On a country road, two countrymen encounter an ugly witch who sits crouching on a fence rail holding her broom, her hair sticking out straight from her head. The one countryman kneels on the ground with a horrified look on his face, clutching his hat in front of him. His companion, a thinner man, stand behind him adjusting his glasses. Their dog stands at the fence looking up at the witch. In the distance (right) a cottage can be seen behind a group of bushed. In the top center a bright moon shines in the night sky
Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: 1794 J Whatman [name partially trimmed].
"A boxing encounter; the combatants, wearing waistcoats and gloves, stand facing each other with clenched fists. One (left) says:"I'll Box the Minister about if I get in & tip him Seven the Main". The other (right) says: "Now Mr Alderman I vil Show you vone Jews Blow". Each has a second; on the extreme left a backer sits on a cask inscribed 'Combe's Entire [scored through] Small hopes'; he holds a paper inscribed 'Aldn Combes for ever' and says: "He'll Make a better Boxer than a Parliament Man". On the extreme right the bottle-holder of Combe's opponent stands holding a bottle and a lemon. On the ground are books and papers: 'Brothers Prophecys' (see British Museum Satires No. 8627, &c.); 'Pains Rights of Man' (see British Museum Satires No. 7867, &c.); 'The Whole art of Boxing made Easy'; 'A Petition for Peace on giving up all the West India Islands Corsica [see British Museum Satires No. 8516] Fleet &c &c'; 'King Lord and Commons [erased and replaced by] A New System of Governt on the French Republican Plan'. On the wall (left) is a map (represented by meaningless scrawls) of 'Teritories Conquerd by the Republic of France & Indivesible Equality for Ever'. On the right is a bust portrait of the King in profile to the right, torn at the neck."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Strong recommendations for a membr. of Parliament and Strong recommendations for a member of Parliament
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Aldermen -- Prints in print: 'The Constant Couple' -- Literature: Reference to Thomas Paine's Rights of Man -- London by-election, 3-5 March 1795 -- Reference to Harvey Christian Combe, 1752-1818 -- William Lushington, fl. 1790., and Watermark: center of sheet.
Pubd. March 3, 1795, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Combe, Harvey Christian, 1752-1818., and Lushington, William, 1747-1823.
Subject (Topic):
City council members, Boxing, and Political elections
Title from item., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Male costume, 1795 -- Female costume, 1795 -- Bludgeons -- Umbrellas., and Mounted to 23 x 18 cm.
"The King in profile to the right, with the Queen holding his right arm, leans towards a startled yokel who clutches his hat and a bucket. Behind the yokel (right) are pigs sniffing at the bucket and the gable end of buildings. All are caricatured. The King wears riding-dress, with a broad-brimmed hat and a spencer (see BMSat 8192) over his coat. He stands as if knock-kneed, his legs awkwardly splayed out. The Queen is dwarfish, wearing a hood over her hat and a shapeless cloak. In her right hand is a snuff-box. The yokel, wearing smock and gaiters, has the staring eyes, lantern jaws, and gaping mouth characteristic of Gillray's sansculottes. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One line of text below title: Well, friend, where a'you going, hay? What's your name, hay? Where d'ye live, hay? Hay?, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Farmyards -- Yokels -- Male costume: spencer -- Riding habit -- Pigs -- Crops -- Buckets.
Pubd. Feby. 10th, 1795, by H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 and Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818
"The King in profile to the right, with the Queen holding his right arm, leans towards a startled yokel who clutches his hat and a bucket. Behind the yokel (right) are pigs sniffing at the bucket and the gable end of buildings. All are caricatured. The King wears riding-dress, with a broad-brimmed hat and a spencer (see BMSat 8192) over his coat. He stands as if knock-kneed, his legs awkwardly splayed out. The Queen is dwarfish, wearing a hood over her hat and a shapeless cloak. In her right hand is a snuff-box. The yokel, wearing smock and gaiters, has the staring eyes, lantern jaws, and gaping mouth characteristic of Gillray's sansculottes. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., One line of text below title: Well, friend, where a'you going, hay? What's your name, hay? Where d'ye live, hay? Hay?, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Farmyards -- Yokels -- Male costume: spencer -- Riding habit -- Pigs -- Crops -- Buckets., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 35.3 x 24.9 cm, on sheet 39.3 x 28.9 cm., and Mounted on leaf 62 of volume 8 of 12.
