Automobile roads in Arizona, Continental Oil Co. road map of the United States., Official road map, Arizona, and Road map of the United States.
"Continental Oil Co. road map of the United States," map of "Grand Canyon National Park," ill., and index to points of interest on verso., In lower right: B-102 J.C., Indexed., Relief shown by hachures and spot heights., and Stamped: Apr 28 1928.
H.M. Gousha,
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Continental Oil Company
Subject (Topic):
Express highways--United States--Maps, Roads--Arizona--Maps, and Roads--United States--Maps
Panama Canal vs. national highways, you own the first, do you want to own the second?
Includes population chart, lengths for "tentative designation of national highways," and text. and Shows tentative locations for a national highway system.
"July, 1919.", Highway goes through the states of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas., and Includes information about Colorado Springs and Hot Springs National Park in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
National Highways Association,
Subject (Name):
Albert Pike Highway Association, Albert Pike Highway--Road maps, and National Highways Association
"Issued under the joint auspices of the National Highways Association." and "This map shows tentative locations for a system of 100,000 miles of national highways."
"Published under direction of General Coleman du Pont, Chairman Board of Councillors.", "This map shows tentative locations for a national highways system.", and Includes color coded key to individual highways and ill.
National Highways Association,
Subject (Topic):
Highway planning--United States--Maps and Roads--United States--Maps
Colorado, Conoco official road map, Colorado, and Travel Colorado with Conoco
"1-6-5" in lower right of Colorado map, "I(?)-422 J.C." in U.S. map, and "I" in Denver map., "Official road map, United States," map of "Denver, Colorado," and ill. on verso., Conoco logo at head of title., Indexed., and Relief shown by hachures and spot heights.
H.M. Gousha,
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Roads--Colorado--Maps and Roads--United States--Maps
"Rand McNally road map, United States" (scale [ca. 1:10,200,960], 1 in. = approx. 161 miles), text, and distance table on verso., Copyright: Rand McNally & Company., In lower right: 1-463629V-7., Includes mileage chart and index., and Relief shown pictorially and by spot heights.
The Company,
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Randall Motor Club
Subject (Topic):
Roads--California--Maps and Roads--United States--Maps