"Britannia (left), a buxom young woman, clasps the trunk of a large oak, while Paine tugs with both hands at her stay-lace, placing a large foot on her posteriors. He wears blue and buff with a tricolour cockade on his bonnet rouge. From his coat pocket protrudes a pair of scissors and a tape inscribed: 'Rights of Man'. His face is blotched with drink and his expression is fiercely intent, but he is neatly dressed. Behind him is a thatched cottage inscribed: 'Thomas Pain, Stay-maker from Thetford. Paris Modes, by express.' Britannia looks over her shoulder at the stay-maker (cf. British Museum Satires No. 9240) with an expression of pained reproach. Her shield leans against the tree; her spear is on the ground; across it lies an olive-branch."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Good constitution sacrificed for a fantastick form
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Female costume: stays -- Emblems: tri-colored cockade -- Male costume: bonnet rouge -- Reference to tailors -- Literature: Thomas Paine's Rights of Man -- Allusion to French Revolution -- Reference to Thetford and Paine's stay-making past -- Britannia's shield -- Symbols: olive branch., and Mounted to 42 x 30 cm.
Pubd. Jany. 2d, 1793, by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Corsets, Scissors & shears, Liberty cap, Shields, Spears, and Olive branches
"Five members of the Opposition watch with admiring surprise 'Ombres Chinoises': figures whose shadows are thrown on a sheet or screen, the scene enclosed in a circle: three fat Dutchmen seated on the sea advance directly towards the spectators. On the shoulders of each sits a French sansculotte soldier, cadaverous and sinister; the central figure wears a cocked hat from which project cannon or trench-mortars, he holds a tricolour flag. The others wear bonnets-rouges; one (left) blows a trumpet, the other (right) beats a drum. The Dutchmen are impassively smoking pipes, two wear French cockades; from the hips of each project the mouths of cannon. The light background of the circle stands out on a tinted ground; above it is a scroll, apparently issuing from the mouth of the trumpet: 'Terror the Order of the Day'. Only the heads and shoulders of the spectators are visible, all in back view except that of Lansdowne on the extreme right, who says "Astonishing effect". The others (left to right) are Fox, looking through a glass as in British Museum Satires No. 8641, Sheridan, Stanhope, and a bishop identified as Watson of Llandaff. Fox says: "what a fine Effect"."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Seventh of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition in 1795 ..."; see British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Opposition -- Threat of French invasion of Britain -- Reference to the Dutch fleet -- Military: Dutch soldiers -- Sansculottes -- Bonnet rouge -- Musical instruments -- Slogans: "Terror the order of the day.", and Mounted on page 89 with one other print.
Published by H. Humphrey
Subject (Name):
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, and Watson, Richard, 1737-1816
Subject (Topic):
Navies, Dutch, Soldiers, French, Cannons, Trumpets, Drums, Flags, Liberty cap, and Pipes (Smoking)
"Five members of the Opposition watch with admiring surprise 'Ombres Chinoises': figures whose shadows are thrown on a sheet or screen, the scene enclosed in a circle: three fat Dutchmen seated on the sea advance directly towards the spectators. On the shoulders of each sits a French sansculotte soldier, cadaverous and sinister; the central figure wears a cocked hat from which project cannon or trench-mortars, he holds a tricolour flag. The others wear bonnets-rouges; one (left) blows a trumpet, the other (right) beats a drum. The Dutchmen are impassively smoking pipes, two wear French cockades; from the hips of each project the mouths of cannon. The light background of the circle stands out on a tinted ground; above it is a scroll, apparently issuing from the mouth of the trumpet: 'Terror the Order of the Day'. Only the heads and shoulders of the spectators are visible, all in back view except that of Lansdowne on the extreme right, who says "Astonishing effect". The others (left to right) are Fox, looking through a glass as in British Museum Satires No. 8641, Sheridan, Stanhope, and a bishop identified as Watson of Llandaff. Fox says: "what a fine Effect"."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Seventh of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition in 1795 ..."; see British Museum catalogue., and Temporary local subject terms: Opposition -- Threat of French invasion of Britain -- Reference to the Dutch fleet -- Military: Dutch soldiers -- Sansculottes -- Bonnet rouge -- Musical instruments -- Slogans: "Terror the order of the day."
