A coat of arms containing eight birds and a fleur-de-lis. At the helm, surrounded by mantling, is a knight's helmet. At the crest is a scallop shell. To the left is a crest containing a scepter, a fish, and an open book. To the right is a crest including a caduceus and a flower. In the bottom portion are two more coats of arms; to the left contains four lions and several ermine spots; to the right contains roses, a fleur-de-lis, and a lion. Atop the entire design is the motto Sic Itur in Altum.
Subject (Name):
Cowan, John
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates,, Caduceus, Helmet, Physicians, Shells, and Shield
A coat of arms divided into two vertical halves—the left half with thin, diagonal lines and the right half with thin, vertical lines. At the center, in the forefront, is a lion. Above on the chief, which is speckled in design, are two crescents flanking a long, twisted snake. At the helm is a knight's helmet, surrounded by elaborate mantling. At the crest is a tiger. Below, backed by oak boughs, is the motto Perseverance.
Subject (Name):
Hume, Joseph, 1777-1855
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Dragon, Helmet, Physicians, Shells, and Shields
A coat of arms divided into quarters. In the first, the background is or in style, with an azure-styled chief with an indented edge. Three roundels are featured upon it. Over the entire quadrant is a bend with a gules-style background. The second quarter features a three-masted sailing vessel. In the third quarter are three crosslet fitchee against a gules-styled background. Above is a chief with an or-styled background. Finally, the fourth quarter features a bend that continues from the first in that it features a gules-designed background with three arrows in the forefront. Behind the bend are bars, five in total, with the larger width being azure in design; the narrower ones, argent. Above the design, upon a torse is swaddled infant with a pelican standing over it.
Subject (Name):
Latham, P. M. (Peter Mere), 1789-1875
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Cross, Crown, Physicians, Shells, and Ships
A shield, with bars Argent against a field Or, with a bend Vert in the forefront, featuring three scallop shells. At the helm, atop a torse, is a knight's helmet. Below is the motto Conscius Recti et Firmus.
Subject (Name):
Kinglake, Robert, 1765-1842
Subject (Topic):
Armorial bookplates, Helmet, Physicians, Shells, Shield, and Shields
A coat of arms divided into two by a bend with a cross; on each sides of this are three scallop shells. Surrounded by a design including flowers and leaves, a stork stands at the helm with a snake in its beak. Below the shield is the motto Crux Contra Omnia Maligna.
Subject (Name):
Cruise, Francis Richard, 1834-1912
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Birds, Cross, Physicians, Shells, and Shield
A coat of arms divided into quarters. The first and fourth quarter each feature, against a gules field, the head of a horse flanked by trefoils, with a star above, and a fleur-de-lis below. The second and third quarters feature an indented gules chief with three scallop shells upon it; beneath, against an ermine fretty, is a mitre at the center. At the helm, atop a torse and gorged by a crown is the head and neck of a griffin, who holds a rose in its beak. Beneath the shield, upon a banner, is the motto Nolo Servile Capistrum.
Subject (Name):
Marsh, Henry
Subject (Topic):
Armorial, Armorial bookplates, Cross, Crown, Fleur-de-lis, Hand, Nature, Physicians, Shells, Shield, Shields, and Star
A coat of arms divided into portions with three scallop shells within. Surrounded by mantling, there are two cherubs on either side of the image. Below is the motto Nunquam Non Paratus.
Subject (Name):
Brandreth, Thosnihan
Subject (Topic):
Armorial bookplates, Children, Physicians, Shells, Shield, and Shields
A coat of arms divided into quarters, including such objects as three wreaths, three garbs, and three scallop shells. Above the crest is a sword piercing a bleeding winged heart. Beneath the shield is the motto Si Virtus Honos.
Subject (Name):
Blencowe, William Ferdinand
Subject (Topic):
Amorial, Heraldic bookplates, Physicians, Shells, Shield, Shields, Sword, and Wings