Woman in profile (facing viewers right). Tumor on right side of scalp
Alternative Title:
Case No. 93
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, and Sick persons
Woman in profile seated in Empire-style Western chair (facing viewer's left). Tumor on left cheek
Alternative Title:
Case No. 36039 and Kwo Shi
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Sixteenth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital for the Year 1850 and 1851, printed at the office of the Chinese Repository, p. 21: No. 36039. June 7th, 1850. Glandular tumor, one foot in circumference. Kwo Shí, aged 41, of the district of Pwányü, had a glandular tumor under the left ear, a foot in circumference. The ulceration of the surface was so extensive as not to leave healthy integument sufficient to cover the base. Under the influence of chloroform, this tumor was dissected out, and the edges of the wound approximated as near as practicable, leaving a space of an inch in width in the center, gradually tapering to a point upwards and downwards, to heal by granulation, which was accomplished in about six weeks. A year after her discharge, she presented herself at the hospital in excellent health, when it was satisfactory to find that the cure had been effectual and permanent., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Glands, Diseases, and Sick persons
Woman wearing jade earrings. Growth on right side of neck
Alternative Title:
Case No. 28592 and Tanshi
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Sixteenth Report, Chinese Repository, 1850, p. 268-269: No 28592. Glandular tumor, and ligature of the primitive carotid. Tanshi, aged 48, of the district Sinhwui, had a tumor of the right side of her neck, a growth of sixteen years measuring 1 1/2 foot in circumference. The tumor originated under the primitive carotid, which was carried out of its position, as the tumor increased, the carotid artery was preternaturally large, and carried over the tumor on the trachinal side, and lay imbedded in a groove, to which its sheath was found to adhere. (...) On the 10th of January, assisted by and Dr. Startin of H.C. steamer Phlegethon and the Rev. Mr. Speer, the tumor was extirpated. (...) On resuming the dissection, the tumor on the cervical side was punctured, when a dark sanguineous fluid gushed forth, causing one of the gentlemen assisting to exclaim that “the jugular was opened”, but immediately it was perceived that the tumor collapsed, and that it was a portion of its fluid contents that had escaped. The operation was a severe one, and the loss of blood considerable. The patient, however, rallied very well, and passed a comfortable a night, as could be expected under the circumstances. (...) It was some weeks that she recovered her natural voice. She complained chiefly of a sense of coldness on the right side of the face and head. (...) the patient was discharged in about six weeks. She has several times revisited the hospital; has recovered her voice, and regained in a great measure the natural feeling in the right side of the head and is in good health.”, and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, Glands, Diseases, and Sick persons
Older woman in traditional costume. Lobulated tumor at left side of abdominal wall
Alternative Title:
Case No. 35727 and Fung Shí
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Sixteenth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital for the Year 1850 and 1851, printed at the office of the Chinese Repository, p. 20-21: No. 35727, May 20th, 1850, Fungoid tumor, twenty inches in circumference, Fung Shí, aged 52, of the district Hioshán, had a fungoid tumor of some years growth, situated on the left side of the abdomen. It was bounded by the false ribs above, the spine of the ilium and the umbilicus on the right and left, and near the groin below. It penetrated so deeply that at the base as to excite the apprehension of a medical gentleman who assisted in the operation, that it might communicate with the cavity of the abdomen; but persuaded from the history of the case that it did not, the patient was put under the influence of chloroform, and the tumor extirpated. The mass was so softened by disease, that detached portions remained after the principal part was extirpated, which were carefully removed. The patient was entirely unconscious of the operation, and subsequently was eloquent in her praises to other patients, of this, to her, wonderful agent for the prevention of suffering under otherwise painful operations. In one month the wound healed; and the patient returned home apparently well; but some three months afterwards she returned, when it was too apparent that the disease was not entirely eradicated., Several moveable tumors had formed beneath healthy integument around the base of the original one. It was proposed to repeat the operation, to which she was quite willing to submit; but her son, apprehensive she might not be able the necessary loss of blood in so doing, dissented, and she returned home; she has not been heard from since., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Tumors, and Sick persons
Woman with elaborate hairstyle and hairpins. Same costume as portrait #14 - possibly Manchurian - facing viewer's right. Malignant tumor of left breast
Alternative Title:
Case No. 10675 and Siáu Kin
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Twelfth Report of the Ophthalmic Hospital in Canton, from 1842- 1843, Chinese Repository, vol. 13, 1844, p. 308: Schirrus breast, Siáu Kin, aged 37 of Nánhái, has schirrus enlargement of the left breast about two feet round at its base, and weighed 4 2/3 lbs after removal. Assisted by Dr. Macgowan it was extirpated in less than two minutes, and the patient dressed and in bed in twenty. In three weeks the patient returned home in good health., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Woman, seated, wearing jade earrings. Pendulant tumors in both breasts
Alternative Title:
Case No. 27231 and Lú-shú
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., Fifteenth Report, Chinese Repository, Vol. 15, 1850, p. 267-268: “17th April, 1848. Hypertrophy of both breasts of ten years growth, successfully removed under the influence of chloroform. Lú-shú, aged 42, of the district of Nanhai, first presented herself at the hospital, April 17th; and when about to operate upon her, after a few weeks preparatory treatment, her impatient opium-smoking husband, (268) suddenly summoned her home, and the woman returned and renewed the request to have her burden removed, which has increased nearly one third since she first presented herself. On 24th Dec 1849, in the presence of Dr. Bowring, and several other gentlemen, assisted by Dr. Marjoribanks, and my senior pupil the left breast, measuring two feet, two and a half inches in circumference and weighing 4 1/2 catties (6 lbs.), was removed in three and a half minutes. When she came to the operating table she was under high nervous excitement, which was rather increased by the first application of chloroform, and being a Romanist, invoked the name of the Virgin Mary as well as of the Savior. And very soon after the second exhibition she became quite insensible, and the following day stated that she was only conscious, when the sutures were applied after the breast was removed. In one month after the right breast, measuring two feet and weighing 5 1/2 lbs., was removed in three minutes. She came almost instantly under the influence of chloroform, which was administered at her own request, at first she seemed in a state of pleasurable excitement, chanting or singing, till she became silent and motionless. At one time she seemed to choke with spasms, and resembled a person in apoplexy; she revives as one awakes from sleep, with a natural expression upon her countenance. She complained rather more of the wound, than is usual when chloroform is administered. In one month she was discharged perfectly well.”, and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Recumbent woman, with head to viewer's right, lying on a square red pillow. Ulcerating tumor of the right breast
Alternative Title:
Case No. 1762
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Horizontal arrangement, recumbent woman. Enormous malignant tumor of chest wall
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Chinese, Missions, Medical, Breast, Tumors, Cancer, and Sick persons
Woman standing. Large malignant tumorous growth of abdomen and genitalia, enlarged stomach from fluids - advanced case
Title supplied by curator., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Subject (Name):
Parker, Peter, 1804-1888. and Canton Hospital (Guangzhou, China)