Published by H. Humphrey
Subject (Name):
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, and Watson, Richard, 1737-1816
Subject (Topic):
Navies, Dutch, Soldiers, French, Cannons, Trumpets, Drums, Flags, Liberty cap, and Pipes (Smoking)
"Five members of the Opposition watch with admiring surprise 'Ombres Chinoises': figures whose shadows are thrown on a sheet or screen, the scene enclosed in a circle: three fat Dutchmen seated on the sea advance directly towards the spectators. On the shoulders of each sits a French sansculotte soldier, cadaverous and sinister; the central figure wears a cocked hat from which project cannon or trench-mortars, he holds a tricolour flag. The others wear bonnets-rouges; one (left) blows a trumpet, the other (right) beats a drum. The Dutchmen are impassively smoking pipes, two wear French cockades; from the hips of each project the mouths of cannon. The light background of the circle stands out on a tinted ground; above it is a scroll, apparently issuing from the mouth of the trumpet: 'Terror the Order of the Day'. Only the heads and shoulders of the spectators are visible, all in back view except that of Lansdowne on the extreme right, who says "Astonishing effect". The others (left to right) are Fox, looking through a glass as in British Museum Satires No. 8641, Sheridan, Stanhope, and a bishop identified as Watson of Llandaff. Fox says: "what a fine Effect"."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Seventh of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition in 1795 ..."; see British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Opposition -- Threat of French invasion of Britain -- Reference to the Dutch fleet -- Military: Dutch soldiers -- Sansculottes -- Bonnet rouge -- Musical instruments -- Slogans: "Terror the order of the day.", 1 print : aquatint and etching on wove paper ; plate mark 30 x 23.6 cm, on sheet 32.7 x 25.8 cm., and Mounted on leaf 71 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Published by H. Humphrey
Subject (Name):
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, and Watson, Richard, 1737-1816
Subject (Topic):
Navies, Dutch, Soldiers, French, Cannons, Trumpets, Drums, Flags, Liberty cap, and Pipes (Smoking)
"Frontispiece to a set of eight satirical portraits (British Museum Satires Nos. 8450-7), in which members of the Opposition are travestied as French republicans. With the set is a bonnet-rouge, printed in red on paper cut along the lower edge of the cap so that it can be fitted to the forehead, transforming the subject into the Frenchman of the title. A satyr sits on a pile of large volumes, directed to the left, his head turned with a smile towards the spectator. In his right hand he holds out a large bonnet-rouge with a French cockade, saying, "If the Cap fit put it on". In his left is a large scroll inscribed: 'Illustrious Heads \ designed for a new History \ of \ Republicanism \ in French & English \ dedicated to \ The Opposition \ "... mutato nomine de te" \ Fabula Narratur" NB The work will not be compleat \ till all the heads are taken off.' On his breast is an irradiated head, probably of Truth. The six books forming his seat are: 'Conventional Decrees'; 'Addresses from Societies for Reform in England'; 'Speeches of the Minority'; 'Presbyterian Sermons'; 'Pamphlets'; 'Pamphlets'. Three other volumes form a back to the seat."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Illustrious heads designed for a new history of republicanism in French & English, dedicated to the Opposition
Title etched at bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Temporary local subject terms: French republicans -- Opposition: Members of the Opposition -- Symbols: Bonnet rouge -- Emblems: Tricolored cockade -- Allusion to the French Revolution -- Symbols: Head of Truth -- Allusion to reforms., 1 print : soft-ground etching on wove paper ; plate mark 29 x 21.3 cm, on sheet 31.9 x 23.2 cm., and Mounted with one other print on leaf 72 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
Published 12st [sic] May 1794 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Topic):
Republicanism, Satyrs (Greek mythology), Liberty cap, and Books
