Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker, publisher
Published / Created:
[2 July 1772]
Call Number:
Bunbury 772. Impression 1
Collection Title:
Page 81. Bunbury album.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Two persons walking away from the spectator down a rectangular piece of grass, bounded by shrubs, and also on the left by a symmetrical line of trees. Under the shrubs on the right is a garden seat. The nearer figure wears a hood and cloak over very voluminous skirts, but a sailor's trousers are indicated through the petticoat. At this figure a dog (right) is barking. He walks behind, and in pursuit of, a young woman."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Jack on a cruise. A missey in [the] offing
Title from text below image., Text within etched banner in top part of image: Jack on a cruise. A missey in [the] offing., Sam Sharp-Eye is the pseudonym of an undetermined artist; questionable attribution to Bunbury from British Museum catalogue., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins.
Publish'd as the act directs 2d July 1772 by J. Bretherton, No. 134 New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Kensington Gardens (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Gardens, Shrubs, Trees, Sailors, British, Costumes, and Dogs
Title from item., Place of publication from item., Date supplied by curator., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Morison's Pills; Proprietary medicines.
Pubd by O Hodgson 111 Fleet Street
Subject (Name):
Morison, James, 1770-1840.
Subject (Topic):
Patent medicines, Quacks and quackery, Scurvy, Sailors, Pills, Life preservers, Drowning, Medicines, Boats, and Ducks
The mast slants across the deisgn backed by a sail bellying in the wind. W.B. [i.e. William Blockhead] sits miserably with closed eyes astride a spar, to which he has tied his right thigh. His right arm encircles the mast, and to his wrist is tied an open book: Wilt thou upon [the] high & giddy mast scale the ship[?] bays. O yes & rock his brain. Below is a dialogue between the Lleutenant and Blockhead
Alternative Title:
Enjoying the fresh air for the 304th time
Title from text above image., Print singed using Frederick Marryat's device: an anchor slanted diagonally., Artist identified in British Museum catalogue., Two columns of dialogue below image: Dialogue - Lieut. - Pray Mr. B. Did you call the master? B. no sir I thought ..., Plate numbered in upper right corner: P. 4., and For reissue by Thomas McClean in 1835, see no. 14093 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Name):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Navy, Sea life, Reading, Sailors, British, and Ships
"The Blockhead family, seemingly older by some ten years, admire W. B., now a sturdy young man, in smart tight-waisted lieutenant's uniform with knee-breeches. He looks over his shoulder at his reflection in a cheval-glass, beside which stands another young man dressed as a dandy (cf. No. 13029). A lap-dog shaved in the French manner looks at itself in the glass. Mr. B. sits delightedly in an arm-chair. Mrs. B., stouter and less fashionable, stands by W. B.; the toddling child of No. 14089, now a little girl, stands behind her. A tiny boy holds the sword and eclipses himself with the cocked hat. An elder daughter stands by her father's chair. Three admiring servants stand just inside the door: the fat cook (little altered), a neat maid, and a gawky footman. Below the design: '" Some are born great, some atchieve greatness" Twelfth Night"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Mr. B. promoted to Lieutenant and first putting on his uniform and Mr. B promoted to Lieut. and first putting on his uniform
Title from text above image., Print signed using Frederick Marryat's device: an anchor titled diagonally., Artist identified in British Museum catalogue., Citation from Shakespeare below image: 'Some are born great, some atcheive [sic] greatness" -Twelfth Night., Plate numbered in upper right corner: P. 7., and For 1835 reissue by Thomas McClean, see no. 14096 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10.
