Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on paper, dated 4th of Kislev 5675 (1914) at Pleven (Pilivi). The text is in two sections enclosed in a printed border. The upper section is the marriage agreement and the lower section contains the betrothal conditions. There are three official Bulgarian stamps with the marriage agreement and, with the betrothal conditions, one official Bulgarian stamp along with the stamp of the Jewish court.
Verso blank.
Subject (Geographic):
Pleven (Bulgaria) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Bulgaria --Pleven and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on vellum dated 30th of Nisan 5584 at Portsmoit (1824). The text is both written in by hand and printed and is surrounded by two columns on either side. Above the columns are two putti, which stand beside an oval which is topped by a crown. The two putti are blowing trumpets which are emitting a song of blessings for the bride and groom. At the bottom are several signatures including that of the groom and witnesses.
Bride: Hena bat Barukh ha-Levi. and Bridegroom: Eli'ezer ben Binyamin ha-Levi.
Subject (Geographic):
Portsmouth (England) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Eli'ezer ben Binyamin ha-Levi and Hena bat Barukh ha-Levi
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --England --Portsmouth and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 26th of Iyar 5553 at Roma (1793). The text is written in Italian block letters and is enclosed in a double floral frame. The frame includes micrography consisting of the entire Book of Ruth. The bottom is scalloped with a vase in the center of the triangle, which is typical of ketubot from Rome. The text on the outside of the frame includes blessings for the bride and groom taken from the book of Ruth, Psalms, and Proverbs. Above the text is a coat of arms, with a crown held up by two putti. The coat of arms is apparently that of the Modigliani family (ancestors of the famous painter?).
Bride: Rosa bat Menahem Modili'ani., Bridegroom: Avraham Hayim ben Efraim Modili'ani., and Witnesses: Shemu'el Yosef bar Mosheh ha-Kohen ; Shelomoh David ben Matsliah di Kastro.
Subject (Geographic):
Rome (Italy) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Avraham Hayim ben Efraim Modili'ani, Rosa bat Menahem Modili'ani, Shelomoh David ben Matsliah di Kastro, and Shemu'el Yosef bar Mosheh ha-Kohen
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Italy --Rome and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 3rd of Adar 5557 at Roma (1797). The geometric ornamental borders on this ketubah differ from the more traditional floral designs found on most Italian ketubot of this period. The scalloped bottom is typical of ketubot from Rome. The Hebrew writing along the border is from the Book of Ruth followed by a series of blessings evoking the patriarchs and matriarchs, and Mordecai and Esther (surprisingly, since the two were not husband and wife). The day of the week of the wedding is written in red ink in a cartouche at the center of the document. The micrography on the lower rounded edge is of the seven blessings recited at the Jewish wedding ceremony.
Bride: Stila bat Menahem mi-Modili'ani., Bridegroom: Natan ben Shelomoh Rini'ani., Imperfect: decorative border mutilated; no loss of text., and Witnesses: Avraham bar Yosef Toskano ; Shelomoh Yosef bar Eliyah mi-Kori.
Subject (Geographic):
Rome (Italy) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Avraham bar Yosef Toskano, Nathan ben Solomon Rignani, Shelomoh Yosef bar Eliyah mi-Kori, and Stella bat Menahem Modigliani
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Italy --Rome and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 5th of Hesvan 5578 at Roma (1817). Micrography surrounding the text includes biblical passages and prayers relating to marriage. There is additional text in the borders written in larger Italian block letters, which consists of further bibilical quotations relating to blessings for the bride and groom as well as blessings that relate to the patriarchs and the matriarchs. The micrography within the inner and outer border form diamond shaped sections, which contain elaborate floral designs. The ornamented cartouches above and below the text include both scenes and playful ditties relating to love and courtship. The day of the week of the wedding is written in large gilded letters in the center of the document. The scalloped bottom is typical of ketubot from Rome.
Bride: Gratsi'a bat Ya'akov Hayim 'Azkari'el., Bridegroom: Hananiyah ben Re'uven Mansi., and Witnesses: Yehoshu'a Gershon ben David Binyamin Ashkenazi ; Shemu'el Ya'akov ben Mosheh 'Anav.