"Frontispiece to a set of eight satirical portraits (British Museum Satires Nos. 8450-7), in which members of the Opposition are travestied as French republicans. With the set is a bonnet-rouge, printed in red on paper cut along the lower edge of the cap so that it can be fitted to the forehead, transforming the subject into the Frenchman of the title. A satyr sits on a pile of large volumes, directed to the left, his head turned with a smile towards the spectator. In his right hand he holds out a large bonnet-rouge with a French cockade, saying, "If the Cap fit put it on". In his left is a large scroll inscribed: 'Illustrious Heads \ designed for a new History \ of \ Republicanism \ in French & English \ dedicated to \ The Opposition \ "... mutato nomine de te" \ Fabula Narratur" NB The work will not be compleat \ till all the heads are taken off.' On his breast is an irradiated head, probably of Truth. The six books forming his seat are: 'Conventional Decrees'; 'Addresses from Societies for Reform in England'; 'Speeches of the Minority'; 'Presbyterian Sermons'; 'Pamphlets'; 'Pamphlets'. Three other volumes form a back to the seat."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Illustrious heads designed for a new history of republicanism in French & English, dedicated to the Opposition
Title etched at bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Temporary local subject terms: French republicans -- Opposition: Members of the Opposition -- Symbols: Bonnet rouge -- Emblems: Tricolored cockade -- Allusion to the French Revolution -- Symbols: Head of Truth -- Allusion to reforms., and Mounted to 45 x 34 cm.
Published 12st [sic] May 1794 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Topic):
Republicanism, Satyrs (Greek mythology), Liberty cap, and Books
"A broadside satirising the dominance of Lord Bute after the Treaty of Paris; with an etching showing the figure of Britannia, her shield and spear lying on the ground, carrying a yoke with two buckets; on the yoke stands Lord Bute wearing tartan, holds a liberty cap and a penant labelled "Magna Charta" on a staff in one hand and in the other the Union flag below the French one; on either side people look on, including a sailor and a lady in tears. Engraved inscriptions, title and verses in two columns decrying Bute, with a reminder of Robert Walpole's Excise Bill of 1733 as an implied parallel to Bute's Cider Tax."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
Title from song engraved below image., Variant state, lacking imprint statement, of no. 4011 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Date from that assigned to the variant state in the British Museum catalogue., Ten numbered verses etched below image beginning: 1. Of all the nobles in the land, Great Gisbal bears the sway. All things are by his orders done, and none dare disobey ..., Temporary local subject terms: Taxes: reference to cider tax -- Yoke -- Containers: pails -- Emblems: staff and cap of liberty -- Flags: Union Jack -- Flags: French ensign., and Mounted to 34 x 32 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), Flags, British, Yokes, and Liberty cap
"The Queen and Alderman Wood head a procession through the City, all riding asses (cf. British Museum Satires No. 13918, &c.). They advance towards a group of Radical Reformers with placards who wave their hats. Notes below the design divided by vertical lines indicate the characters; these are centred by a description of the Queen, enclosed in an oval: 'Her most Gracious M.....y Columbine B--i, alias Mother Red Cap 2nd [cf. British Museum Satires No. 13975], Queen of all the Radicals, Whigs, Hoaxers &c B......i in all her looks and Brandy in her eye [see British Museum Satires No. 14175].' Wood is dressed as a jester in party-coloured clothes, red and yellow, here indicating the royal liveries used by the Queen; he takes the Queen's right hand; his right hand is on his breast, and he looks with eager anticipation at the Reformers. Behind him is the profile of Lady Ann Hamilton, who plays a fiddle; she wears a much-feathered (military) Scots cap. They are: 'Absolute Wisdom [see British Museum Satires No. 13899] alias Mathew Jackall Master of the Ceremonies--A rare specimen of disinterestedness--a keen eye for the Loaves & Fishes', and 'Lady Ann Bagpipe principal Scotch Fiddler [cf. British Museum Satires No. 14110, &c.] to her M.....y with an accompaniment of All round the Rad pole how we Flock.' The Queen wears a red cap with the décolletée over-dress with frilled trousers of British Museum Satires No. 14103, a large miniature of Bergami (see British Museum Satires No. 13858) hanging from her waist. She holds the tail of the ass which she bestrides with ungartered stocking, her shoe having fallen to the ground; on her saddle-cloth: 'B B Knight of St Columbine' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120]. A fat décolletée woman, also in a red cap, rides just behind her; she is Countess Oldi, Bergami's sister (who was with the Queen in London), described as 'Countess Patois Bourgois The Elegant & Accomplished Sister of Bart.....o The Fancy-Man.' On the Queen's left rides a thin young man, Wood's son, in quasi-dandy dress with red and yellow jacket, holding a banner inscribed 'All Majesty & Grace'; he registers alarm at a small barking dog which causes his ass to stop and kick. He is 'The