Arabic language and literature--Primers (Calligraphy), and Islamic binding.
Calligraphic naskhī, in red, green, and black; ʻunwāns in gold and colors. and Islamic binding, in brown, elaborately gilt, in Oriental slip-case. In brown morocco case.
Urmawī, ʻAbd al-Muʼmin ibn Yūsuf, approximately 1216-1294.
Published / Created:
[after 1268]
Call Number:
Salisbury MSS 73
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Archives or Manuscripts
The colophon, dated A.H. 666 (A.D. 1268), is presumably that of the original from which this manuscript was copied, probably not many years afterwards. and Treatise on music.
Calligraphic naskhī., Copious diagrams., From the library of Silvestre de Sacy (Catalogue, no. 88, wrongly ascribed to al-Fārābī). Presented to Yale by Edward Elbridge Salisbury in 1870., Islamic binding, in brown., and Some errors in contemporary foliation.
Subject (Name):
Silvestre de Sacy, A. I.--(Antoine Isaac),--1758-1838--Ownership.
Subject (Topic):
Islamic binding. and Natural and social sciences--Music.
Dawwānī, Muḥammad ibn Asʻad, 1426 or 7-1512 or 13.
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Arabic MSS 550
Image Count:
Commentary on the author's own al-Risālah al-zawrāʾ (a Sufi tract). and Copied about A.H. 931 (A.D. 1525).
Hasty nastaʻlīq., Islamic binding, in brown., No. 14 of 15 titles bound together., Purchased from Captain Tekeş, Istanbul in February 1965 on the Beinecke fund., Sparse marginalia., and Title supplied by a modern hand in laid-in slip.
Subject (Name):
Dawwānī, Muḥammad ibn Asʻad, 1426 or 7-1512 or 13. Risālah al-zawrāʾ. and Dawwānī, Muḥammad ibn Asʻad,--1426 or 7-1512 or 13.--Risālah al-zawrāʾ.
Dawwānī, Muḥammad ibn Asʻad, 1426 or 7-1512 or 13.
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Arabic MSS 550
Image Count:
Copied in Constantinople about A.H. 931 (A.D. 1525)., Essay in praise of the reed pen., and Preceded by 1 page of notes.
Alternative Title:
Risālat al-yarāʻah.
Alternate title: Risālat al-yarāʻah., Hasty nastaʻlīq., Islamic binding, in brown., No. 13 of 15 titles bound together., and Purchased from Captain Tekeş, Istanbul in February 1965 on the Beinecke fund.
Ījī, ʻAḍud al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Aḥmad, d. 1355?
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Arabic MSS 550
Image Count:
Copied about A.H. 931 (A.D. 1525). and Tract on the expression of ideas.
Fair nastaʻlīq., Islamic binding, in brown., No. 9 of 15 titles bound together., and Purchased from Captain Tekeş, Istanbul in February 1965 on the Beinecke fund.
Commentary on al-Risālah al-waḍʻīyah (on the expression of ideas) of ʻAḍud al-Dīn al-Ījī. and Copied about A.H. 931 (A.D. 1525).
Fair nastaʻlīq., Islamic binding, in brown., No. 8 of 15 titles bound together., Purchased from Captain Tekeş, Istanbul in February 1965 on the Beinecke fund., and The ḥamdalah is the same as in Berlin catalog 5311 (7) (variant form of al-Qūshjī's commentary) but the incipit is different.
Subject (Name):
Ījī, ʻAḍud al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Aḥmad, d. 1355? Risālah al-waḍʻīyah. and Ījī, ʻAḍud al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Aḥmad,--d. 1355?--Risālah al-waḍʻīyah.