"Washing in Chengtu" [now Chengdu] A large group of women and children washing clothes in a canal, with buildings behind them. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
15. - Ouvroir (Soeurs de N.-D.). Kisantu - Naaischool (Zusters van O. L. V.). ("Sewing School"), A female clergy overlooks women and girls as they use sewing machines., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard contains a handwritten note in French and also contains information about the Catholic mission agency: "Mission des Jesuites- Kwango- Missie van de Jezuieten."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Une pirogue servant au transport des Blancs sur le Congo - Femmes au bain. Women bathe at the edge of a riverbank as a narrow boat comes in toward the shore. Printed on the back is "Ligue Nationale pour la Protection de l'Enfance Noire. Au Congo Belge. Envoyez votre adhesion a la Tresoriere Msg M. Lescart 52 rue Americaine Bruxelles. Cotisation annuelle : 1 fr; 5 fr; 10 fr."
79. Congo Belge. Belgisch-Congo. Elisabethville- L'oeuvre de la Goutte de Lait chez les Soeurs. Het werk der Melk bij de Zusters. A group of women are sitting on the ground outdoors while a female clergy helps bathe a group of children. A number of homes can be seen in the distance., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has a handwritten note in French.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard is blank and contains about the mission agency: "Ligue Nationale Pour la Protection de L'enface Noire au Congo Belge- Envoyez votre adhesion a la Tresoriere, Mme M. Lescart 52, rue Americaine, Bruxelles Cotisation annuelle: 1 fr.; 5 fr.; 10 fr.", and Une piroque servant au transport des Blancs sur le Congo. - Femmes au bain A group of women are in the river bathing and washing clothing. There is a canoe in the river with a number of people rowing it. There is also information about the publisher: "Reproduction interdite Cl. Dr De Valkeneer"
"Misison des R.R. P. P. Jesuites au Kwango. Kwango-Missie der E. E. P. P. Jezuiten in Kongo" "Kisantu L'oeuvre de la "Goutte de Lait". Les bebes au bain. Het werk der "Melk voor de kleinen" In de waschkom." A group of women are gathered outdoors near a number of brick buildings, washing infants in small basins. The back of the postcard is blank. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Serie V. - Fiumi, Spiagge e Ponti Africani - 45. "Nelle Missioni Della Consolata - Dove si confondono il mormorio dell'onde e il chiaccherio delle donne, Portatrici d'acqua nel Uebi-Scebeli.", and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Missioni Della Consolata Collegio Internazionale - 12, Corso Ferruccio - Torino (17)" "Il Collegio riceve gratuitamente, per prepare e inviare in Missione: Sacerdoti, Chierici, Studenti, Artigiani e qualsiasi persona che desideri consacrarsi all'apostolato. Similmente ricevono giovani ragazze le Suore Missionarie della Consolata. "La Consolata" mensile illustrato per L. 5 annue."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Missions des Oblats de M. I. "Sud Afrique - Au pied de la cascade on va puiser de l'eau." Two women stand beside the foot of a small waterfall, both bearing clay vessels on their heads., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting.
"Missions des Peres Oblats en Amerique du Nord." "Femmes Indiennes construisant la tente" Two women work to erect a conical tent of poles and hides. On the back of the postcard is printed "Edit. des Oblats de Marie, 71, Rue St-Guidon, Bruxelles." and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Lessouto [Lesotho] 1. En route pour les champs. Three women walk through a grassy field. Each of them bears an earthenware jug on her head. Behind them, the land slopes up to a narrow hilltop., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the edge of the correspondence section is "Societe des Missions Evangeliques 102, Boulevard Arago, Paris, 14me" "Edition du Depot de livres. - Morija. (Droits reserves)"