Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Facade de l'Eglise- Voorgevel van de Kerk. ("Front of the church") There are two missionary fathers and approximately six children on the steps of the large brick church. The children are running up the stairs and to the front door of the church., The back of the postcard is blank and contains: "Coll. Elslander.", and The front of the postcard also includes information about the mission agency: "Missions des Peres du St. Esprit- Missien der Paters van den H. Geest". The front also includes: "Ankoro - Sacre-Coeur, Kataga-Congo, Ankoro- H. Hart"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard contains handwriting and also contains the text: "'De missiepost' is het fraaie missietijdschrift met zijn prachtkieken en vlotte tekst. Het wordt gratis toegezonden aan de Weldoeners der Missionarissen van de Priesters van het H. Hart. Weldoeners zijn zij die de Missies der Priesters van het H. Hart steunen een jaarlijksche bijdrage van minsten één gulden. Missieprocuur, Walenburgerweg 9, Rotterdam" There is also information about the mission agency: "Katholieke Missie Lokandu. - De Kerk." ("The Church"), and View of a congregation leaving a cathedral.
A Catholic missionary father presides over the funeral of a child. The child is loosely wrapped in a mat, while others stand and sit around the body., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Dominicaansche Missie in Belgisch-Congo" "De missionnaris bij de kerkelijke begrafenis van een Negerkind"
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Bas Congo - Serie III - Dans les revieres du Mayumbe La Misse au Camp - Creation de Tehela. Rows of uniformed soldiers flank a raised altar. A Catholic missionary father conducts Mass at the altar, while several other people in Western dress look on., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Oeuvre des Vocations et des Missions Dominicaines. Roeping-en Missiewerk der EE. PP. Predikheeren." "Mission Dominicaine de L'Uele Oriental. Congo Belte. Dominikaansche Missie in Belgisch Congo.", and Watsa. Lecon de catechisme - Catechismusies A Catholic missionary father sits outdoors with a young boy, instructing him in the catechism.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Debut de la Mission des Soeurs a Wombali "Beginsel van de Zending der Zusters te Wombali". A small child dressed in white stands before several large mission buildings. A young garden has been planted before the buildings., and The back of the postcard is closely covered in handwriting and has been stamped and postmarked. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Misison des Soeurs de Notre-Dame au Congo Belge." "Zending der Zusters van Onze Lieve Vrouw in Belgisch Kongo".
A Catholic missionary father is seated outdoors in front of a thatch-roofed hut. He holds a book open on his lap, a finger pointing to one page as a half-dozen small children lean in to look at it., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it. Printed at the edge of the correspondence section is "Missions des Oblats de Marie Immaculee" "Basutos - Dans leur couverture de laine les petits Basutos, savourent un lecon de catechisme donnee par S. Exc. Mgr Bonhomme." "Editions Apostoliques, 36, Rue de Trion, Lyon."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is "Oeuvre des Vocations et des Missions Dominicaines. Roeping-en Missiewerk der EE. PP. Predikheeren." "Mission Dominicaine de L'Uele Oriental. Congo Belte. Dominikaansche Missie in Belgisch Congo.", and Watsa. En visite des chapelles - Een zendeling op missietocht. A Catholic missionary father stands in the open entrance of a large tent. Behind him, a small thatch-roofed building can be seen.
12. - Guinee Francaise Missionnaire celebrant le St-Sacrifice dans la brousse. A Catholic priest celebrates Mass outdoors beneath a tree, turning slightly towards an altar boy. Four people kneel nearby., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it.
25. - Guinee Francaise Missionnaire celebrant le St-Sacrifice dans la brousse. A Catholic priest celebrates Mass outdoors in the shade. Four people kneel nearby, while an altar boy assists., Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., and The back of the postcard has no handwriting on it.