Some trialls and motions ap[u]d bancho regis termino hill[ary] Jan: 29th 166/7 [sic], [1677-1678]
Image Count:
Manuscript on paper, in a single cursive hand, of notes on some cases heard in the Court of King?s Bench in 1677 and 1678. and Many of the notes concern the trials involving Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, including his suit for slander against Lord Digby, the habeas corpus issued for him, and his own trial in King?s Bench. The notes include summaries of the arguments made by Shaftesbury?s and Digby?s representatives and the debate concerning the """"prorogation"""" or """"adjournment"""" of Parliament.
Binding: contemporary sheep; impression of central boss on front panel. and Teaching resource: English Paleography Examples, 16th-18th century
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain --Politics and government --1660-1688 and Great Britain --Social conditions --17th century
Subject (Name):
Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 1635?-1698, Great Britain. Court of King’s Bench, Great Britain. Parliament, 1661-1678, Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of, 1621-1683, and Taylor, John, of Guilfoord, Essex
Subject (Topic):
Atheism, Blasphemy, Law, Libel and slander, Trials, and Whig Party (Great Britain)
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a judicial decision emanating from the podesta of Trento, Riprandus Otonis Rici, by order of Bishop Aldricus of Trento concerning easement of a stable
In Latin., Script: written in notarial script by Rolandinus., and Decoration: at the opening of the document there is a design in brown ink resembling a chalice; a cross stands above the entire document; the initial "E" of the notary's signature is a 2-line square-shaped capital in black ink decorated with dots; punctuated with the punctus and, at the end of the document, the punctus versus.
Series of 6 numbered postcards, with narrative captions. The narrative is the French version of He loves me/He loves me not. Child advocate with cupid's wings
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting a child posed as advocate, with cupid's wings and Legally themed postcards depicting a child advocate with cupid's wings
Date from postmark., Accompanied by translation., Include manuscript notes., Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM ZA Postcards v.1 no.8 tall., In French., and Online resource; description based on print version record.
Phototypie A. Bergeret et Cie
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Ecole de Nancy (Group of artists)
Subject (Topic):
Law, Lawyers, Conduct of court proceedings, and Cupids (Art)
Series of 15 numbered postcards, with narrative captions, arguing for acceptance of women as advocates
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting women advocating acceptance of women as lawyers and Legally themed postcards advocating for the recognition of women as lawyers
Postmarks dated 1902-1903; also dated in manuscript 1901. Other manuscript notes., Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM ZA Postcards v.1 no.6 tall., In French., Online resource; description based on print version record. , and Accompanied by translation.
Manuscript leaf, on parchment, apparently from a collection of law reports (perhaps a Year-book). Actions mentioned include cases of Dower and Quare impedit
In Law French (Anglo-Norman)., Layout: single columns of 61-62 lines each., and Script: cursive legal script with some anglicana features.
Caption title. Without imprint., Place of publication supplied by curator., First line: Three rosy fac'd Topers as ever was known, On a Frolick one night ..., Additional two lines of music "For the German flute.", This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., Staff notation., and In ink upper right: 31.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Drinking songs, Sheet music, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, Wine, Law, Clergy, and Songs
Christian III, King of Denmark and Norway, 1503-1559
Published / Created:
[between 1590 and 1600]
Call Number:
Beinecke MS 31
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript on paper (sturdy; watermarks buried in the gutter) of Christian III and Frederick II of Denmark, Laws
In Low German., Script: Written by one scribe in cursive script., Headings in large gothic textura, with flourishes., and Binding: Between 1850 and 1900. Tan and brown mottled calf, gold-tooled; on the spine, "DESZ BRODMECHTIGESTEN [sic] HOCHGEBARNEN FoeRSTENVIMD," and the crowned monogram of comte Paul Riant. By the same binder who did MS 24.
Subject (Geographic):
Denmark., Connecticut, and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Christian III, King of Denmark and Norway, 1503-1559. and Frederick II, King of Denmark and Norway, 1534-1588.