Dandy Standard Bearer alias Young Absolute'. Just behind a youth, Willy Austin, rides, holding two children before him: 'Billy By-Blow of Black-heath [see British Museum Satires No. 12027] in charge of the Nursery.' Next him is a man wearing a braided coat or tunic and holding up a flag inscribed 'Innocence'. He is not described, and is perhaps Keppel Craven. Close behind him is a turbaned Moor or negro (cf. British Museum Satires No. 13929), in red and yellow. They are followed by two naval officers, one in civilian dress and wearing a Maltese cross. They hold a banner between them: 'Rights and Privileges.' They are 'Lieutt Humm'en [Hownam] 1st Champion & Knight of St Columbine' and 'Lieutt Flim Flam [Flinn] 2nd Champion & Knight of the Smelling Bottle'. The last ass in the procession is ridden by a naked Bacchus, a wine-bottle in each hand, and a half-draped Woman who puts an arm round his neck. They are: 'Two Proteges and Bosom Friends of her M.....y'. The procession continues, receding in perspective to the extreme right, as a dense crowd with bludgeons, banners, and staves supporting caps of Liberty. The banners are 'Anarchy', 'Riot' (both tricolour), 'Disaffection', 'Immorality', 'Indecency'. Description: 'A long Train of concomitant Blessings to add to the Peace, Comfort, Relief, and Happiness of that first rate Martyr Broad-shouldered and patient Bull.' The radicals face the procession in the foreground (left) and are more realistically drawn than the other figures. On the extreme left is Hunt, smartly dressed, but with a chain dangling from one wrist. He is 'The Hero of Spa and Peters Fields with a day rule from Ilchester'. Next him is Wilson: 'Sir Robert Lavalette [see British Museum Satires No. 12706, &c.] of Southwark KMT [sic] & MP'. Beside him is Hobhouse: 'Jack Cam Westminster's Darling' [see British Museum Satires No. 13501]. In front of Wilson is Sir Charles Wolseley, wearing a striped straight-jacket over fashionable dress, his arms (compulsorily) folded. He is 'The Legislatorial Attorney for Brummigum [see British Museum Satires No. 13251] with a day rule from St Lukes' [a lunatic asylum]. Behind him is Cobbett: 'William Tompaine [see British Museum Satires No. 13525] Cobt Weathercock' [see British Museum Satires No. 14032, &c.]. In front of him is Burdett (now with frontal baldness in place of the former prominent lock of hair), standing between Waddington, a ragged, dwarfish fellow holding up a placard inscribed 'Long Live Mother Red Cap', and Harrison, a man with chained wrists holding up a cap of Liberty on a staff. These three are: 'Sir Frank Demagogue Westminster's Jewel'; 'Little Wadd' [see British Museum Satires No. 14261]; 'Parson Har . . s . n Founder of the Sect of Radical Methodists, with a day rule from Durance Vile' [see British Museum Satires No. 13254]. The last also supports a tall pike which dominates the group, its head inscribed 'Rallying Point'; to this are tied a cap of Liberty and two banners: 'Revolution' (red) and 'Radical Reform' (blue); the shaft transfixes a wig (emblem of the Whigs). Hunt, Wilson, Cobbett, and Burdett wave white top-hats (emblem of Hunt and the radicals) with red favours; Wilson and Waddington wear similar hats. All wear large red disks on the left breast. From the crowd standing behind them emerge placards: [1] a Harlequin pattern inscribed 'Q Columbine for ever' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120]; [2] a wig, inscription: 'Q a handle to the Wig'; [3] 'Automaton for ever' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120]; [4] 'Poll Acre [polacca, see British Museum Satires No. 13818] for Ever'. All the banners of both contingents are topped with caps of Liberty, and other caps of Liberty are supported on staves. On the cobbles in the foreground a woman and a sailor sit drinking together, she holds out her arm towards the Queen. On the right ragged men run forward, cheering the Queen. The farther side of the route is lined with butchers shouting and making rough music with marrow-bones and cleavers, as at Westminster elections. Behind these a dense crowd of spectators is indicated. Behind are the houses and (shuttered) shops of 'Bridge Street'; cheering spectators lean from all the windows and watch from the roofs. Placards on two houses are: 'Adam and Eve', two nude figures, cf. British Museum Satires No. 14120, and 'Gill Tea Figs, &c.' This block is divided from the more distant houses by 'Cannon Row'. From the roofs of the latter buildings cannon are firing at three winged figures in the air; all three fall, wounded; they are 'Decency', 'Modesty', and 'Delicacy'. In the distance (right) are dark clouds, an owl, and a violent flash of lightning."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 18 of: George Humphrey shop album.
