Title from item., Date from upper margin text., Place of publication derived from street address., In upper margin: Salon Caricatural de 1843.; 3., Below caption: (La Bible salon M. Steuben.), Published in Le Charivari., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pedicure.
Chez Pannier & Cie. R. du Croissant, 16 and Imp. d'Aubert & Compie
Subject (Topic):
Podiatry, Foot, Care and hygiene, Diseases, Angels, Scissors & shears, Slippers, Fear, and Sick persons
Title from item., Date derived from poster style., Place of publication derived from language of text., Sadi Balm was to heal corns on ones' feet., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Foot care products, Podiatry, Patent medicines, Older people, Pain, and Staffs (Sticks).
"An old hag sits in a carved chair with a gothic back by a vast open fire-place (right), with sticks blazing on the hearth. She uses a large knife to slice at one of her distorted toes. Beside her are a tub and scrubbing-brush and a large cat."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Temporary local subject terms: Old women -- Wash tubs -- Chairs: carved gothic chair -- Female dress: slippers -- Scrubbing brushes -- Medical procedures., and Window mounted to 35 x 26 cm.
Pubd. Feby. 6th, 1800, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Topic):
Foot, Care and hygiene, Surgery, Podiatry, Knives, Fireplaces, Older people, Pails, Slippers, Brooms & brushes, and Cats
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Printmaker information is from the Wellcome Collection website., Place of publication from item., In margin upper left: Pinakothek., Sheet trimmed., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber surgeons; Office interiors; Chiropody.
Druck u. Verlag v. A.H. Payne, Leipzig u.
Subject (Topic):
Podiatry, Medical offices, Surgery, Physicians, Pain, Skulls, and Medical equipment & supplies
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Printmaker information is from the Wellcome Collection website., Place of publication from item., In margin upper left: Pinakothek., Sheet trimmed., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber surgeons; Office interiors; Chiropody.
Druck u. Verlag v. A.H. Payne, Leipzig u.
Subject (Topic):
Podiatry, Medical offices, Surgery, Physicians, Pain, Skulls, and Medical equipment & supplies
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Printmaker information is from the Wellcome Collection website., Place of publication from item., In margin upper left: Pinakothek., Sheet trimmed., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber surgeons; Office interiors; Chiropody.
Druck u. Verlag v. A.H. Payne, Leipzig u.
Subject (Topic):
Podiatry, Medical offices, Surgery, Physicians, Pain, Skulls, and Medical equipment & supplies
Title from item., Date and place of publication from item., Below title: Dedié a Monseigneur le Marquis d' Argenson Ministre et Secretaire d'Etat. Gravé d'apres le Tableau Original de David Teniers, Par son tres humble et tres Obeissant Serviteur Tho. Major., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber surgeons; Plasters; Office interiors; Chiropody.
chez l'Auteur rue St. Jacques vis-à-vis les Charniers de S. Benoist
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Rural, Surgery, Podiatry, Medical equipment & supplies, Surgical instruments, Wounds & injuries, Bandages, Medical offices, Monkeys, Iguanas, and Owls
"The interior of a poverty-stricken room. An old man (left) seated in a chair is rubbing one foot which rests on a low stool with the contents of a bottle held in his right hand. He wears a night-cap, his hat and wig hang on the back of his chair. A witch-like woman, wearing large spectacles, is seated by the fire, she holds on her lap the bare leg of a young man, and is about to apply to it the contents of a pot which she is stirring on the fire. He is yelling with pain. On the wall is a placard, "Dr Steers Opodeldoc for Chilblains." Poverty is indicated by the untidy bed, a broken casement window, and the character of the chimney-piece, on which is a lighted candle, a tea-pot, and a broken cup. Over it is a print of a man, three quarter length. Probably a quack chiropodist's establishment of a very humble kind."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Quack doctor -- Medical: Chiropody -- Pin-point spectacles., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Kibe -- Chilblains., 1 print : etching, engraving, and stipple engraving, hand-colored ; sheet 189 x 161 mm., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Podiatry, Foot, Diseases, Interiors, Poverty, Teapots, Fireplaces, Eyeglasses, Beds, Cats, and Pain
"The interior of a poverty-stricken room. An old man (left) seated in a chair is rubbing one foot which rests on a low stool with the contents of a bottle held in his right hand. He wears a night-cap, his hat and wig hang on the back of his chair. A witch-like woman, wearing large spectacles, is seated by the fire, she holds on her lap the bare leg of a young man, and is about to apply to it the contents of a pot which she is stirring on the fire. He is yelling with pain. On the wall is a placard, "Dr Steers Opodeldoc for Chilblains." Poverty is indicated by the untidy bed, a broken casement window, and the character of the chimney-piece, on which is a lighted candle, a tea-pot, and a broken cup. Over it is a print of a man, three quarter length. Probably a quack chiropodist's establishment of a very humble kind."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Quack doctor -- Medical: Chiropody -- Pin-point spectacles., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Kibe -- Chilblains.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Quacks and quackery, Podiatry, Foot, Diseases, Interiors, Poverty, Teapots, Fireplaces, Eyeglasses, Beds, Cats, and Pain
Title supplied by curator., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication derived from printmaker's places of residence., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Barber shops, interior; Plasters; Barber surgeons & surgery; Chiropody.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Barbershops, Podiatry, Medical offices, Monkeys, Barbering, Barbers, Cats, Medical tools & equipment, Owls, and Arm slings