After 'The Staymaker' by Hogarth: A man standing on the left, fitting a bodice for a young woman who stands holding the stays together and looking back over her shoulder at a mirror held by a maid who stands behind her; on the right, the husband kiss his small child who is held by the nurse who kisses his bare bottom. Another child pours wine into a tricorne hat. A young man (center) walks toward the staymaker and the boy's mother(?); behind him is the hearth
Title etched below image., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; sheet 31 x 37.5 cm., Ms. note in Steevens's hand above print: Wretched stuff., and On page 214 in volume 3.
Publish'd as the act directs Febry. 1, 1782 at No. 3 Clements Inn
Subject (Topic):
Children, Families, Governesses, Interiors, Kissing, Servants, and Tailoring
After 'The Staymaker' by Hogarth: A man standing on the left, fitting a bodice for a young woman who stands holding the stays together and looking back over her shoulder at a mirror held by a maid who stands behind her; on the right, the husband kiss his small child who is held by the nurse who kisses his bare bottom. Another child pours wine into a tricorne hat. A young man (center) walks toward the staymaker and the boy's mother(?); behind him is the hearth
Title etched below image., Later impression, worn and with year in date altered in ink to '1772'., and 1 print ; plate mark 31.1 x 38.0 cm, on sheet 33.0 x 41.1 cm.
Publish'd as the act directs Febry. 1, 1782 at No. 3 Clements Inn
Subject (Topic):
Children, Families, Governesses, Interiors, Kissing, Servants, and Tailoring
After 'The Staymaker' by Hogarth: A man standing on the left, fitting a bodice for a young woman who stands holding the stays together and looking back over her shoulder at a mirror held by a maid who stands behind her; on the right, the husband kiss his small child who is held by the nurse who kisses his bare bottom. Another child pours wine into a tricorne hat. A young man (center) walks toward the staymaker and the boy's mother(?); behind him is the hearth
Title etched below image.
Publish'd as the act directs Febry. 1, 1782 at No. 3 Clements Inn
Subject (Topic):
Children, Families, Governesses, Interiors, Kissing, Servants, and Tailoring
The interior of a well-furnished room. The dentist stands in front of a middle-aged woman seated in a chair (right); he holds her forehead with one hand, with the other he applies a small instrument to her mouth. She grasps a shawl in her left hand. A black boy in livery stands behind the dentist (left) holding an open case of instruments; he looks round grinning. A young woman stands clasping her hands and looking with an expression of horrified concern at the operation. The dentist wears a bag-wig. A cat arches its back and meows. Through a draped sash-window is a steeple. On the wall is a bird in a cage and an oval landscape. Below it is a settee on which sheef of paper
Title etched below image., Publication date from Isaac., Plate numbered "6" in upper right corner., Copy in reverse of a ca. 1784 print after Robert Dighton entitled: The London dentist. Cf. No. 6760 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top edge.
Printed and published by W. Davison, Alnwick
Subject (Topic):
Teeth, Extraction, Black people, Birdcages, Cats, City and town life, Drawing rooms, Servants, and Women domestics
A scene on the sidewalk outside a walled property: A group of citizens argue with each other, while a policeman apprehends a young man. An older man listens to a bootblack with the aid of an ear trumpet. A Black servant stands at the open door of the property
Title from caption below image. and Two lines of text below title: Eh, he, I, oh, you, why! A, E, I, O, U, Y.
Pub. Sept. 24, 1840 by Tilt & Bogue, Fleet Street
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Black people, City & town life, Fighting, Hearing aids, Police, and Servants
Young cub attended by the clerks of the Admiralty at Arthurs
Title from text below image., Publication place and date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Illustration to a letter describing Charles James Fox's gambling proclivities while in the post of the Lord of the Admiralty., Plate from: The Oxford magazine, or, Universal museum ... London : Printed for the authors, v. 8, p. 28., and Temporary local subject terms: Clubs: Arthur's -- Domestic service: scullion boy -- Reference to the Lord of Admiralty -- Admiralty clerks -- Reference to Hoyle.
