A black leather wallet, measuring 15 cm. x 6 cm. x 3 cm. when folded and closed. Inside the kit can be found a pair of needle forceps, a pair of haemostatic forceps, a catheter extension, two scalpels, a probe director and tongue tie, a curved bistourie, and a straight finger knife. In addition, there is also a cardboard bobbin of black Chinese surgical silk.
A bifolding leather surgical wallet lined with blue velvet. Inside the wallet are several pieces, including a catheter with an extender, and a pair of locking forceps. Also included are four folding-style pocket instruments that contain tools such as tenaculums, bistouries, and scalpels.
A wooden box with several velvet-lined trays and inserts. Inside the kit can be found several knives and scalpels, several types of forceps, including bone and artery forceps, a pair of retractors, a trephine set with brush, a pair of catheters, a trephine elevator, a pair of tenaculum, some needles, and an antrum drill.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
Subject (Topic):
Amputation and Trepanning and Surgical Instruments
Bradley, William S., MD (New Haven, CT) George Tiemann and Company McNeil and Washburn
Published / Created:
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 054
Image Count:
A wooden box, contained in a leather slipcase, with brass trim and fitted with purple velvet trays. Included in the set is a lift, a spiral tourniquet, a trephine set, an elevator, a chisel, a retractor, as well as several specific types of knives, saws, forceps, and scalpels. Additionally, a bill of sale and a handwritten list of the set's instruments are included with the piece.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A small field surgical kit, housed in a leather covered wooden box with velvet-lined inserts. Included are a number of scalpels, needles, forceps, a probe and guide, a retractor, a lancet, a tenaculum, a bullet probe, a bullet screw, and a set of chain hooks.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.
A series of five instruments—starting from the left, is a knife with a 1.2 cm. blade affixed to a wooden handle with a brass end.. Next is a long, narrow blade affixed to a bone handle. At center is a spatula-type instrument with a wooden handle. Following this is a knife with a 4 cm. blade affixed to a wooden grip. Lastly there is a knife with a long, narrow blade affixed to a metal handle with a floral pattern.
Subject (Name):
Bernard Kosto, M.D. and Yale University. School of Medicine.