Series of 10 numbered postcards, with narrative captions; French child as advocate, poking fun at the legal profession. "This series illustrates an old children's folksong about a lawyer, some hints of gluttony and hostility, but not unlike cautionary children's songs in English, to influence their behavior through bad examples. Except that the bad example here is the act of a lawyer, so not totally innocent or innocuous! It's the kind of children's songs that would be accompanied by gestures."--Donor's description
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting a French child as a lawyer, pocking fun at the legal profession and Legally themed postcards depicting a French child as a lawyer, pocking fun at the legal profession
In lower right corner of recto of postcard: Collections ND. Phot., Date from postmark, 1903-1904., Manuscript notes on most cards., Accompanied by translation., Postcard no. 1 is addressed to "Mademoiselle Jermaine Bertran" ; postcards no. 2-10 are addressed to "Mademoiselle J.[Jermaine?] Leygonie.", Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM ZA Postcards v.1 no.5 tall., In French., and Description based on print version record.
Manuscript notes of lectures by Tapping Reeve, at the Litchfield Law School, taken in 1792-1795, by unidentified students
Contains 3 small, hardbound notebooks with marbled exterior papers. The folder heading says: “Reeve, Tapping, 1744-1823. Lectures on law: notebooks kept by unidentified student(s) at Litchfield Law School, 1792-1795.--Finding aid., Notebook 1: 10x16 cm, approx. 40 sheets with writing on both sides. Paste-down on inside of front cover says: “Contents. Baron & Feme. Parent & Child.” Recto of first page says: “English Law & Connecticut Law Contrasted.” I don’t see any indication on the item regarding who took the notes or when they were made. The volume is fairly tightly bound, but in good shape.--Finding aid., Notebook 2: Also 10x16 cm, also approx. 40 sheets, the first sheet is blank, followed by 9 sheets with writing on both sides – the remainder of the sheets are blank. First sheet that contains writing headed as follows: “Litchfield September 19th 1792. New Trials. Rule –”. The text block is about 3/4 detached from the cover of this volume, and there is water or mold damage on the insides of the front and back covers. The separating of the cover has loosed the binding somewhat on the interior pages and they are easy to open.--Finding aid., Notebook 3: Also 10x1 cm, also approx.. 40 sheets with writing on both sides. Paste-down on inside of front cover says: “Contents. Master & Servant. Contracts.” Recto of first page says: “Comparisons of English & Connecticut Law. B.T. Reeve. 1795." The volume is less tightly bound than Notebook 1 and is in good shape.--Finding aid., Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Archives, 2021. MS 384, Series II, Box 16, Folder 247., and Description based on print version finding aid.
Producer not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and Litchfield.
Subject (Name):
Litchfield Law School
Subject (Topic):
Law, Study and teaching, Law students, and Students
Manuscript notes of lectures by Tapping Reeve, at the Litchfield Law School, taken in 1792-1795, by unidentified students
Contains 3 small, hardbound notebooks with marbled exterior papers. The folder heading says: “Reeve, Tapping, 1744-1823. Lectures on law: notebooks kept by unidentified student(s) at Litchfield Law School, 1792-1795.--Finding aid., Notebook 1: 10x16 cm, approx. 40 sheets with writing on both sides. Paste-down on inside of front cover says: “Contents. Baron & Feme. Parent & Child.” Recto of first page says: “English Law & Connecticut Law Contrasted.” I don’t see any indication on the item regarding who took the notes or when they were made. The volume is fairly tightly bound, but in good shape.--Finding aid., Notebook 2: Also 10x16 cm, also approx. 40 sheets, the first sheet is blank, followed by 9 sheets with writing on both sides – the remainder of the sheets are blank. First sheet that contains writing headed as follows: “Litchfield September 19th 1792. New Trials. Rule –”. The text block is about 3/4 detached from the cover of this volume, and there is water or mold damage on the insides of the front and back covers. The separating of the cover has loosed the binding somewhat on the interior pages and they are easy to open.--Finding aid., Notebook 3: Also 10x1 cm, also approx.. 40 sheets with writing on both sides. Paste-down on inside of front cover says: “Contents. Master & Servant. Contracts.” Recto of first page says: “Comparisons of English & Connecticut Law. B.T. Reeve. 1795." The volume is less tightly bound than Notebook 1 and is in good shape.--Finding aid., Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Archives, 2021. MS 384, Series II, Box 16, Folder 247., and Description based on print version finding aid.
Producer not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and Litchfield.
Subject (Name):
Litchfield Law School
Subject (Topic):
Law, Study and teaching, Law students, and Students