Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 29th of Kislev 5642 at Gibraltar (1881). The text is surrounded by a floral wreath with a bow at the bottom and a crown at the top. Immediately above the text, written in semi-circles are blessings for the bride and groom.
Bride: Simhah bat Yitshak ... . and Bridegroom: David ben ... .
Subject (Geographic):
Gibraltar --Religious life and customs
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Gibraltar and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 17th of Shevat 5685 at Gibraltar (1925). The text is written in Sephardic cursive. The document has no decorative border. Above the text, in a semi-circle, written in red ink, are blessings for
Bride: Rozah bat Yitshak bar Ye'udah bar Refa'el Ya'akov bar Shemu'el bar Ye'udah bar Mosheh bar Yitshak bar Avraham bar Yitshak ha-mekhuneh ben Za'arah. and Bridegroom: Mordekhai bar 'Amram bar Mordekhai bar Maimon ha-mekhuneh Kazis.
Subject (Geographic):
Gibraltar --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Mordekhai bar 'Amram bar Mordekhai bar Maimon Kazis and Rozah bat Yitshak bar Ye'udah bar Refa'el Ya'akov bar Shemu'el bar Ye'udah bar Mosheh bar Yitshak bar Avraham bar Yitshak ben Za'arah
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Gibraltar and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 16th of Sivan, 5689 (1929) at Gibraltar. Text is surrounded with floral design of red carnations. Above the text is a crown and below the text is a bow.
Bride: Mas'uda bat Avraham bar Barukh Tsarfati. and Bridegroom: Menahem bar Mas'ud bar Menahem ... [ben?] 'Ari.
Subject (Geographic):
Gibraltar --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Mas'uda bat Avraham bar Barukh Tsarfati and Menahem bar Mas'ud bar Menahem ben 'Ari
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Gibraltar and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on paper, dated 2 Tamuz 5675 at Gulpadgan (1915). The document is written in semi-block letters. The calligraphy above the text of the ketubah is the phrase ""If I forget thee, O Jerusalem"" (Pslam 137:5) and an ode to the bride and groom. Verses from Isaiah 61:9-10 form a frame around the ketubah. At the bottom of the ketubah are two addenda written in semi-cursive, probably in Judeo-Persian, as well as the various signatures of the witnesses, one of them written in Persian. The ketubah is in poor condition, with some damage to the text.
Bridegroom: Yosef ben [Ya']akov.
Subject (Geographic):
Gulpayigan (Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Yosef ben Ya'akov
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Gulpayigan and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, printed form completed in manuscript, blue ink on paper, dated 21st of Adar 5699 at Hefah (1939). The text is flanked by two columns containing blessings for the bride and groom. Above the text is a circle flanked by rampant lions with
Bride: Minah bat Hayim Yedidiyah., Bridegroom: Shimshon ben Yekuti'el Toretski ha-Levi., and Witnesses: Nisan Shteynberg and one other.
Subject (Geographic):
Haifa (Israel) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Minah bat Hayim Yedidiyah, Nisan Shteynberg, and Shimshon ben Yekuti'el Toretski ha-Levi
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Israel --Haifa and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, printed form completed in manuscript, ink on paper, dated 11th of Nisan 5684 at Harbin (1924). The border and text are printed and the particulars are added in ink. The edges are damaged but have been restored with protective paper.
Bride: Tsesia bat Anshil., Bridegroom: Me'ir ben Avraham ?., and Witnesses: Shemu'el ...?, David ben Avraham Tsevi Linsk'a?.
Subject (Geographic):
Harbin (China) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
David ben Avraham Tsevi Linsk'a, Me'ir ben Avraham, and Tsesia bat Anshil
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --China --Harbin and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on paper, dated 12th of Sivan 5611 (1851) at Herat. Document has slight tears but does not affect text. A multicolored floral rectangular border surrounds the ketubah. Above the ketubah text are blessings for the bride and groom and biblical quotations relating to marriage. There are names of six witnesses within the six circles at the bottom of the text.
Bride: Shoshanah bat Eliyahu., Bridegroom: Shim'on ben Yehudah., and Witnesses: Zekhariya ben Nisim Ya'akov, Binyamim David ben [?] Kohen, and others.
Subject (Geographic):
Herat (Afghanistan) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Matityahu ben Shemu'el, Shim'on ben Yehudah, Shoshanah bat Eliyahu, and Zekhariya ben Nisim Ya'akov
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Afghanistan --Herat and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated the 17th of Elul, 5657 (1897) at Herat. The calligraphic text of this ketubah is set within a delicately decorated border. Above the text is an arcade of five scalloped and pointed arches. Three of the arches contain vases with red roses, and two contain a citation from Isaiah 61:10. Below the text is a long rectangular box which contains the signature of five witnesses. Along the border are blessings to the bride and groom which begin with the word ""siman"" a sign, e.g. a sign of blessing, a sign of joy, a sign of glory, etc. The text is written in block letters. The entire ketubah is enclosed in a red painted panel. Herat ketubot often have an additional line at the conclusion of the text. In this ketubah it states: ""May they be fruitful and multiply with children and sustenance in the community of Israel, and may we be privileged [to see] the coming of the Redeemer in the merit of Moses, Aaron and Samuel.
Bride: Rahel bat Ye'uda Eli'as., Bridegroom: Eliyahu ben David Eli'as., and Witnesses: Matitiyah? ben Mordekhai ; Mosheh ben ... ; Pinhas ben Mosheh? ; Shemu'el ... ; Shemu'el Kohen.
Subject (Geographic):
Herat (Afghanistan) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Eli'as, Eliyahu ben David, Eli'as, Rahel bat Ye'uda, Matitiyah ben Mordekhai, Pinhas ben Mosheh, and Shemu'el Kohen
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Afghanistan --Herat and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated 12th of Nisan 5616 (1856) at Itsfahan. Brightly colored elaborate floral illumination surrounds the text. In the center above the text there is a large vase with two lions with a rising sun behind them on either side of the vase, and with two birds above. There is a floral arch on the top of the document and two smaller arches framing the text. The frame of the document contain blessings for the bride and the groom.
Bride: Rahel bat Shelomoh., Bridegroom: Yehezk'el ben Mashiah., and Witnesses: Shelomoh ben Eliyahu, David Yitshak, Sha'ul Binyamin, [?] Aharon, Eliyahu Sha'ul, Matitiyahu Shalom, Yeshu'ah ben Shemu'el (scribe).
Subject (Geographic):
Isfahan(Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
David Yitshak, Eliyahu Sha'ul, Matitiyahu Shalom, Rahel bat Shelomoh, Sha'ul Binyamin, Shelomoh ben Eliyahu, Yehezk'el ben Mashiah, and Yeshu'ah ben Shemu'el
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Isfahan and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)