Published by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843, Hamilton, Anne, Lady, 1766-1846, Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron., Wood, John Page, Sir, 1796-1866, Craven, Keppel Richard, 1779-1851, Dionysus (Greek deity),, Hunt, Henry, 1773-1835, Wilson, Robert, Sir, 1777-1849, Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, Baron, 1786-1869, Wolseley, Charles, Sir, 1769-1846, Cobbett, William, 1763-1835, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, and Waddington, S. Ferrand 1759- (Samuel Ferrand),
Subject (Topic):
Politicians, Parades & processions, Donkeys, Dogs, Crowds, Arms & armament, Spears, Military officers, Banners, Flags, Miniatures (Paintings), Liberty cap, and Lightning
"The Queen and Alderman Wood head a procession through the City, all riding asses (cf. British Museum Satires No. 13918, &c.). They advance towards a group of Radical Reformers with placards who wave their hats. Notes below the design divided by vertical lines indicate the characters; these are centred by a description of the Queen, enclosed in an oval: 'Her most Gracious M.....y Columbine B--i, alias Mother Red Cap 2nd [cf. British Museum Satires No. 13975], Queen of all the Radicals, Whigs, Hoaxers &c B......i in all her looks and Brandy in her eye [see British Museum Satires No. 14175].' Wood is dressed as a jester in party-coloured clothes, red and yellow, here indicating the royal liveries used by the Queen; he takes the Queen's right hand; his right hand is on his breast, and he looks with eager anticipation at the Reformers. Behind him is the profile of Lady Ann Hamilton, who plays a fiddle; she wears a much-feathered (military) Scots cap. They are: 'Absolute Wisdom [see British Museum Satires No. 13899] alias Mathew Jackall Master of the Ceremonies--A rare specimen of disinterestedness--a keen eye for the Loaves & Fishes', and 'Lady Ann Bagpipe principal Scotch Fiddler [cf. British Museum Satires No. 14110, &c.] to her M.....y with an accompaniment of All round the Rad pole how we Flock.' The Queen wears a red cap with the décolletée over-dress with frilled trousers of British Museum Satires No. 14103, a large miniature of Bergami (see British Museum Satires No. 13858) hanging from her waist. She holds the tail of the ass which she bestrides with ungartered stocking, her shoe having fallen to the ground; on her saddle-cloth: 'B B Knight of St Columbine' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120]. A fat décolletée woman, also in a red cap, rides just behind her; she is Countess Oldi, Bergami's sister (who was with the Queen in London), described as 'Countess Patois Bourgois The Elegant & Accomplished Sister of Bart.....o The Fancy-Man.' On the Queen's left rides a thin young man, Wood's son, in quasi-dandy dress with red and yellow jacket, holding a banner inscribed 'All Majesty & Grace'; he registers alarm at a small barking dog which causes his ass to stop and kick. He is 'The Dandy Standard Bearer alias Young Absolute'. Just behind a youth, Willy Austin, rides, holding two children before him: 'Billy By-Blow of Black-heath [see British Museum Satires No. 12027] in charge of the Nursery.' Next him is a man wearing a braided coat or tunic and holding up a flag inscribed 'Innocence'. He is not described, and is perhaps Keppel Craven. Close behind him is a turbaned Moor or negro (cf. British Museum Satires No. 13929), in red and yellow. They are followed by two naval officers, one in civilian dress and wearing a Maltese cross. They hold a banner between them: 'Rights and Privileges.' They are 'Lieutt Humm'en [Hownam] 1st Champion & Knight of St Columbine' and 'Lieutt Flim Flam [Flinn] 2nd Champion & Knight of the Smelling Bottle'. The last ass in the procession is ridden by a naked Bacchus, a wine-bottle in each hand, and a half-draped Woman who puts an arm round his neck. They are: 'Two Proteges and Bosom Friends of her M.....y'. The procession continues, receding in perspective to the extreme right, as a dense crowd with bludgeons, banners, and staves supporting caps of Liberty. The banners are 'Anarchy', 'Riot' (both tricolour), 'Disaffection', 