A very plump young woman in a bonnet stands in a park leaning forward into the wind ; her skirt is blown tightly around her backside and above her knees. Two foppish looking men eye her with amusement, the one using an eyeglass, the other holding his hat and wearing a long braided coat. Another couple on the right, struggle with an umbrella in the wind. Like the woman on the left, this woman's dress is also blown above her knees; her companion is dressed in wide trousers tied at the ankles. Between these two scenes, in the distance, a young woman walks along a rail toward the left struggling against the wind; a little black footboy follows her holding the hem of her skirt and her reticule. Beyond the rail another man and a woman struggle in the wind with their hats and she with her umbrella
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark at bottom resulting in loss of imprint., and Numbered '199' in upper right corner. Cf. British Museum copy which is numbered '385'.
Pubd. Septemr. 1816 by T. Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Topic):
Blacks, Clothing & dress, Dandies, Parks, Servants, and Umbrellas
On a street corner just outside the door of an adjacent building, a foppish young gentleman who stands with his one hand on his hip and holds a cane in the other, rests his foot on a bucket that he has kicked over. The owner of the bucket, a pretty young maidservant, brandishes her mop in his face in retaliation
Title etched above image. and Four lines of verse in two columns below print and above imprint statement: As Lucifer proud with a s ugly a face, Billy Prig kicks the pailwith puppyish grace, Sweet Sir replies Betty, I thank yo for that, And return you the favour -- There's tit for your tat.
Printed for R. Sayer, Map, Chart & Printseller, No. 53 Fleet Street, as the act directs
Subject (Topic):
Cobblestone streets, Dandies, Mops & mopsticks, Relations between the sexes, Servants, and Young women
"An obese and gouty parson (left) reclines in an arm-chair, inspecting through an eye-glass a sucking-pig which a buxom maidservant brings in on a dish. She shows it to the clerk, who sits beside the parson, with a paper: 'An Estimate of the Tythes of this Parish'. The latter sniffs at the pig's snout. Two dogs eagerly fawn on the maid. Through the doorway (right) a lean yokel sourly scratches his head, waiting for the verdict on his pig. The parson's swathed leg is supported on a stool; beside him are a bottle and glass, a crutch and chamber-pot. On the wall is a picture of a group of church spires, suggesting that he is a pluralist, though the room is bare and old-fashioned."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., For an earlier version of this design, see Lewis Walpole Library call no.: 786.00.00.06+., and Temporary local subject terms: Tighe pig -- Gout -- Wine bottles -- Wine glasses -- Pictures amplifying subject.
Pub. Jan. 1, 1790, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Chairs, Clergy, Clerks, Crutches, Dogs, Farmers -, Interiors, Religious dwellings, Servants, and Swine
"A series of eight violent quarrels arranged in two rows, the words (not transcribed in full) etched above the heads of the speakers. [1] An old parson threatens his footman: "If you ever dare to say I am in a passion again I'll break every bone in your skin." [2] A man and wife on the point of blows. [3] A man thrashing a dog. [4] A woman at a tea-table flinging the contents of a cup in the face of a maidservant. [5] A woman beating a prostrate man with a pair of tongs. [6] A man dragging on a boot so as to thrust his heel through it, the shoe-maker saying: "You are so hasty master you wont give the Goods fair play." [7] Two men facing each other in argument. [8] A black servant expostulates with his master for knocking down a boy who lies on the ground: "Dear Massa you have almost killed young Master." One of a set, see British Museum Satires No. 8541, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Publisher's advertisement following imprint: Folios of caracatures [sic] lent out for the evening., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on right and left edges., Plate numbered in upper right corner: Vol. 2, pl. 3., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Marriage and married life -- Cruelty to animals., 1 print : etching, hand-colored ; sheet 320 x 349 mm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Imperfect? Numbering in upper right possibly trimmed or erased from sheet.
Pubd. March 1st, 1796, by S.W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly, corner of Sackvill [sic] Street
Subject (Topic):
Black people, Anger, Aggression, Animal welfare, Marriage, Spouses, Fighting, Quarreling, Dogs, Staffs (Sticks), Clergy, Servants, Tea services, and Boys