Manuscript fragment on parchment of a copy of a judician decision concerning Jacobus the bishop of Senigallia and the monasteries of S. Iohannes peneclaria and S. Iacobus in burgo, both in Ancona
In Latin., Script: written in notarial script by the notary Johannes, son of Julianus., and Decoration: The document begins with a flourished initial "I"; 1-line initials are in brown; the notary's sign is in the center of the lower margin; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Series of three postcards, with narrative captions. Children as advocate and plaintiff, the plaintiff, the victim, of a broken engagement
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting children as legal counsel and plaintiff and Legally themed postcards depicting children as legal counsel and plaintiff
In lower left corner: AL 5006, AL 5007, AL 5009., On verso: "Printed in Germany. AL series.", Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2020. LM Z Postcards v.1 no.6 tall, Online resource; description based on print version record. , and Aristophot was formed in Leipzig, Germany, around 1900 and subsequently opened a branch in London.
Aristophot Co. Ltd and Aristophot Co. Ltd.?
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Law, Lawyers, Conduct of court proceedings, and Courtship
Manuscript daybook in Barzillai Slosson's handwriting documents payments made to him or by him to town residents for both his legal work and purchases he made. It identifies clients, services rendered, goods purchased, and charges for those services and purchases in Kent, Connecticut, covering the period from July 7, 1809, to December 9, 1812. Additionally, Slosson recorded in the account book that people used his law books in his office to study law
Alternative Title:
Barzillai Slosson daybook, 1809 July 7-1812 December 6
Manuscript written in black ink in 19th-century handwriting., Dates based on internally recorded dates., Title devised by cataloger., On front pastedown: "Daniel J. Baswell began to read law in my office April 17, 1811." Another note reads: "Mr. Sylvester Johnson began to use law the second time in my office June 18, 1811.", Several pages are badly mutilated, and many are completely destroyed at the beginning and end of the book., Yale Law Library's label inside book: "Presented to the Yale Law Library by Mr. Otto J. Leonhard of Kent, 1936.", Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, MssA Sl55 no.4 flat, Description based on print version record., Hicks classification: MssA Sl55 no.4 flat., and Barzillai Slosson (1769-1813), a Yale College graduate of 1791, was an attorney from Kent, Connecticut, who also served as a clerk for the Connecticut House of Representatives.
Barzillai Slosson
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, Kent, Kent., Kent (Conn.), and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Lawyers, Accounting, Practice of law, Account books, Law offices, Law, Study and teaching, Business records, History, Fees, and Manuscripts, American
Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of a portion of Bracton's treatise on English law
In Latin; one lengthy marginal annotation in Law French., Part of the Anthony Taussig Collection of English Legal Manuscripts (OSB MSS 184). Taussig catalog number: MS 82.12.7 (number 19 in main catalog numbering)., A fuller description of the contents is found in Baker and Taussig, Catalogue (London: 2007), pp. 13-14., Title from incipit., Some early marginalia. Lengthy annotation in Law French (ff. 182v-183) concerning a dictum by "Denam" (probably John or William de Denum)., Annotated on f. 1 in the hand of Sir Thomas Phillipps: H. Bracton De Legibus Angliæ. From Sir G. P. Turner's Library. Phillipps MS 3097., Layout: double columns, 32 lines., Script: Gothic Textura., Decoration: headings, paragraph marks, and running titles in red or blue; two-line initials throughout in red and blue; two large initials in red and blue., and Binding: nineteenth-century full russia, blind-stamped. Gilt title on spine: Bracton De Legibus Angliæ.
Subject (Geographic):
England, Great Britain, Connecticut, and New Haven.
Manuscript, on paper, probably in the hand of William Elstob, containing a transcription of the Anglo-Saxon legal text known as Judex and readings for the text of several Anglo-Saxon law codes
In Old English and Latin., Collation note in Latin dated September 4, 1714 bears the initials G.E. (Gulielmus--William--Elstob) and E.E. (Elizabeth Elstob)., and This manuscript was probably part of William Elstob's projected editon of Anglo-Saxon legal manuscripts.
Subject (Geographic):
England., England, and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Elstob, Elizabeth, 1683-1756. and Elstob, William, 1673-1715.
Series of 6 numbered postcards with narrative captions depicting a girl in legal attire advocating children's rights.
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting a girl in legal attire, advocating children's rights and Legally themed postcards depicting a girl in legal attire, advocating children's rights
Title devised by cataloger. , Postcards are addressed to Mademoiselle Marie Thérèse Desmons; dates from postmark: Lille, France, 1902 and 1904., Some postcards include manuscript notes below captions., Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM ZA Postcards v.1 no.1 tall, In French., and Online resource; description based on print version record.
Series of 5 numbered postcards, with narrative captions, poking fun at the arrogance of the legal profession. The child peasant in need of legal assistance cannot pay the lawyer enough
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting two French children as attorney and peasant and Legally themed postcards depicting two French children as attorney and peasant
In lower right corner: R.P.I., Postmarked 1904., Title devised by cataloger. , Card number 5 dated 1903 in manuscript. Other manuscript notes on some postcards, some of which are addressed to Mademoiselle B. Devidel and Jeanne Lacaton. , Accompanied by translation., Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM ZA Postcards v.1 no.4 tall., In French., and Online resource; description based on print version record.
Postcard depicting a man sitting as judge with caption habeas corpus and Legally themed postcard with caption habeas corpus
Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM Z Postcards v.1 no.2 tall., and Online resource; description based on print version record.
Ullman Mfg Co.
Subject (Geographic):
United States
Subject (Topic):
Law, Judges, Conduct of court proceedings, and Husband and wife