'Immorality', 'Indecency'. Description: 'A long Train of concomitant Blessings to add to the Peace, Comfort, Relief, and Happiness of that first rate Martyr Broad-shouldered and patient Bull.' The radicals face the procession in the foreground (left) and are more realistically drawn than the other figures. On the extreme left is Hunt, smartly dressed, but with a chain dangling from one wrist. He is 'The Hero of Spa and Peters Fields with a day rule from Ilchester'. Next him is Wilson: 'Sir Robert Lavalette [see British Museum Satires No. 12706, &c.] of Southwark KMT [sic] & MP'. Beside him is Hobhouse: 'Jack Cam Westminster's Darling' [see British Museum Satires No. 13501]. In front of Wilson is Sir Charles Wolseley, wearing a striped straight-jacket over fashionable dress, his arms (compulsorily) folded. He is 'The Legislatorial Attorney for Brummigum [see British Museum Satires No. 13251] with a day rule from St Lukes' [a lunatic asylum]. Behind him is Cobbett: 'William Tompaine [see British Museum Satires No. 13525] Cobt Weathercock' [see British Museum Satires No. 14032, &c.]. In front of him is Burdett (now with frontal baldness in place of the former prominent lock of hair), standing between Waddington, a ragged, dwarfish fellow holding up a placard inscribed 'Long Live Mother Red Cap', and Harrison, a man with chained wrists holding up a cap of Liberty on a staff. These three are: 'Sir Frank Demagogue Westminster's Jewel'; 'Little Wadd' [see British Museum Satires No. 14261]; 'Parson Har . . s . n Founder of the Sect of Radical Methodists, with a day rule from Durance Vile' [see British Museum Satires No. 13254]. The last also supports a tall pike which dominates the group, its head inscribed 'Rallying Point'; to this are tied a cap of Liberty and two banners: 'Revolution' (red) and 'Radical Reform' (blue); the shaft transfixes a wig (emblem of the Whigs). Hunt, Wilson, Cobbett, and Burdett wave white top-hats (emblem of Hunt and the radicals) with red favours; Wilson and Waddington wear similar hats. All wear large red disks on the left breast. From the crowd standing behind them emerge placards: [1] a Harlequin pattern inscribed 'Q Columbine for ever' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120]; [2] a wig, inscription: 'Q a handle to the Wig'; [3] 'Automaton for ever' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120]; [4] 'Poll Acre [polacca, see British Museum Satires No. 13818] for Ever'. All the banners of both contingents are topped with caps of Liberty, and other caps of Liberty are supported on staves. On the cobbles in the foreground a woman and a sailor sit drinking together, she holds out her arm towards the Queen. On the right ragged men run forward, cheering the Queen. The farther side of the route is lined with butchers shouting and making rough music with marrow-bones and cleavers, as at Westminster elections. Behind these a dense crowd of spectators is indicated. Behind are the houses and (shuttered) shops of 'Bridge Street'; cheering spectators lean from all the windows and watch from the roofs. Placards on two houses are: 'Adam and Eve', two nude figures, cf. British Museum Satires No. 14120, and 'Gill Tea Figs, &c.' This block is divided from the more distant houses by 'Cannon Row'. From the roofs of the latter buildings cannon are firing at three winged figures in the air; all three fall, wounded; they are 'Decency', 'Modesty', and 'Delicacy'. In the distance (right) are dark clouds, an owl, and a violent flash of lightning."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching with stipple ; sheet 30 x 42.5 cm., Printed on wove paper; hand-colored., Mounted to 39 x 58 cm., Mounted on leaf 51 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Hunt," "Sir R. Wilson," "J.C. Hobhouse," "Cobbett," "Burdett," "Waddington," "Harrison," "Ald. Wood," "Caroline," "Lady Anne Hamilton," "yg. Wood," "Bergami," "Billy Austin," "Lt. Hownam," and "Lt. Flinn" identified in ink below image; date "Feb. 1821" written in lower right corner. Typed extract of fifty-five lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted opposite (on verso of preceding leaf).
