Speculum perspicuum Uranicum: or, An almanack for the year of our redemption, 1687 : Being the 3d. after the bissextile or leap-year. And from the creation of the world 5654 years Since the death of our Saviour, 1654 years. The conquest of William D. of Normandy, 621 years. The M. of K. Charles the First, 30 years. The restau. of K. Charles II. and K. James II. 27yars [sic] London was burned, 21 years. Wherein is contained a true description of the year, and of the several parts thereof, with a true account of such eclipses as will happen this year. ... Calculated, for the meridian of the ancient and famous city of London, whose latitude is 51 degrees and 32 minutes, and will serve without sensible error for any part of England throughout. The seventeenth impression