"A boarding party on the deck of a French ship engaged in a furious mêlée. Mr. B. lunges forward, piercing an officer through the heart with his sword. A burly sailor stretches over his head to strike aside a spear which a Frenchman is about to plunge into the boy. Men are partly hidden by smoke; cannon-balls are in the air, dead or dying men on the ground. Frenchmen use muskets, English sailors axes and swords. Below: '"the pulse's maddening play That thrills the wanderer of the trackless way That for it self can woo the approaching fight And turn what some deem danger to delight No dread of death, if with us die our foes Save that it seems e'en duller than repose," Byron."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text above image., Print signed using Frederick Marryat's device: an anchor tilted diagonally., Artist identified in the British Museum catalogue., Two columns of verse below image: "the pulse's maddening play that thrills the wanderer of the trackless way ... Byron., Plate numbered in upper right corner: P. 5., and Earlier state. For 1835 reissue by Thomas McClean cf. no. 14094 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10.
Pubd. by G Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Naval warfare, Ships, French, Sailors, and British
Leaf 8. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A British and a French sailor addressing one another. The British sailor stands full-face, a club in his right hand, his left hand on his hip. He wears a crowned hat, a handkerchief knotted round his neck, and wide, knee-length trousers. He scowls threateningly. The Frenchman, very thin, stands facing him, in profile to the left; he grins, saying "Ha! Ha! we beata You": the Englishman answers "you Lie". The Frenchman wears a feathered hat, ruffled shirt, long trousers, and a cutlass. His hair is in a very long pigtail queue, tied with a bow of ribbon. In the background a naval battle is indicated by ships and clouds of smoke slightly sketched. Cf. British Museum Satires No. 5674."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Restrike, with "J. Gillray fecit" added in lower right corner. For original issue of the plate, see no. 5695 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], and On leaf 8 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Publish'd Augt. 9th, 1780, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand and Field & Tuer
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Military uniforms, British, Sailors, French, and Clothing & dress
"A British and a French sailor addressing one another. The British sailor stands full-face, a club in his right hand, his left hand on his hip. He wears a crowned hat, a handkerchief knotted round his neck, and wide, knee-length trousers. He scowls threateningly. The Frenchman, very thin, stands facing him, in profile to the left; he grins, saying "Ha! Ha! we beata You": the Englishman answers "you Lie". The Frenchman wears a feathered hat, ruffled shirt, long trousers, and a cutlass. His hair is in a very long pigtail queue, tied with a bow of ribbon. In the background a naval battle is indicated by ships and clouds of smoke slightly sketched. Cf. BMSat 5674."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item. and Possibly by Gillray. See British Museum catalogue.
Publish'd Augt. 9th, 1780, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
"A British and a French sailor addressing one another. The British sailor stands full-face, a club in his right hand, his left hand on his hip. He wears a crowned hat, a handkerchief knotted round his neck, and wide, knee-length trousers. He scowls threateningly. The Frenchman, very thin, stands facing him, in profile to the left; he grins, saying "Ha! Ha! we beata You": the Englishman answers "you Lie". The Frenchman wears a feathered hat, ruffled shirt, long trousers, and a cutlass. His hair is in a very long pigtail queue, tied with a bow of ribbon. In the background a naval battle is indicated by ships and clouds of smoke slightly sketched. Cf. BMSat 5674."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Possibly by Gillray. See British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 22.6 x 26.0 cm, on sheet 25.0 x 28.6 cm., and Mounted on leaf 12 of volume 1 of 12.
Publish'd Augt. 9th, 1780, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
"A scene on the poop of a man-of-war. A lean and shambling civilian, his hat tied on by a spotted handkerchief, clutches the coat-tail of a sailor to say: "My dear Friend - I understand you are Captain of this here ship - and they says a how the Enemy, is in sight - now could not you put the ship a little on one side, and not be too ventersome - its the best way to be a little cautious - I am but a poor weaver - but however life is sweet." The sailor (r.) (dressed as in BMSat 10894) holds a cudgel, has a quid of tobacco in his cheek, and points with his left hand to the right. He glares fiercely at the weaver, saying, "Why you paltry land Lubber do you want me to run away? - but however I never bear malice so I'll give you a little Comfort - before I would strike to an Enemy d'ye see - I would blow the vessel up in the air - So before you could turn a chaw of tobacco you would be out of your misery." Behind (l.) two sailors man a gun. On the deck (r.) is a pile of cannon-balls."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Printmaker and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., and Cf. No. 10897 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8.