Published by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843, Hamilton, Anne, Lady, 1766-1846, Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron., Wood, John Page, Sir, 1796-1866, Craven, Keppel Richard, 1779-1851, Dionysus (Greek deity),, Hunt, Henry, 1773-1835, Wilson, Robert, Sir, 1777-1849, Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, Baron, 1786-1869, Wolseley, Charles, Sir, 1769-1846, Cobbett, William, 1763-1835, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, and Waddington, S. Ferrand 1759- (Samuel Ferrand),
Subject (Topic):
Politicians, Parades & processions, Donkeys, Dogs, Crowds, Arms & armament, Spears, Military officers, Banners, Flags, Miniatures (Paintings), Liberty cap, and Lightning
In this anti-Jacobin, pro-Girondist print, seven prisoners, in various postures of distress and exclamation are seated on stools in a prison cell. Each one wears a feathered Liberty cap and each is tied to the cell wall by a rope around his neck. The cell is bare save a circular grated window in its top left corner. Speech bubbles hover above each prisoner reading: “Oh Damn it! Is this proper treatment for the Commissioners of a great nation?”, “Oh curse him this false Dumourier.”, “He has finaly trapt us”, “no hole to creep out at”, “Now I feel for the poor prisoners in the Temple”, “It’s all up. With us”, “Oh I could beat my brains out for making the motion that as brought us like asses to it”. The print alludes to the arrest of Charles Dumouriez who despite having played a key role in the victory of the Battle of Valmy in 1972 suffered a significant defeat in the Battle of Neerwinden (March 1793) at the hands of the Austrians which fuelled suspicion amongst the Jacobins of his loyalties. Believing that Dumouriez harboured royalist sympathies several commissioners representing the National Convention were sent to investigate him. Instead of cooperating with the investigation, Dumouriez turned against the deputies and the Minister of War (Pierre Riel de Beurnonville), arresting the commissioners and handing them over to the Austrian forces
Alternative Title:
Commissioners become hostages and French vermin in the German trap
Title etched below image., Date of publication inferred from the reference to events occurring in 1793., Reversed English copy, with English text, of a French print entitled "A qui Mal veut, Mal arrive." For the original French print, see Princeton University Library Graphic Arts Collection, call no.: GA 2012.01066., Text beneath title: Being a representation of the present situation of the commissioners, Bournonville, Memoire, Villeneuve, Camus, Lamarque, Luinette and Bancal who were sent to arrest Dumouriez, but the tables being turned upon them they were delivered up to the Austrians and by them imprisoned where they may reflect on the long and cruel confinement they subjected their unfortunate monarch to previous to his martyrdom., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum.
Pubd. by J. Aitken, No. 14 Castle Street, Leicester Fields, London
Subject (Geographic):
France and Austria
Subject (Name):
Dumouriez, Charles François Du Périer, 1739-1823.
Subject (Topic):
Girondists, Prisons, Cells (Rooms & spaces), Prisoners, Liberty cap, History, Campaigns, Foreign public opinion, British, and Foreign relations