The manuscript contains the Chronicle of the Cistercian house of Louth Park, Lincolnshire, beginning with a Brut Chronicle (f. 1r-5r) and continuing with an annalistic account of Louth Park to the accession of Henry V in 1413 (f. 5v-12v). It includes (f. 10r-11r) a list of Cistercian houses with dependencies and dates of foundation. Written on paper in Anglicana formata script, it was produced at Louth Park Abbey (Lincolnshire) in or after 1413
In Latin., Includes a trade card of Plumtree, Louth on f. 1., Includes an engraving of the ruins of Louth Park Abbey by Buck, dated 1726, with the title "The North East View of Louth Park Abbey near Louth in the County of Lincoln.", Watermark: trumpet-shaped flower on a stem with two oval leaves (cf. Briquet nos. 6645-6652)., Binding: Nineteenth-century brown buckram, in or after 1866. The manuscript was interleaved when it was rebound; notes on the contents were added opposite the text on several leaves. Further notes concerning records of Louth Park were tipped in and attached to an end flyleaf., and Schøyen MS 1373.
Manuscript inventory, on parchment, in a secretary hand, of ceremonial plate and jewels collected from religious houses in Hampshire, Wiltshire, Glocestershire, Wiltshire, and Hertfordshire by several of the King's Commissioners for the suppression of the monasteries and turned over to the Master of the King's Jewels. The commissioners named include Robert Southwell, Edward Carne, John Ap Rice, and William Barnes. The sources of the plate were some of the larger houses targeted in the 1539 Act for the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries and include St. Swithun's Winchester, Amesbury, Malmesbury, Cirencester, Hailes, Pershore, and Tewksbury. The plate listed comprises chalices; crosses; monstrances; cups; a pyx; gold mitres, and "thirteen other Myters garnisshd with perles." and Composed of one sheet of parchment; head indented
In English., Signed, "by me John Williams" (Master of the King's Jewels)., Binding: modern quarter morocco case., and Bookplate: Mark Lansburgh Collection.
Subject (Geographic):
England. and Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.
Subject (Topic):
Church plate, Convents, Church and state, Monasteries, Monasticism and religious orders, and Secularization
A watercolor sketch of two rotund monks in front of a entrance to monastery in a lane within gate and wall surround. One attends closely to a young lady with two baskets on her arms; the other reads, lounging on a bench with his one foot raised
Title from note in ink in lower right corner., Unsigned; attributed to Rowlandson by Andrew Clayton-Payne, author of a catalog of Rowlandson. Similar in theme (and in architecture) to signed watercolors at the Yale Center for British Art., and With dealer's notes in pencil on verso.
Subject (Topic):
Courtyards, Lust, Monasteries, Monks, Obesity, and Reading
Title and text in lower margin in Latin and German., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., In margin lower center: Cum Priv. Sac. Caes. Maj., The church and monastery depicted were located in Vienna, Austria. The church was erected after the Great Plague of Vienna in 1679., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Vienna (Austria).
Subject (Topic):
Church buildings, Monasteries, Plague, and City & town life
A view with an active volcano in the center in the distance, steam rising from the top. On the right on a hilltop is a walled monastery. In the foreground, one woman rides on a horse side saddle while another woman walks ahead; the two are followed by a dog. The areas of the drawing are numbered as follows: 1. The hillside, 2. The wall surrounding the monestary, 3. The river surrounding the hillside, 4. The active volcano in the center of the image, 5. A range of hills on the left in the far distance, and 6. the hills mid-iew, beneath the active volcano. In the upper left corner, the image is numbered "XI".
Title devised by cataloger.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Dogs, Horses, Monasteries, Volcanoes, Volcanic eruptions, and Women