The ticket a blank, or, The clouds of despair [graphic].
Alternative Title
Clouds of despair
Bowles, Carington, 1724-1793, publisher.
Published / Created
published as the act directs 29 Sepr. 1792.
Publication Place
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard
Title etched below image. Place of publication follows street address. Imperfect; sheet trimmed to plate mark. Numbered '623' in the lower left corner. Companion print to: The lottery ticket, or, The sunshine of hope. Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: delapidated cottage -- Furniture: table -- Wall cabinets -- Hunger -- Poverty -- Pets: cats -- Children -- Lottery tickets -- Bills -- Pictures amplifying subject: Eve and Adam expelled from Eden. Mounted to 37 x 27 cm.
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