In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in a neat gothic bookhand. Marginal notes and/or corrections by original scribe and several later ones., Historiated initials, 8- to 5-line, many excised, with figures (red and blue) in the summary, linear style characteristic of early 14th century French manuscript illumination; blue or pink with white highlights, with figures against gold grounds; descenders composed of dark blue, blue and red segments, often decorated with gold balls; long cusped floral serifs with gold balls, occasionally with additional trailing foliage, rabbits, birds, etc., Illuminated initials, 7- to 5-line (larger for I initials) for prologues, blue or pink with white highlights, cusped serifs, filled with curling vines, red trilobe leaves, and dragon heads, against red, orange, and gold grounds. 5-, 4-, and 2-line initials for chapters in red and blue with blue and red penwork, with elaborate calligraphic extensions running the full length of the text column; extensions composed either of two thick red lines with a thin blue one in between or two thick blue lines with a thin red line, the arrangement alternating for successive initials; with adjacent superimposed J's, alternating red and blue, also running the full length of column; elaborate vertical terminal flourishes. The more elaborate calligraphy for initials between ff. 360v and 370v appears to be by a different hand. Chapter numbers in margins, in alternating red and blue figures, with blue and red vertical hatching and red, blue, and occasionally purple flourishes. Running headings in similar manner. Marginal corrections boxed in red; glosses frequently underlined in red., First folio badly mutilated., and Binding: 19th-20th century. Original sheepskin covering of spine and part of boards, blind-tooled, adhered on a recent binding. Wooden boards also probably original. Stubs of three (originally four) fastening straps, reinforced with vellum, on upper cover.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (thin) containing 1) List of Epistle and Gospel readings (incipit and explicit) for the liturgical year. 2) Survey of the subdivisions of the Bible. 3) Bible text. 4) Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum. Two folios are missing between ff. 184 and 185, two folios between ff. 282 and 283, one folio between ff. 295 and 296, all with loss of text
In Latin., Script: Written in very small Northern Gothica Textualis., Red headings and red heigthening of the majuscules. Alternately red and blue pain initials (1 line) in art. 4. Alternately red and blue flourished initials (2 lines) with long marginal extensions. Beautiful larger flourished initials in the same colours with very developed penwork, in which both colours are sometimes combined, at the beginning of the various books and sections. On f. 1r large littera duplex and on f. 8r (beginning of Genesis) large initial I with very fine penwork, both the full height of the text area and in the same colours. Running titles in red and blue., Many leaves and the lower outer corners of all leaves damaged by moist., and Binding: Sixteenth century. Blind-tooled brown calf over thin wooden boards, decorated with rolls. Rebacked. Remnants of two clasps fixed to the rear cover. On the spine two labels, the upper one with the gold-tooled title in Gothic, nineteenth century: "Biblia sacra cum interpretationibus Hebraicorum nomine [sic] in fine"; the lower one with gold-tooled inscription in Roman type "MS.P." On the first fly-leaf (f. Iv) a list of Biblical Kings.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (trimmed) of what appears to be the second of a two-volume Bible
In Latin., Script: Written in an elegant French minuscule, chapter divisions added in margins by a later hand., Twenty-seven fine aniconic initials, 20- to 7-lines. The initials are drawn in black pen, filled with yellow, brown or blue, most with interlace knots at midpoints and terminals, some with dragon heads, infilled with intertwining palmette foliage against irregular red, blue, green, and yellow panelled grounds. Prologues open with 10- to 4-line initials, red and blue with terminals in a leafy "arabesque" design. Chapters with 3-line initials in red. 1-line initials, running headings, and rubrics throughout. Marginalia sometimes outlined in red., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Red velvet case. Leather placemarks on fore edge.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript, on parchment, of the books of the Bible from Proverbs through the Apocalypse
In Latin., With an Oxford pledge note for the Selton Loan Chest dated 1469 and the mark of the stationer John More. There is also a note by M. Paris, possibly Master Thomas Paris of Oriel College., Layout: double columns of 49 lines., Script: small gothic script., Decoration: red and blue penwork initials., and Binding: modern goatskin.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Oriel College. and University of Oxford.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Vulgate, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Universities and colleges
Manuscript, on parchment, of two leaves of a Bible, containing Deuteronomy 30:9-32:6 and 32:12-34:12.
In Latin., Layout: two columns of 28 lines., Script: Anglo-Saxon minuscule., Decoration: well-formed initial 'a' embodying two animal heads, partially colored in red and blue., and With a thirteenth or fourteenth inscription on one of the leaves, "Iste liber est de armario Sarr".
Manuscript fragments, on parchment, of an English Bible. The bound volume consists of 75 leaves containing the complete texts of the Gospels, the Pauline Epistles and Hebrews. The disbound fragment consists of 62 leaves of Old Testament texts, including most of Jeremiah and Proverbs, most of Zachariah, and 1 and 2 Machabees
In Latin., Script: gothica textualis., Decoration: rubricated. The volume contains 39 illuminated marginal initials, many with long marginal extensions incorporating animals or monsters. The disbound leaves contain several smaller initials. Some illuminated initials, and some leaves that most likely contained illuminated initials, appear to have been cut out in the disbound leaves., and Binding: seventeenth-century Cambridge-style paneled calf, blind-tooled; rebacked.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the biblical book of Matthew, containing portions of chapter 25 (Parable of the Talents).
In Latin., Decoration: initials in red., Script: written in an unidentified script., and Contained in Zi +237 (Dionysius de Burgo Sancti Sepulcri, Commentarii in Valerium Maximum), in which the fragment has been used as a spine support.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the biblical book of Sirach; the text includes the headings for chapters LXXXII through LXXXVII
In Latin., Script: written in a late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 3- to 7-line initials are red uncials; 1-line initials are black uncials; chapter headings are written in red minuscule in a larger module; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, punctus versus, and punctus interrogativus; hyphenation added by a later hand.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Matthew 20.14-22.10; 25.11-28.20, with glossa ordinaria ending: qui diuina mansione sint. Crayon notes throughout in an unskilled hand, now mostly erased
In Latin., Script: Written in fine carolingian minuscule of two sizes, the smaller script with tall ascenders; marginalia added in several later hands., and Binding: Twentieth century. Plain vellum wrapper.
Manuscript on parchment of text of Ezra and Nehemiah. With Glossa ordinaria, both in margins and between lines of text
In Latin., Script: Written in two sizes of neat French minuscule by a single scribe; text written either above or below top line and gloss below top line., Lower half of f. 62 repaired with contemporary (?) parchment., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries. Plain vellum wrapper.