BEIN 1985 177: Dust jacket., BEIN Iq W883 933F: Dust jacket., BEIN 1974 1548: Dust jacket. Bookplate of Linda Lee Thomas Porter., BEIN Shirley 3710: Dust jacket., "Large Paper Edition"--Dust jacket., "With four original drawings by Vanessa Bell ..."--Dust jacket., "First published, October, 1933."--p. [4], and "Authorities": p. 151.
Page 104 misnumbered '103'., Signatures: A⁶(-A1) B-N⁶ ²A-B⁶ (- ²B6) [$3 signed (-A2, -G2, 3, -K2, 3, ²B3; A2 signed 'A3')]., Half-title wanting?, Verso of the title page: Contents to the Supplement, for 1773., Caption title on p. [1], second sequence: Supplement to Harris's list for 1773., Description based on imperfect copy: final leaf (²B5?) mutilated with loss of upper half. Page numbering based on Contents listed on verso of title page., Untitled frontispiece, signed in lower left "J. June invt. sculpt." shows a young gentleman approaching a prostitute with the arcade at Covent Garden behind them and a crowd of other men and women engaged in similar activities., Supposed to have been composed by Jack Harris, waiter at the Shakespear's Head; first edition 1760. Cf. Lowndes who says "Benjamin" Harris., and For further information including E.J. Burford's description of the British Library's 1st ed., consult library staff.
Printed for H. Ranger, Temple Exchange Passage, Fleet-Street
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
English wit and humor, Prostitution, Almanacs, English, Sex, City & town life, Couples, and Prostitutes
Signatures: [A]⁶(-A1) a⁶ B-L⁶ M⁴(-M4) [$3 signed (-B2,3)]., Supposed to have been composed by Jack Harris, waiter at the Shakespeare's-Head, and edited by S. Derrick. First ed. 1760. Cf. Lowndes (who says "Benjamin" Harris); H.W. Bleackley., and With H.W. Bleackley's ms. notes.
Printed for H. Ranger, near Temple-Bar
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
English wit and humor, Prostitution, Almanacs, English, and Sex
BEIN Fielding F750L: Inscription on front free endpapers for volumes 1-3: Louis Le Seur a Merieves. Unidentified inscription [Sibon?] on title pages of all volumes., An adaptation by La Place., Translator identified as La Place in BN., Actual place of publication from: Weller, E.O. Die falschen und fingierten Druckorte, v. 2, p. 126., Vol. 1: [4], xj, [1], 336 pages, [4] leaves of plates; v. 2: [4], 344 pages, [4] leaves of plates; v. 3: [4], 282 pages, [4] leaves of plates; v. 4: [4], 341, [1] pages, [4] leaves of plates., and This translation, by P.A. de La Place, published later under title: Tom Jones, ou L'enfant trouvé. Cf. Quérard, la France litteraire, v. 3, p. 120.
Grafigny, Mme de (Françoise d'Issembourg d'Happoncourt), 1695-1758
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1998 1243
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Lettres d'une Péruvienne
Engraved t.p.'s., Titles within ornamental borders., Initials; head- and tail-pieces., Engravings signed: C. Eisen inv,, Delafosse sculp., Errata on [1] leaf bound between p. 128 and [129] in v. 2., and "Cénie : en prose et en cinq actes : représenté pour la premiere fois par les Comédiens françois, le 25 juin 1750.--Nouvelle edition": v. 2, p. [129]-258.
Grafigny, Mme de (Françoise d'Issembourg d'Happoncourt), 1695-1758
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1998 1243
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Lettres d'une Péruvienne
Engraved t.p.'s., Titles within ornamental borders., Initials; head- and tail-pieces., Engravings signed: C. Eisen inv,, Delafosse sculp., Errata on [1] leaf bound between p. 128 and [129] in v. 2., and "Cénie : en prose et en cinq actes : représenté pour la premiere fois par les Comédiens françois, le 25 juin 1750.--Nouvelle edition": v. 2, p. [129]-258.
BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A50 1: Inscribed: R.F. Wright, Esq. Bookseller's stamp: Pocock, bookseller, Bridge Street, Bath., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A50 2: Variant final gathering in pt. 6. Inscribed: C.H. Lattimore, Esq. Inscribed: Mary of Normanby., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A50 3: Reconstructed copy. Imperfect: p. 157-168 wanting from pt. 10; t.p. for v. 3 wanting from pt. 20; wrapper wanting from pt. 8., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A50 4: Parts 3 and 11, all else wanting. Bookseller's label: Weekly & monthly publications ... George Young, 9, Suffolk-street, Dublin., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens A50 5: Bound in 4 v. with preliminaries preceding text in each v. Front wrappers from one original weekly number and one monthly part bound in. Extra-illustrated by 32 pencil-and-wash copies by H.K. Browne of the engravings and 70 plates of Sibson's extra etchings. Binder's stamp: Bound by Riviere & Son. Bookplates of Cortlandt F. Bishop and Lewis A. Hird., BEIN Dickens +840Me: Part 5 only, all else wanting., Issued in 20 monthly parts from April, 1840, to Nov., 1841, in numbered and dated wrappers and with advertising matter. Title pages and preliminaries for 3 vols. appear in parts 6, 12, and 20. (Also issued in 88 weekly numbers and 3 v. set.), Wrapper title: Master Humphrey's clock / by "Boz" ... ; with illustrations by G. Cattermole and H.K. Browne., and Includes "The old curiosity shop" and "Barnaby Rudge".
BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A49 2: Inscribed: James M. Call. Original wrappers., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A49 4: Reconstructed copy with many leaves of text from later impressions. Wrappers for many numbers wanting., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens +A49 5: No. 7 only. Original wrappers., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens A49 6: Bound in 3 v. with preliminaries preceding text in each v. Three original wrappers and eight plates of H.K. Browne's extra etchings bound in. Binder's stamp: Bound by Riviere & Son. Bookplate: Omnia probate bonum tenete., BEIN Dickens 840Mb Copy 2: Bound in 3 v. with preliminaries preceding text in each v. Imperfect: "Preface to Barnaby Rudge" wanting. Original wrapper of no. 20 bound in. Bookplate of Edward George Herbert., BEIN Dickens +840M Copy 2: Nos. 1-3, 57 only. Original wrappers., BEIN Dickens +840Ma: Unbound sheets; without wrappers. Imperfect: t.p. for v. 1 and dedication wanting., Issued in 88 weekly numbers from April 4, 1840, to Nov. 27, 1841, in numbered and dated wrappers and with advertising matter. First and last leaves of each gathering serve as wrappers. Title pages and preliminaries for 3 vols. appear in nos. 26, 52, and 88. (Also issued in 20 monthly parts and 3 v. set.), Wrapper title: Master Humphrey's clock / by "Boz" ... ; with illustrations by G. Cattermole and H.K. Browne., and Includes "The old curiosity shop" and "Barnaby Rudge".
BEIN Tinker 820: Bookplates of Charles Dickens and William H. Arnold., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens A51 2: Wrappers of weekly issue no. 1 bound in., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens A51 4: Another issue. Bookseller's label: Sandford & Howell, booksellers, stationers, printers &c., High St., Shrewsbury, music, periodicals., BEIN Gimbel/Dickens A51 5: Bound in one v., BEIN 2018 9654: From the Herbert Furse collection of Charles Dickens., Also issued in 88 weekly numbers and 20 monthly parts., and Includes "The old curiosity shop" and "Barnaby Rudge."
A "severely satirical work ... intended to be comprised in 6 volumes. Only one, however, was printed, which was suppressed on the day of publication."--Cf. Lowndes. Bib. manual. and "Ex mvsaeo Hvthii."