Pubd. Feby. 10th, 1795, by H. Humphrey, No. 37 New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820 and Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818
"The Duke of York (left) and the Prince of Wales (right) stand one on each side of a church door, each holding out a collecting-plate, and each saying, "Pray remember the poor Charity Children of St Jams parish". Behind, a crowd of men leave the Church, Pitt holding out a plate to them, saying, "What is £130,000 pr Ann when you consider the price of provisions & other things pray remember." Three labels rise from the heads of the reluctant congregation (M.P.s): "I have disinherited my own Son for contracting Debts at Brothels & gaming Tables; At the last Charity Sermon both his Father & he promis'd. that he shd not become chargeable to the parish again"; "This Begging is made a Trade of". The tiny Duchess of York, also holding a plate, stands with her left hand under the Duke's arm, saying, "I was born in a strange Land of honest Parents, but their characters are neither here nor there pray remember". The Princess of Wales, three ostrich plumes in her hair, stands with her plate behind the Prince's back, looking at him reproachfully over her right shoulder and saying, "I came here naked & he hath half cover'd me pray remember". On the extreme right stands the stout Mrs. Fitzherbert in profile to the left, clutching papers inscribed '6000 Pr Ann' (see BMSat 8485); she says: "It's always good to have something in hand." The Duke of Clarence, wearing striped sailor's trousers and a cocked hat, stands on the extreme left with an infant (one of the Fitzclarences) in his arms; he holds a paper (or collecting-box): 'Mrs Jordans Night'. The infant holds a paper: 'For the Benefit of Mrs Jordan - a new Way to pay Old Debts the part of Sr Giles Overreach by Mr George, being his second Appearance in that Character.' (Massinger's comedy, revived several times in the eighteenth century.) The Duke looks down disconsolately as if aware that he would have no share in the collection but would be forced to rely on his mistress's earnings. In the background the King and Queen are seated on one horse as in BMSat 6918, a sign-post pointing 'To Windsor'. The King says: "I never interfere in Parish Business they must provide for their own poor." The Queen says: "Charity begins at home Love who knows what we may all come to." (Cf. BMSat 7836.) 19 June [1795]."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Mock charity sermon to a dissenting congregation
Title etched below image., Watermark., and Mounted to 34 x 42 cm.
Pubd. May 25, 1795, by J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leiceter [sic] Square
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, Frederica Charlotte Ulrica Catherina, Princess, Duchess of York, 1767-1820, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Fitzherbert, Maria Anne, 1756-1837, and Jordan, Dorothy, 1761-1816
Title from item., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Irishmen -- Oxen -- Fortune hunters -- Allusion to boarding schools for girls -- Pedigrees -- Food: potatoes.
"Four citizens of Norwich seated on a bull, which kneels with its chest touching a cobbled pavement, address a group of Frenchmen with animals' heads, standing in a doorway (right). The foremost man on the bull wears a bonnet-rouge with a coat of military cut. The next two are dissenters wearing clerical bands, one an artisan wearing a steeple-crowned hat, an apron, and ungartered stockings, the other in a black gown. A sanctimonious man wearing a low-crowned hat is last. Behind them Norwich Cathedral and a ruined castle on a hill inscribed 'Kett's Castle' are indicated. The foremost member of the Convention is a man with an ape's head, wearing bonnet-rouge and military coat; he holds up a hand of amity but conceals a dagger. Next him is a butcher with the head of a wolf, his apron inscribed 'Legendre'. Three others stand behind, two wearing cocked hats."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Address from the citizens of Norwich to the National Convention
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Thirteen lines of text in two columns, one on either side of title: Citizens, since the days of old Kett the republican, Tanner Faction always has seen us list under her banner ..., Temporary local subject terms: Frenchmen as animals -- Artisans -- Dissenters -- French National Convention -- Bonnet-rouges -- Reference to John Bull -- Buildings: Kett's Castle -- Norwich Cathedral -- Citizens of Norwich., and Mounted on page 77 with one other print.
Publd. by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Legendre, Louis, 1756-1797 and Windham, William, 1750-1810
Subject (Topic):
Bulls, Liberty cap, Daggers & swords, Butchers, and Aprons
"Four citizens of Norwich seated on a bull, which kneels with its chest touching a cobbled pavement, address a group of Frenchmen with animals' heads, standing in a doorway (right). The foremost man on the bull wears a bonnet-rouge with a coat of military cut. The next two are dissenters wearing clerical bands, one an artisan wearing a steeple-crowned hat, an apron, and ungartered stockings, the other in a black gown. A sanctimonious man wearing a low-crowned hat is last. Behind them Norwich Cathedral and a ruined castle on a hill inscribed 'Kett's Castle' are indicated. The foremost member of the Convention is a man with an ape's head, wearing bonnet-rouge and military coat; he holds up a hand of amity but conceals a dagger. Next him is a butcher with the head of a wolf, his apron inscribed 'Legendre'. Three others stand behind, two wearing cocked hats."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Address from the citizens of Norwich to the National Convention
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Thirteen lines of text in two columns, one on either side of title: Citizens, since the days of old Kett the republican, Tanner Faction always has seen us list under her banner ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Frenchmen as animals -- Artisans -- Dissenters -- French National Convention -- Bonnet-rouges -- Reference to John Bull -- Buildings: Kett's Castle -- Norwich Cathedral -- Citizens of Norwich.
Publd. by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Legendre, Louis, 1756-1797 and Windham, William, 1750-1810
Subject (Topic):
Bulls, Liberty cap, Daggers & swords, Butchers, and Aprons