Woodward, G. M. approximately 1760-1809, attributed name. Holland, William, active 1782-1817, publisher.
Published / Created
[1 December 1790]
Publication Place
Pub. Decr. 1, 1790, by W. Holland, No. 50 Oxford St.
Title etched above image. Possibly after Woodward. Sheet trimmed to plate mark. Seven lines of verse below title: Proceed we next unto the old incumbent at his gate ... Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires. Temporary local subject terms: Incumbents -- Old men -- Male costume: banyan -- Furniture: garden benches -- Architectural details: garden gates -- Spectacles -- Literature: parody on Shakespeare's As You Like It -- Literature: quotation from Richard Graves's The Spiritual Quixote.
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