Subject (Geographic):
Rome (Italy) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Gratsi'a bat Ya'akov Hayim 'Azkari'el, Hananiyah ben Re'uven Mansi, Shemu'el Ya'akov ben Mosheh 'Anav, and Yehoshu'a Gershon ben David Binyamin Ashkenazi
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Italy --Rome and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on vellum, dated 17th of Hesvan 5581 at Roma (1820). The two illustrations on the top allude to the names of the bride and groom: Moses and Esther. The ornamental border interweaves flowers and micrography. The rounded lower edge is a typical feature of the ketubot of the Jews of Rome. The micrography outlining the urn at the bottom of the border consists of the seven blessings recited during the marriage ceremony. The micrography woven into the ornamental border is made up of verses from the Book of Psalms and other passages relating to marriage. The day of the week of the wedding is written in large gilded letters in a cartouche in the center of the document.
Bride: Ester bat Mordekhai Shemu'el Modili'ani., Bridegroom: Mosheh ben Re'uven Mansi., and Witnesses: Yosef Hayim ben Menahem Teratsino ; Yehoshu'a Gershon ben David Binyamin Ashkenazi.
Subject (Geographic):
Rome (Italy) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Esther bat Mordecai Samuel Modigliani, Mosheh ben Re'uven Mansi, Yehoshu'a Gershon ben David Binyamin Ashkenazi, and Yosef Hayim ben Menahem Teratsino
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Italy --Rome and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on vellum, dated 14th of Adar I 5651 at Roma (1891). The document has a scalloped bottom as was the custom for ketubot from Rome. There are no decoration but the borders are in green and orange, and the blessings for the bride and groom that frame the text are in orange. The first word, which is the day of the week of the marriage (Sunday), is separated and placed above the text, written in orange within an orange scalloped cartouche.
Bride: Onorata Eli'onora bat Binyamin Sabatilo. and Bridegroom: Gavri'el Eliyahu ben Ya'akov Manifi.
Subject (Geographic):
Rome (Italy) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Gavri'el Eliyahu ben Ya'akov Manifi and Onorata Eli'onora bat Binyamin Sabatilo
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Italy --Rome and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink and paint on paper, dated 22nd of Elul 5665 at Sana (1905). This ketubah was produced for a couple that belonged to the Kurdish-Iranian Jewish community and it is quite typical of ketubot from that area. The document is divided into two parts. The upper part consists of three rectangles that contain biblical quotes and blessings for the bride and groom. The lower part contains the ketubah text. The text is bordered on both sides with blessings beginning with the word ""siman"", a sign, e.g. a sign of love, a sign of blessing, a sign of joy, etc. The outer frame consists of floral and vegetal motifs arranged in a symmetric, decorative pattern that is reminiscent of Persian carpets.
Bride: Laka bat Mosheh., Bridegroom: Hakhim David ben Hakhim Yitshak, 'alav ha-shalom., and Witnesses: Avraham ben Eliya'u ; Yitshak ben Re'uven ; and two others.
Subject (Geographic):
Sanandaj (Iran) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Avraham ben Eliya'u, Hakhim David ben Hakhim Yitshak, Laka bat Mosheh, and Yitshak ben Re'uven
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Iran --Sanandaj and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on paper, dated 23rd of Marheshvan 5627 at Tsefru (1866). There is a decorative design above the text. An appendum beneath the text of the ketubah places restrictions on the settlement to the woman in case of divorce. Refa'el Mosheh Elbaz signed both the ketubah and the appendum.
Bride: gerushah Mas'uda bat Mosheh he-harash [or ha-heresh] Asulin., Bridegroom: Mordekhai bar Khalifa ben Nisim ben Harosh., and Officiating rabbi: Refa'el Mosheh Elbaz.
Subject (Geographic):
Sefrou (Morocco) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Elbaz, Refa'el Mosheh, 1823-1896, Mas'uda bat Mosheh he-harash [or ha-heresh] Asulin, and Mordekhai bar Khalifa ben Nisim ben Harosh
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Morocco --Sefrou and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)
Marriage contract, manuscript, ink on vellum, dated 11 Sivan 5540 at Siyenah (1780). There are no decorations. The text is enclosed in a frame of traditional blessings for the bride and groom.
Bride: Mazal Tov bat ha-manoah Yitshak Vitirbo. and Bridegroom: Yehudah ben Yitshak Sornaga.
Subject (Geographic):
Siena (Italy) --Religious life and customs
Subject (Name):
Mazal Tov bat ha-manoah Yitshak Vitirbo and Yehudah ben Yitshak Sornaga
Subject (Topic):
Ketubah --Italy --Siena and Prenuptial agreements (Jewish law)